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whats happening to nyc?

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why is nyc getting so crappy these days? i know the 9/11 thing fucked us up and things could be alot worse but its getting pretty ridiculous. everywhere i walk it smells like urine, theres no garbage pickups so theres rats EVERYWHERE, the subway is all fucked up, metrocards went up under false pretenses and still havent gone back down to 1.50, cuny raised tuition, public schools are turning to shit, kids are being forced out of high school, theres no jobs, bums are panhandling agressively everywhere, theres been an increase in crime, police are forced to make higher ticket quotas and tickets doubled in price, you cant smoke in bars and clubs...im sure i can think of more stuff later...oh yeah the white house made fake reports about the toxicity of the 9/11 vapors that spread all over manhattan, shootouts in city hall, damn shit is getting grimey...i never thought id say this but damn i wish guiliani was back running shit instead of bloomberg...next thing you know theres gonna be gang drivebys and pimps and crack dealers everywhere...sigh...

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oh ya, pataki is probably a large part of the problem...damn, the one good thing is taht new yorkers are ill...we held it down during the blackout and 9/11...yo washington send us some funding so we can get shit back together...that would be a real victory (fuck everything in iraq)

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I hear ya. NYC has def gone to shit it seems. The streets are filthy, the air smells, the parks are rampant with bums cause they had to close down shelters, the police force is beyond corrupt. Its a shame too. Whats really bad is the city is in such a huge massive f'n debt

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I can't wait to hear the full truth about the air after 9/11. I remember going to work which was right by wtc, and seeing white flakes in the air and knowing I was getting some terminally ill disease just by being there.

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Oh stop whining unless you grew up in the 80"s and early 90"s you have no clue how much better off this city is and i give the credit to giuliani During the crack years 87-93 there was an average of 2200 murders per year in nyc the murder rate in 2003 is the lowest in 35 years we average 550 murders in a city of 8 million people ...you think this city looks fucked up now why dont you rent some old school movies from the 70"s and 80"s especially fort apache the bronx , taxi driver, the warriors,beat street,etc the bronx looked like iraq after the war so did brooklyn 42nd street was straight up danger!!! hookers crack dealers muggers perverts and psychos is now family entertainment bryant park which is now beautiful was one of the biggest drug spots in the city alphabet city was the heroin capital of america extremly dangerous now its filled with boutiques and $1500 studio apartments its now called the lower east side Harlem had every other building burnt out in that neighborhood it was filled with crack houses now they have major shopping centers and renovated buildings the same goes for park slope williamsburg jamaica violent crime is down by 70 %!!!!!!! assaults rapes robberies etc ....nyc is way better now than then...dont get me wrong bloomberg is reversing alot of giulianis policys that cleaned up this city so i do understand your point

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Oh stop whining unless you grew up in the 80"s and early 90"s you have no clue how much better off this city is and i give the credit to giuliani During the crack years 87-93 there was an average of 2200 murders per year in nyc the murder rate in 2003 is the lowest in 35 years we average 550 murders in a city of 8 million people ...you think this city looks fucked up now why dont you rent some old school movies from the 70"s and 80"s especially fort apache the bronx , taxi driver, the warriors,beat street,etc the bronx looked like iraq after the war so did brooklyn 42nd street was straight up danger!!! hookers crack dealers muggers perverts and psychos is now family entertainment bryant park which is now beautiful was one of the biggest drug spots in the city alphabet city was the heroin capital of america extremly dangerous now its filled with boutiques and $1500 studio apartments its now called the lower east side Harlem had every other building burnt out in that neighborhood it was filled with crack houses now they have major shopping centers and renovated buildings the same goes for park slope williamsburg jamaica violent crime is down by 70 %!!!!!!! assaults rapes robberies etc ....nyc is way better now than then...dont get me wrong bloomberg is reversing alot of giulianis policys that cleaned up this city so i do understand your point

THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Finally someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about!

Smarten up young bucks and do ya homework. Everything this guy said is 100% THE TRUTH... You wouldn't be wandering aroud LES or by SF and Vinyl like you do now back in da days.

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I blame 90+ % of todays NYC problems on NYS and the US Government.

Niether of them came through for NYC after 9/11 like they should have. Hell NYS legislation turned down a billion $ aid package for NYC by like 8 votes...

Basically, we got scumbagged. Thats my opinion.

However I dont think the city is in shambles. I still love living here, and I already see things starting on an upward pace.

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sorry but that BITCH IS CORRECT!

NYC has come a long fucking way,

id say that 85% of the city back in like 1989 was all cime ridden, People use to get kileld n murder on subway car's, they would find body part's Stuffed in sewer's,

u had about a 80% chance of being Stabbed if u walked from up-town to downtown,

i was born n raised in this city, and trust me,

for preatty much the most part, u can take the subway anywhere at al ltimes of the night, back then the subways were unsafe during the fucken DAYTIME, lol and at nightime, u were almost preaty much a walking target,

Anyone remember Canal St in 89? the stop there, u would walk, down and find heroin users shoting up, as workers walked by to catch the train, there would be DOPE HOUSE's on all the subway stops above 14th St...and then theres the GANG'S

YUP NYC HAD REAL GANGS THAT WALKED EVERYWHERE, not gangbanger's in hooked up suv's, were talking groups who walked around with chains n knifes, just looking to fuck with u,


Ny is so much better, now

you people that have lived here for a few years, and bitch about how dirty NY is, dont know how clean it is compared to the blood soaked subway walls, we use to walk threw in the 80's n early 90's, lol

NOT TO MENTION the 70's!

they were REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BAD here, lol


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remember when :

you would NEVER sit in the back of the subway train unless you had a death wish and you would never ride em after 9 or 10pm

everyone smoked in the backs of the buses

the subway trains and walls were ALL covered with bombs and tags

the cops wore those light blue uniforms

the subways had their OWN police department

all the flowers in city parks were in cages so no one would steal them

all the street signs were Yellow NOT green

hearing a gunshot would not faze you

If you went in grand central station, the bums would throw glass bottles at you, or chase you....

three card monte was everywhere

any others?

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i remember gunshots on the hour mark every night while i slept, and were talking CLOSE GUNSHOTS, and u would sleep right threw them, ill never EVER in my life forgt this one day in like 87

my cousin from florida was visiting and my family was all in central park having a cook out, and across the feild they were shoting some music video? or something........and all of a sudden GUNSHOTS....all of us just kept on going and my cousin dove to the ground ,and we all looked at her like she was insane.




i remember when u could smoke on the bus, lol

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thank youuu bloomberg..i miss the old whore infested 42nd st....now maybe theser bland new yorkers from ohio will get scared and move back to mommy n daddy n give ny its guts n balls back that guliani castrated....bring the real new york back not this pasty faced starbucks sipping capri menstruating orgy

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and i love how these new kids from san diego talk with superficial delight amongst themselves as they head to their favorite bougie bar and when a bum confronts them for some change their whole posee becomes quiet and their fake smiles begin to twitch in uncomfort and they look beyond the poor guy as if nothing had happened...then they proceed to get plastered with moms n pops support money...ny looks more like la every day

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Originally posted by letemknow00

and i love how these new kids from san diego talk with superficial delight amongst themselves as they head to their favorite bougie bar and when a bum confronts them for some change their whole posee becomes quiet and their fake smiles begin to twitch in uncomfort and they look beyond the poor guy as if nothing had happened...then they proceed to get plastered with moms n pops support money...ny looks more like la every day

........san diego and los angeles are worlds apart. don't even begin to compare.


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Originally posted by sassa

........san diego and los angeles are worlds apart. don't even begin to compare.


sorry for the confusion. i was comparing ny to la in how post -guliani ny has become more generic and less distinct and flavorful. i meant "san diego kids" as kids from san diego who newly reside in ny.

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