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do you cry yourself to sleep at night...


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Guest gabo
Originally posted by ninadd

I dont get upset if someone tells me on here I am not attractive - who cares I am sure they're plenty of people who think that. All that matters is how you feel about yourself

thats easy to say cause ur hot.

what if u were fat short and had zits?

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Originally posted by ninadd

Yes lets do this! We will start a thread for ugly cp members only to post a pic. So in other words everyone can post a pic because either Rizzo or Darlok is going to think your ugly anyway :laugh: Sorry about my comments earlier :( lets join forces

it's all good. i can be a real bitch too. (can ya tell? ;) ) i use cp as a way to vent/sound off about shit. right now i am boredddddd and have been for a while, hence my cattiness. but i honestly thought people would laugh at this thread, i would laugh too much if i knew people actually cried themselves to sleep from this shit. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Originally posted by gabo

thats easy to say cause ur hot.

what if u were fat short and had zits?

some people would find that attractive. there isn't one set standard of beauty here, everyone has some beauty in them, even you...;)

and everyone gets zits, so what.

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by sassa

some people would find that attractive. there isn't one set standard of beauty here, everyone has some beauty in them, even you...;)

and everyone gets zits, so what.

you missed my point

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Originally posted by sassa

it's all good. i can be a real bitch too. (can ya tell? ;) ) i use cp as a way to vent/sound off about shit. right now i am boredddddd and have been for a while, hence my cattiness. but i honestly thought people would laugh at this thread, i would laugh too much if i knew people actually cried themselves to sleep from this shit. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yeah this is where I vent too and I just get bitchy towards everyone:laugh: but then sometimes I feel bad when I go back and read what I wrote a few days later.

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Originally posted by gabo

thats easy to say cause ur hot.

what if u were fat short and had zits?

I was the pudgy girl with glasses all through school. I didnt actually start to transform until I was like 17 my senior year of high school. I aways had a smile on my face though and people who made fun of me never ever brought me down. I remember in 7th grade when I was looking my worst my teacher asked why I looked so happy all the time which just proves no matter how you look, all that matters how you see yourself. :)

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by ninadd

I was the pudgy girl with glasses all through school. I didnt actually start to transform until I was like 17 my senior year of high school. I aways had a smile on my face though and people who made fun of me never ever brought me down. I remember in 7th grade when I was looking my worst my teacher asked why I looked so happy all the time which just proves no matter how you look, all that matters how you see yourself. :)

I wish I had ur spirit

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Originally posted by ninadd

Yeah I am a joke :laugh: and I am very ugly

It's not that your ugly. It's that your more fake than any other girl on this msg board with the exception of sexybabyd. Fake smile, fake walk, fake tan, and i'm not even gonna mention the fake Dolly Pardon chest ur sportin. Wtf happened to the real women?? The REAL Girls. Heh.. Btw, Ninadd.. ur self esteem is still LOW!

Originally posted by ninadd

Yes lets do this! We will start a thread for ugly cp members only to post a pic. So in other words everyone can post a pic because either Rizzo or Darlok is going to think your ugly anyway Sorry about my comments earlier lets join forces

ninadd i actually commented on ur looks after u dissed out Sassa. Heh.


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Originally posted by darlok

...Btw, Ninadd.. ur self esteem is still LOW!...

call ninadd all the names you want, but her self-esteem is healthier than most people's. it's actually very impressive that it shines through so intensely on a messageboard. props to you, ninadd :aright: .
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Originally posted by darlok

It's not that your ugly. It's that your more fake than any other girl on this msg board with the exception of sexybabyd. Fake smile, fake walk, fake tan, and i'm not even gonna mention the fake Dolly Pardon chest ur sportin. Wtf happened to the real women?? The REAL Girls. Heh.. Btw, Ninadd.. ur self esteem is still LOW!

what's wrong with a fake tan? isn't that a healthy alternative? and how do you decide if a smile is fake or real? Usually if there's a little fake there, there's alot more of that than meets the eye. But that's her perogitive, and there are all kinds of ways we choose present ourselves. In this modern world one should not judge, but one should enjoy or choose to ignore it


100% REAL (with plucked eyebrows, hair trimmed, pedicure &silk wrap nails, so that makes me 96% REAL :P)


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Originally posted by diabolique007

what's wrong with a fake tan? isn't that a healthy alternative? and how do you decide if a smile is fake or real? Usually if there's a little fake there, there's alot more of that than meets the eye. But that's her perogitive, and there are all kinds of ways we choose present ourselves. In this modern world one should not judge, but one should enjoy or choose to ignore it


100% REAL (with plucked eyebrows, hair trimmed, pedicure &silk wrap nails, so that makes me 96% REAL :P)


pics please? :tongue:


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Originally posted by darlok

It's not that your ugly. It's that your more fake than any other girl on this msg board with the exception of sexybabyd. Fake smile, fake walk, fake tan, and i'm not even gonna mention the fake Dolly Pardon chest ur sportin. Wtf happened to the real women?? The REAL Girls. Heh.. Btw, Ninadd.. ur self esteem is still LOW!

ninadd i actually commented on ur looks after u dissed out Sassa. Heh.


You can say how I have a fake chest but how do you know how I walk or smile. I didn't relize that we have met before and in those pics yes my tan is fake from a bottle. Like Diabolique said isnt that healthier than being out in the sun? I am very light skinned and like to look darker in my shorts in the summer. That makes me fake?? Anyway no hard feeligs but think about what your saying

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Originally posted by weyes

call ninadd all the names you want, but her self-esteem is healthier than most people's. it's actually very impressive that it shines through so intensely on a messageboard. props to you, ninadd :aright: .

What names? I just said she's fake. As for her self esteem... well, she has some insecurities that Definately need to be addressed and solved. No one will do it for her.

Btw, she's not the only one...

Originaly posted by diabolique007

In this modern world one should not judge, but one should enjoy or choose to ignore it

How can u say that ppl should not judge when today's modern world is a BIG Model RUNWAY. Ninadd is right up there with the competition, and so is everyone else. Stop tryin to look good for others!!! REAL PPL (dyin breed) see through all that shit and it disgusts them. Y can't ppl just be themselves?


"punkchicks rule"

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Originally posted by darlok

What names? I just said she's fake. As for her self esteem... well, she has some insecurities that Definately need to be addressed and solved. No one will do it for her.

Btw, she's not the only one...

How can u say that ppl should not judge when today's modern world is a BIG Model RUNWAY. Ninadd is right up there with the competition, and so is everyone else. Stop tryin to look good for others!!! REAL PPL (dyin breed) see through all that shit and it disgusts them. Y can't ppl just be themselves?


"punkchicks rule"

shut up! you love writin asswipe

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