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well.... my dominicam freind uptown that sells me "inventory" for my part time business has a surplus of them .... he's offering a really good price. I was with him today ... picked up a bottle ... its been so long since i took em... i passed out on a half... had to do massive rails just to stay awake

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If a cop want's to come after me for posting commentary on a website .... be my guest....... unless you're caught in the act of purchasing or distributing with money exchanging hands and you're explicitly soliciting the purchase or sale, you haven't commited a crime. I dont recall ever attempting to buy or sell anthing to anyone....nor do i have any illegal substances at my residence or place of business........

I dont mean to rag on you ... but do you have any idea what it costs to conduct a surveillence operation???? .... Phone tap ... internet investigation....the police go after the ovious first ... guys on street corners.

cops have a tough enough time keeping dealers off the streets...The trick to staying out of trouble is to repect cops..keep youself out of sight.....don't piss off you neighbors... and don't deal with anyone you don't absolutley trust

people aren't afraid of cops....they're afraid of jail

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

I dont mean to rag on you ... but do you have any idea what it costs to conduct a surveillence operation???? .... Phone tap ... internet investigation....the police go after the ovious first ... guys on street corners.

cops have a tough enough time keeping dealers off the streets...The trick to staying out of trouble is to repect cops..keep youself out of sight.....don't piss off you neighbors... and don't deal with anyone you don't absolutley trust

people aren't afraid of cops....they're afraid of jail

Ummm you have no idea bro. I know all about it.

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