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That Nasty Door Creep @space Sucks....


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Originally posted by hardklubber


:laugh: :laugh: Now thats funny....

I hear ya buddy....I had an "incident" with a door guy on two seperate occassions that was being a prick to me.....

I hope the rest of your night was good :D

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I'm probably the biggest Space 34 whore on this board, but I regret to inform you that you encountered Miami's resident frog, Stephan.

Next time you encounter him..

1. Call him a traitor.

2. Give him a litte white flag to wave.

3. Tell him my favorite French joke...

"French rifle for sale, never used, dropped once"


Q: Why does Paris have so many trees?

A: Because Germans like to march in the shade.

But once you get past him, you're home free. It's weird, Stephan's the jerk, but everyone else at the door is a total class act.

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Guest saleen351

it doesn't matter anymore, the majority of non trance heads on this board have abondoned Space.... I have one more scheduled autograph signing at Space for Tsettos and after that i can say for sure, unless Classics night comes about, that I won't ever step foot inside club space again....

The thing that cracks me up, and what oscar and LP never realize, is the fact that cp is maybe .000001% of the crowd at Space, and yet we get treated like shit all the time, so just imagine how the non posting crowd gets treated!

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I've never had a problem.

Come properly dressed, bring your ID, and don't try to talk shit at the door and there shouldn't be a problem. Space is probably the easiest and fastest door to get through among all the clubs here.

IMO, they should be more selective at the door.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by southof5th

I've never had a problem.

Come properly dressed, bring your ID, and don't try to talk shit at the door and there shouldn't be a problem. Space is probably the easiest and fastest door to get through among all the clubs here.

IMO, they should be more selective at the door.

thats BS... i don't even own a pair of jeans, and i'm easily one of the most dressed up people in that club... I wear slacks and dress shirts with dress shoes... And i've had many issues, it's not just a question of being properly dressed, but waiting in the rain, guestlist issues, prices change by the minutes, lack of respect, and I think guyman had to wait one night in line while steffen finshed his dinner... I find it funny Andrew coundn't get in, while oscar plays his track and while their is thugs up in the hip hop room... I guess if you are black, club space allows you to dress like a thug, but a white guy with sneakers on is a no no...

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:direct: Most Door People Are Weary!

what would make Space any different?? you have over 2,000 people going through the door on any given Saturday. all with assorted issues, and at various stages of temperament.

I had one issue with Stephan, we chatted it was resolved. never had a problem since then.:D

IMO 50% is your attitude and approach, and 50 % is the door persons. finding the balance that works best to your advantage, will get you through the front door hassle free every time.

it's easy to take shots at someone, but try putting yourself in their shoes for a moment. ;)

would you be so charming and accommodating 24/7??

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Originally posted by saleen351

it doesn't matter anymore, the majority of non trance heads on this board have abondoned Space....

I have one more scheduled autograph signing at Space for Tsettos and after that i can say for sure, unless Classics night comes about, that I won't ever step foot inside club space again....

i think a majority of trance heads have abondoned 34 as well

yeah, the dare is still on. remember to get pix!

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you should always speak to him in an exaggerated, obviously fake French accent, and when you get to where he's standing look around suspiciously as if you suspect there will be spies trying to listen in and then say "I 'ave zee pazverd" and then give him a big wink, and then keep winking until he lets you in...

now I don't know about the "slacks"... my Mom wears slacks, though you might try some "trousers"

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Originally posted by saleen351

and I think guyman had to wait one night in line while steffen finshed his dinner...

This is true. Mrs. Guyman and I wait in the line (with the unwashed masses) only to get to the number one spot... and that French piece of shit tells us to wait, goes into the Cash booth and opens up his dinner and starts eating. I said to one of the other Door guys "that must be Stephen" he said how did you know?


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i know ive told this story before..but it bears repeating.....

back in jan. of 2001, a club called fuel opened (which eventually became living room downtown) at the time, it was the first club to open downtown to rival space..at the time, there was a buzz for this place and on opening night, there was a huge crowd at the front...well..guess who the doorman was .....stephan......and im not shitting you when i tell you that he singlehandedly pissed off this whole crowd of people outside of fuel and they all marched down the street to space...fuel closed shortly therafter.

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Originally posted by sobeton

:direct: Most Door People Are Weary!

what would make Space any different?? you have over 2,000 people going through the door on any given Saturday. all with assorted issues, and at various stages of temperament.

I had one issue with Stephan, we chatted it was resolved. never had a problem since then.:D

IMO 50% is your attitude and approach, and 50 % is the door persons. finding the balance that works best to your advantage, will get you through the front door hassle free every time.

it's easy to take shots at someone, but try putting yourself in their shoes for a moment. ;)

would you be so charming and accommodating 24/7??

Let me guess this straight...are you trying to say that everyone with a stressful job has the right to be rude at times?

First of all. The job doesn't take too much science. Second, I am one of the downest person there is here ( I think :) ) and I have approached him respectfully in the past when his job wasn't so "hectic" and he has ALWAYS been rude. Yes yes we know that although not rocket science, being a door host can be stressful at times.....but if that is the case. Then don't seek a job that might change your right way of being.

Sorry SOBE, had to jump in on this one because I myself am one who thinks that EVERYONE should be treated as an equal and again, I am one who tried the "good guy" approach already.

He has his good days and his bad days. Doesn't that remind you of a certain sex?

You can attack me now.




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Originally posted by obby

Let me guess this straight...are you trying to say that everyone with a stressful job has the right to be rude at times?

No. But I wouldn’t be to offended if they where.in a perfect world I would, expect people to extend to me; the same respect and courtesy I extend to them. however the world is not perfect, and neither are people. ;)
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I agree. No one is perfect but in this case this guy treats people in this manner intentionally. I don't think anyone is born rude. You have to become it. He definitely practices it. I had your mentality the first couple of times that I had to deal with him. After multiple attempts treating him like a human, I realized he is either 1- straight up rude. 2- Not a people person. or 3- Thinks that door host's should hold this rude reputation over their head so that people can "try" buttering them up and help them feel special.

When it comes down to it. The years that I have lived in Miami and have gone out (MY WHOLE LIFE). I have been molded (not by one but by all) to realize that door host tend to treat you respectfully during the "opening" days of the club. Once the crowd had been established it seems like attitudes sometimes change. I myself am friends with many of the door host around Miami just for the fact that I see ALL THE TIME and I am always passing out promos and t-shirts to them. Although they are nice to me. It dos not change the fact of how I see them treat others.

Straight up wrong.

"You can attract more bee's with honey than you can with vinegar"

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Originally posted by obby

I agree. No one is perfect but in this case this guy treats people in this manner intentionally. I don't think anyone is born rude. You have to become it. He definitely practices it. I had your mentality the first couple of times that I had to deal with him. After multiple attempts treating him like a human, I realized he is either 1- straight up rude. 2- Not a people person. or 3- Thinks that door host's should hold this rude reputation over their head so that people can "try" buttering them up and help them feel special.

When it comes down to it. The years that I have lived in Miami and have gone out (MY WHOLE LIFE). I have been molded (not by one but by all) to realize that door host tend to treat you respectfully during the "opening" days of the club. Once the crowd had been established it seems like attitudes sometimes change. I myself am friends with many of the door host around Miami just for the fact that I see ALL THE TIME and I am always passing out promos and t-shirts to them. Although they are nice to me. It dos not change the fact of how I see them treat others.

Straight up wrong.

"You can attract more bee's with honey than you can with vinegar"

perhaps his behavior toward certain individuals is intentional. the point is most of us, have to go through him to get in the club, and he is not going anyplace anytime soon. so we can choose to, deal with it or not. it’s really that simple.. ;) my point get past the hurdle, and enjoy your evening. :cool:
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Originally posted by sobeton

perhaps his behavior toward certain individuals is intentional. the point is most of us, have to go through him to get in the club, and he is not going anyplace anytime soon. so we can choose to, deal with it or not. it’s really that simple.. ;) my point get past the hurdle, and enjoy your evening. :cool:

yeah but its not supposed to be that way. The club should have someone at the door that welcoms you and invites you in. You should feel welcome when you pay to go somewhere. Don't think Im right??????????? Look at Walmart every one in the world has an old person at the front door to say HI WELCOME TO WALMART. They don't say "hurry the fuck up get in there". Maybe thats one of the resons its the largest store in the world. People like to be treated with respect.

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Originally posted by thehog

yeah but its not supposed to be that way. The club should have someone at the door that welcoms you and invites you in. You should feel welcome when you pay to go somewhere. Don't think Im right??????????? Look at Walmart every one in the world has an old person at the front door to say HI WELCOME TO WALMART. They don't say "hurry the fuck up get in there". Maybe thats one of the resons its the largest store in the world. People like to be treated with respect.

Space is the largest and most successful club in south florida. so I guess the Walmart theory doesn't apply. as I stated previously "in a perfect world I would, expect people to extend to me; the same respect and courtesy I extend to them. however the world is not perfect, and neither are people." so I get over it and move on.. ;)
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