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does ne1 ever look at the stickies (GUESTLISTS)???


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i wonder if anyone looks there, especially 'cause we've had the general info one and the club review one up there for so long. there are two new ones up there, and i can't tell if anyone even notices.

check it out, people: we're setting up guestlists!!! all that people with lists have to do is pm me with all the info i listed in the sticky. DaVe and i finally connected and got this all set up. there have been so many people posting threads about their lists and so many people asking me why cp doesn't have any that i thought it was time to put it all together. i even did a really good cleanup job in my pm box (some people know what a feat that is ;):laugh: )!

but i can't do it without you guys; it's a group effort :hug: . here's to the future :beer: !

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I dont think those stickies should be up there that long, especially when they get so long because people do not want to read through page after page. People have specific questions about particular dates most of the times and would rather just find out what is going on the days there here.

my 2 centavos ;)

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while it does seem to be true that people don't want to read through long threads, the general info thread has almost every answer ever needed around these parts. i made that a sticky 'cause i got sick of typing the same answers roughly 3 times a week. perhaps we should start a new one in the same vein, as a compromise, but wait till a question is asked. how's that?

as for the club review section, i think that's kinda like our little zagat's of the club world :D . reporting to protect and serve one another :laugh: . maybe i should take a poll and see who does and doesn't want the stickies to stay :idea: .

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I can understand sandiegino's point in that the stickies are long and unorganized. Makes it difficult for a quick borwse or just a glance. But I always think if you want to get the most out of anything, you gotta do some research into it. That being said, the stickies contain some of the most useful info. Not only is the info nonpartisant(sp?), its from trusted source. So I say leave it be, hunny bee. People will always be asking repetitive questions because they're simply LAZY. :D:tongue:

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