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My response to the mirage (Miami vs Ny) Scence Post


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Move it here, we are actually having a intelligent conversation. My opinion.

Miami's South Central beach Scene is DONE and SUCKS.

Crobar gets its people do to tourists and clever marketing and they are the only people left on the beach, vibe is hurting many a times.

Yes Stef and I went out on a limb to do a nice party, Shawn is an amazing guy and great dj (Original) something you wont find here in miami unless you get OG on a good night.

I wasnt expecting the place to be packed but some support for Jimmy T, Shawn, Myself, Stef, Greg and Andrew, not one person shows. That SUCKS of this board and of Miami , I did enough flyering and promting to see a decent turnout. This tells ME

South Beach people ARE fucking LAZY and Mindless and

The ONLY reason any club draws is beacuse of the OFF the BEACH Crowd.

THAT SUCKS (Vegas or Ny, Here I come)

A HUGE Thank you to Saleen and The Hog for coming, he had to get his ass up and work.

FACE it you wont find a quality, local, amazing vibe party in MIAMI, I challenge someone to find one for me. And thats what NY has and thats what makes the Scene, and thats what will keep the scene. SOBE is DEAD, maybe dowtown will emerge.

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There are so many oppurtunities for partys here and I myself wont do them beacuse there is no support. Name one club here and I can probably get a night on the week and do whatever, and I wont do it ..........

AND I could give a fuck about loosing the money, making money, etc, JUST WANT a quality Party.


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bro don't judge the scene based on an event that took place on a weeknight. Not to mention this particular event took place on a weekend full of great events with other djs that people have been waiting for a long time to hear. One other thing, sobe is not completely dead 2 me. Only washington avenue is (excluding crobar).

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face it the miami scene is dead.

thats why all the miami hates on nyers and say the NY scene is dead when in actuality they have no part of the NYC scene.

i dont care if you been to NYC on vacation once or you lived there for a year.

you know why, because i guaruntee that you were at the wrong party.

NY has its own style of music , come on now u cone see any music called miami house, unless its dirty south booty.

NYC house is known world wide, and so is the scene.

perfect example of something that would never work here.

tronic treatment mondays, by far the best talent to come through NY every week 3 different international guests in one night.

only nights in ny that suck are tuesdays and wednesdays, and even those nights have good parties,just its not a big party night.

thursday is like a weekend

and sunday people party till work the next day

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Originally posted by livin42nite

bro don't judge the scene based on an event that took place on a weeknight. Not to mention this particular event took place on a weekend full of great events with other djs that people have been waiting for a long time to hear. One other thing, sobe is not completely dead 2 me. Only washington avenue is (excluding crobar).

Hey im not judging just based on that. Plus you cannot find another house music oriented event on that night, granted the rain and i was off on how many people would be down for labor day that early.

Ive been around down here enough to tell.

IF you took ALL the people in MIAMI that know and care about the music scene you couldn't even pack Shadow. Scene blew up here for ALL the wrong reasons and now its cathing up.

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You bash the scene. then you want people to support your efforts. I’m confused. You picked a bad night. People already said this, when you spoke about doing a Techno night on Thursday. Would things have been different on a Friday or Saturday? Perhaps.

Then OG is the only original DJ, you say with sarcasm. Outstanding! :rolleyes:

Every time something goes wrong with some party or another. Miami, the board, etc sucks. You are not the only promoter to have failures, nor will you be the last.

Maybe it’s time to go back to the drawing board, before you start shitting on the scene. this shit is getting real old!


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Lol, Come on tony and No i dont say that sarcastically about OG, you should know that.

and nothing went wrong, I had a great fucking time actually.

Im just saying its pretty poor of a scene if you can only do things on one night a week, your patrons are tourists, every party is the same, and everyone just talks and doesnt act.

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Originally posted by sobeton

You bash the scene. then you want people to support your efforts. I’m confused. You picked a bad night. People already said this, when you spoke about doing a Techno night on Thursday. Would things have been different on a Friday or Saturday? Perhaps.

Then OG is the only original DJ, you say with sarcasm. Outstanding! :rolleyes:

Every time something goes wrong with some party or another. Miami, the board, etc sucks. You are not the only promoter to have failures, nor will you be the last.

Maybe it’s time to go back to the drawing board, before you start shitting on the scene. this shit is getting real old!


actually imma call you out on this

its about being fake

my WMC party did GREAT i didnt need any of you cpers to come support, but i offered, i put atleast 20 people on the list that said they wanted to go, geez you even put my flyer in ur sig and swore u were gonna go.

but you were a no show,just liek the rest of the cpers who said they were gonna go. but hey i had a great time so did the other 800+ people that went.

only person that came by was beatfreak, and he supports his friends and tries to look out for any miami scene that there could be

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Originally posted by djdekan

Lol, Come on tony and No i dont say that sarcastically about OG, you should know that.

and nothing went wrong, I had a great fucking time actually.

Im just saying its pretty poor of a scene if you can only do things on one night a week, your patrons are tourists, every party is the same, and everyone just talks and doesnt act.

both friday and saturday, use be very good nights. times have changed. also bear in mind the average clubber in miami is older, then that of ny clubbers. 21 and over means your adueince has just been cut, almost in half. space has a promoter that does 18 and over parties once a month, brings in well over 3k people each time. on a thursday night I might add, he also does his own promtions, and plays every genre of music you can think of. how does he manage to do that ??
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Dekan, you're new at this promotions game...you're not gonna have a huge successful party right out of the gate. These things take time.

First off, the venue you chose is in a bad location. The venue itself is nice, I visited on opening night when they booked Austin Leeds (for an hour...twats..), and I thought it was decent. The location sucks though. The 600 block is ghetto death row. Nothing of note has happened there in years.

The true vitality to the Miami scene is downtown, and on 23rd Street on the Beach. crobar's gone corporate pretty much (except for Edgar's nights...), and anywhere else on Washington Avenue is a joke. I can't remember the last time I set foot in a club on Washington Avenue aside from crobar.

The night itself wasn't a good choice either...Thursdays are weak, except for a few standout parties, and they draw the crowd...I would have campaigned to have the night on a Friday, where you'd get decent walk-by traffic, and then some...

Don't blame it on Miami so to speak. New York's no crown jewel either...the clubs there are suffering as much as they are down here....and Las Vegas is a homogenized version of what it once was...it's the chance for white America to "be sinful"...the Rat Pack days are long gone. Vegas Baby? Well, I'm afraid that baby got a coathanger abortion before most of us were born. What notable clubs are there? I have my ear to the ground on global nightlife, and I hear New York, Miami, Amsterdamn, London, Ibiza, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, and Tokyo...Vegas is lost in the noise. If Miami is corporate clubbing, Vegas is mega-corporate clubbing.

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Originally posted by andrewthomas

actually imma call you out on this

its about being fake

my WMC party did GREAT i didnt need any of you cpers to come support, but i offered, i put atleast 20 people on the list that said they wanted to go, geez you even put my flyer in ur sig and swore u were gonna go.

but you were a no show,just liek the rest of the cpers who said they were gonna go. but hey i had a great time so did the other 800+ people that went.

only person that came by was beatfreak, and he supports his friends and tries to look out for any miami scene that there could be

sorry I had other obligations. so sue me ! :laugh: I'm off to Space. make sure your ass is there, so we can hang with the peepz..:tongue::laugh:
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Originally posted by pod

Dekan, you're new at this promotions game...you're not gonna have a huge successful party right out of the gate. These things take time.

First off, the venue you chose is in a bad location. The venue itself is nice, I visited on opening night when they booked Austin Leeds (for an hour...twats..), and I thought it was decent. The location sucks though. The 600 block is ghetto death row. Nothing of note has happened there in years.

The true vitality to the Miami scene is downtown, and on 23rd Street on the Beach. crobar's gone corporate pretty much (except for Edgar's nights...), and anywhere else on Washington Avenue is a joke. I can't remember the last time I set foot in a club on Washington Avenue aside from crobar.

The night itself wasn't a good choice either...Thursdays are weak, except for a few standout parties, and they draw the crowd...I would have campaigned to have the night on a Friday, where you'd get decent walk-by traffic, and then some...

Don't blame it on Miami so to speak. New York's no crown jewel either...the clubs there are suffering as much as they are down here....and Las Vegas is a homogenized version of what it once was...it's the chance for white America to "be sinful"...the Rat Pack days are long gone. Vegas Baby? Well, I'm afraid that baby got a coathanger abortion before most of us were born. What notable clubs are there? I have my ear to the ground on global nightlife, and I hear New York, Miami, Amsterdamn, London, Ibiza, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, and Tokyo...Vegas is lost in the noise. If Miami is corporate clubbing, Vegas is mega-corporate clubbing.

Excellent Point, and its not about being new, Ive done partys in other places, and yes the do take time but no one on the other end is willing to put it in.

And back to the point what type of scene is it if you only have Space dowtown.

And Vegas is imo young and more tolerant, we will all be flying there for WMC very soon.

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Some people swear CP is LIFE.

There are so many other things to do in Miami, besides clubbing.

People also might have other responsibilities, or shit might come up. Yeah, you might wanna go, like tonight, I would like to go to Space, but I can't because I don't have a sitter.

Shit happens, get over it.

I also don't understand the constant comparing of Miami to NY. It's stupid. They are two totally different cities, with so many different people. NYers even have a different accent! I would love to visit NY and check out the scene up there, just to see what it's like. Anywhere you go, it's gonna be different. Why don't people just realize that and stop comparing? :confused:

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Originally posted by djdekan

And Vegas is imo young and more tolerant, we will all be flying there for WMC very soon.

No we won't. The WMC itself may move, but the WMC is a waste of time. WMC badges are worthless and for the clueless.

Ken Smith put it best when the rumours of WMC moving to Lost Vegas surfaced...i'm paraphrasing here..."WMC could move, but Miami will still have this string of awesome parties in the third or fourth week of March..."

You know that most WMC parties are not sanctioned by the WMC, right? So I tell Bill Kelly and his cronies, go to Vegas, see if myself, and 100,000 other clubbers give a flying fuck. Watch the WMC die if it moves to Vegas.

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I'm wondering if you expected people to show up just because they see the name Shawn Ink on a flyer, I mean who is he? He may be a really awesome dj, with a lot of recognition in some places, but how do you expect people here to know that, and all I read on CP are things like "great music" "sick tunes" etc... what does that mean? be more specific, to some people great music means a bunch of funky Tango and Siesta records that have already been played to death at Blue, not my idea of great music, but I used to think that was really cool, and I realize that some are just discovering it now, and that's good for them, but it's not for me any more, and for all I could tell that's what this night was going to be about, I mean there wasn't any specific information so I just assumed, of course I'm sure you didn't miss me, I'm just a nobody who doesn't buy drinks or pay cover, but there are a lot of people like me who just want to go out for something cool, and are too lazy to take a chance on something they know absolutely nothing about

anyway my advice, not so much to you but to anyone who is willing to learn from your mistakes, you need to build a night slowly with a local resident(s), and once you start to get a definite crowd and sound then bring in some out-of-town talent who fits the vibe, that way you'll be helping that dj win more fans and gain recognition while he/she helps you develop your party, rather than having it turn in to a sad fiasco that just makes your headliner look lame, and you too, but I bet more people will remember that Shawn Ink didn't draw a crowd than that it was Pete Dekan who couldn't bring in a crowd for Shawn Ink

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Originally posted by sobeton

sorry I had other obligations. so sue me ! :laugh: I'm off to Space. make sure your ass is there, so we can hang with the peepz..:tongue::laugh:

i told you who im going to see tonight i invited you to go but once again seems like u cant leave space

oh well have fun

if the shoe fits wear it

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If you want to play on South Beach, you need to pull in the right crowd...I don't get all the hate on this board about Nikki Beach, Mynt, Shoreclub, Opium, and Crobar, or Bed.

Nightlife here is very much about people first, music second, but in general the music played if it's dance music (i.e. not hip hop) is pretty good. Not PURISTS fucking elite good (except for Space) but still pretty cutting edge.

I know no one likes Mynt here, but that is a banging party, people dancing on couches etc...and the music is fierce in the main room. The fact that the girls are hot-as-hell there doesn't make it a worse party.

The fact is this has ALWAYS been the case. What you don't think Liquid pulled a glam crowd?? There has ALWAYS been door policies on the beach.

Don't blame the Miami crowd cuz your party doesn't blow up...you obviously didn't target the right people...

People might not be as adventurous in trying new things here...people flock to what is established and they know is the hot shit at the moment. How can you blame them when there are places that deliver?

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The Mynts, Opiums and Rumis serve one purpose, as a draw for clueless tourists, and the euro trash. They go there, get their fill of girls they can't have, overpriced drinks, and mediocre DJs (well, except when Opium has a guest DJ like King Britt), then you grab 'em, and lure them to Nerve, Space 34, Maze, Lime Bar, or any one of many cool parties to take place in this town. I've done it before, I stole 3 girls from the line at Mynt once and transplanted them to Nerve. They thanked me for it in the end, the atmosphere was more laid-back over at Nerve.

The reason why people on this board tend not to go for those places is simple, this board is a music-oriented board, and a music oriented crowd. Social climbers and star-fuckers usually aren't welcome here...

And to "play" on South Beach you don't necessarily need to be an "ultra-lounge" a "supper club" or a beverage, entertainment, and dining venue...I can think of several successful venues that did and do not cater to that crowd and do quite well. Frankly the whole models and bottles crowd has enough playgrounds, along with the equally deplorable hip-hop and "urban" (read: ghetto trash) crowd. It's about high time that places like Nerve on Fridays got a chance to go, I think the long-time locals are tired of the pretentious Euro bullshit....if anything, the posh local parties aren't really populated by beach folk anymore, they tend to draw their crowds from Brickell, Kendall, Cutler Ridge, and the other affluent suburbs, as well as the new arrivals to the beach, who saw the Wild on E! specials, quit their job as an accountant in Aurora, IL, got a shitty mortgage on a place in the portofino, and moved down here...I think that the South Beach population is rapidly becoming changed over to johnny-come-latelies who think they can spend a fortune, buy influence, and be hip because they're in the same club as some anorexic socialite slut...They relish the thought that some snooty frog of a doorman is going to talk down to them before they can enter the venue...abuse junkies or something I guess. Long-time locals have tired of that shit, and moved on...most people I know who really made the scene what it was, do not even live on the beach anymore, they've migrated to Middle Beach, Dowtown, or other locales.

As for people flocking to the hot-shit places, of course they will. People as a whole are morons, they're easily led about with crafty language, and vague promises of a good night out. There's this concept in the Dune novels of the "weirding way" where an adept to the science can force a person to do what they want by simple language and cadence of voice...i sometimes think the promoters of the hot-shit parties are the precursors to that sort of thing. I'm sure Shawn Ink is a top DJ, and I know Jimmy is fantastic, but maybe a little more research into promotions would have helped the party a bit...maybe it's a lesson for music parties in general to stay more solvent...combine the language and craftiness that the hot-shit tourist parties use, and retain the quality DJs too. A dedicated fanbase is one thing, but you need asses in seats to pay the rent....drink specials, and so forth...

And if Mynt is really your bag, go with it, I'll be over at my parties with real women I can talk to, reasonably priced drinks, the best sound and lighting systems, and the top DJs in the world. :cool:

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Originally posted by saintjohn

isn't it pretty to think so?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

bottom line is this board os here for entertainment!!!!!!!

people r entertained in different ways......just read the post that interest u...thats what i do!!!!!!!

and u guys dont see me bitching cuz salsa has gone on a downturn!!!!!!!!

i love salsa and was very caught up intio that scene from about the ages of 17 to 21.....i was an inderground dance head, but back then people thought i was a freak for listening to "that" music.....salsa has gone out of style, there will always be the people who will support it, but its not like it was when it was on an upswing....it has given way to south american rock....bcuz the influx of south americans are outnumbering the influx of cubans now, therefore a change in the scene!!!!! the same thing is and will happen to dance...there will always be those of us that will support the aspect of it we like....but dont get upset people dont support the aspect u like!!!!!!!

just do what u enjoy, and have good times!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

oh and one last point the only scene i need to support is my mortgage and 2 kids!!!!!!! thats the most important scene i have!!!!!!!!!

dekan, make sure you read this.

flip, we def gotta meet and go to a salsa club one of these days. Salsa is the shiznit.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

dekan, make sure you read this.

flip, we def gotta meet and go to a salsa club one of these days. Salsa is the shiznit.


themrs says shes been on salsa binge....she wants salsa...so whenever ur ready!!!!!!! we will dance the night away!!!!!!!!

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