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Great thread idea, Scott!

Okay I'm bumping bc the lawyer I work for is a complete and utter asshole.....All he does all day is yell and scream at everyone...He treats the women in my office like dog shit, he talks down to them, and tries to make them feel stupid....He has no respect for anyone, and the fuckers walk on eggshells for him and are at his beckon call which I cannot deal with and never will lower myself to :mad: :mad: :mad:


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Originally posted by Mystify22

Great thread idea, Scott!

Okay I'm bumping bc the lawyer I work for is a complete and utter asshole.....All he does all day is yell and scream at everyone...He treats the women in my office like dog shit, he talks down to them, and tries to make them feel stupid....He has no respect for anyone, and the fuckers walk on eggshells for him and are at his beckon call which I cannot deal with and never will lower myself to :mad: :mad: :mad:


Sounds like a great start at your new job... :(

Hopefully things look up in the future... :)

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Originally posted by elementx

Sounds like a great start at your new job... :(

Hopefully things look up in the future... :)

Thanks hun....hopefully this job will be extremely temporary, I am still looking for something in my field.....actually have another interview tomorrow.....

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i just got kicked in the fuckin face for no reason... check this shit out... im on cloud 9, all dressed up coming out of the train station, stop to look in a store window, keep on going on with my day, bump into an old highschool friend give my regards and as i am about to walk away my ex and her new boyfriend come up to us and say hello... i shake his hand i say to hello to her, ask them how things are, the return the question and i make my exit saying allow you all to get back on your way and proceed with mine... thats its word for word thats all that happend... there is no his side her side.. im telling you the truth thats exactly how it happend... so here i am now, i get an email saying that SHE was bothered and uncomfortable by the way I.. I acted... WTF~! holy shit.. .wtf did i do??? and goes on how about how its been a long time and that she shouldnt hve to talk to me about this... ABOUT WHAT BITCH~! i said hello asked how everyone was doing and said goodbye... shit what do you want me to do??? tell the kid hey thanks for fucking my ex, or how about "how many more of my ex's are you goign to date you piece of shit" (he has a thing going after girls i dated before) wtf... and she said that she doesnt want me behaving like that if we bump into each other again at a party or something... lmao... fuck off.. pls... i have bigger things to worry about then your pennyanny relationships and your day late dollar short boyfriend...

am i wrong here did i do something wrong??? or is she just odd/weird and trying to see how i would react???

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i'm really tired of people staring. staring on the train on the way to work, on the bus coming home from work, at the store, walking ANYWHERE TO ANYPLACE that I don't know what the fuck to DO with myself!!! Everyone should be given a newspaper in the morning or a book or some more poetry's in motion. :rolleyes:

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