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Official Life with oscar g review...

Guest saleen351

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I am so sorry I had to leave....

Nelson and the Guerra brothers: You guys are such incredible hosts. :kiss2: You're the main reason I felt bad for leaving. You make everyone feel so welcomed. :) It was a nice turnout. We left at like 12:30am and the club was nice and full.

I like the club. It's really nice. I was enjoying the music, and was really looking forward to Oscar's set. I'm sure it was great. When we left they were playing my type of music. I was picturing myself dancing my ass off.....:(

It was really nice finally meeting Stogiey and Sunnyhost. And of course, seeing our regulars.

I'm really sorry we had to leave, but I still feel like shit.

Speaking of which....

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Originally posted by themrs

I am so sorry I had to leave....

Nelson and the Guerra brothers: You guys are such incredible hosts. :kiss2: You're the main reason I felt bad for leaving. You make everyone feel so welcomed. :) It was a nice turnout. We left at like 12:30am and the club was nice and full.

I like the club. It's really nice. I was enjoying the music, and was really looking forward to Oscar's set. I'm sure it was great. When we left they were playing my type of music. I was picturing myself dancing my ass off.....:(

It was really nice finally meeting Stogiey and Sunnyhost. And of course, seeing our regulars.

I'm really sorry we had to leave, but I still feel like shit.

Speaking of which....

Let it all out girl ! ......:constipa::laugh:

Seemed like a good nights out with the CP crew ..... next time out I'll definetly try and make it out to LIFE .

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Originally posted by saleen351

not written yet:D

comming soon.... gotta take it all in...

but i can say, that oscar was bad :(

I'm not sure I would agree with the "Oscar was bad" part of your post. I was surprised by a lot of what he played but I thought it was appropriate for the night and I had a lot of fun. He dropped some really unexpected album versions and kept the crowd dancing. I don't get to hear him all that often and I'm sure that was not the same set he would have played at 34 but for the Grove it was the right thing.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by ogmiami

I'm not sure I would agree with the "Oscar was bad" part of your post. I was surprised by a lot of what he played but I thought it was appropriate for the night and I had a lot of fun. He dropped some really unexpected album versions and kept the crowd dancing. I don't get to hear him all that often and I'm sure that was not the same set he would have played at 34 but for the Grove it was the right thing.

e samaba into todd terry, into bob marley remix into album version of billy jean...........:blown: :blown: :blown:

hands down the worst oscar g performance i've ever seen....

proof is in the pudding,

armand - rocking crowd groving house packed dance floor

oscar g - 12:35 entipied the dance floor for the entire night...

though some of the blame goes to the set times... i'll get into this on my reivew...

nice seeing you dade and your wife, glad you guys are still partying like rock stars.......

BTW, i can say for sure he sucked, cause i booked him in lauderdale very simular club and crowd, and he had a flawless set... And didn't even have the pleasure of a great opening set like last night... Oscar was just way off last night, he was lost up there, he was like a car fish tailing, he never got it straigtened out and found a groove..

full reveiw hits the cooljunkie soon.....

i'll save the rest for that...

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Originally posted by saleen351

e samaba into todd terry, into bob marley remix into album version of billy jean...........:blown: :blown: :blown:

hands down the worst oscar g performance i've ever seen....

proof is in the pudding,

armand - rocking crowd groving house packed dance floor

oscar g - 12:35 entipied the dance floor for the entire night...

though some of the blame goes to the set times... i'll get into this on my reivew...

nice seeing you dade and your wife, glad you guys are still partying like rock stars.......

BTW, i can say for sure he sucked, cause i booked him in lauderdale very simular club and crowd, and he had a flawless set... And didn't even have the pleasure of a great opening set like last night... Oscar was just way off last night, he was lost up there, he was like a car fish tailing, he never got it straigtened out and found a groove..

full reveiw hits the cooljunkie soon.....

i'll save the rest for that...

so will you be going to Space tonite?:laugh:

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Life's hospitality was awesome. Emi, Nelson, and Eddy were working there asses off but having a good time while doing it. Thanks for the drinks guys and keep the good events coming.

The music selection was on point for the Grove , like it has been mentioned by Dade. The DJ's Phil and Fluff, in the Sushi lounge were working the crowd early in the evening and then it thinned out as all the other rooms opened up for Oscar and the Hip Hop room. The sound in there just needs some work since they had to move a speaker into the main room and then there was no depth to the music.

Armand was doing his magic also for pre Oscar and then came back for an encore and kept the flow going. Oscar played a good mix and definitely threw in some surprises and classics, a little Bob Marley was interesting. It was also I will say the crowd seemed to be feeling Armand a little more. Also the crowd was very spuratic since the dance floor was full and empty within 5 minutes and back and forth.

Good to see all of CP and meet some new people, those who I can think of Sunnyhost, guyman, Grooveeric, Shroomy, Biz, tranzwhore, Koky, Obby, Flip, theMrs., CHEEKITIKA, B-SIDE, Edgar, Roland, Saleen, I know there was other but there was also many drinks.

Pictures will be up later tonight /early Sun . I have a Pool party to attend.

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Originally posted by candyrollx69

You looked pretty sober to me when you left:tongue:

Well i really didn't think I had that much either, nut on my way home they seemed to kick in while I was stuck in a traffic jam and the lack of sleep and food didn't help either. I did drink a few but tried to be on my best behavior.

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Well,let me see .Really didnt know what to expect of LIFE since i havent been there since visiting when it use to be 609 and I mean like 3yrs ago or even longer.Herd so many good things about the place had to go check it out myself.What other night to go,especially when Oscar G is going to be spinning. So I got there around before 12 am and as im getting in line some dude with some chicks wanting to interview me and asking me what were my expectations about a club...so I told him and I was on my way to venture LIFE,good seeing Nelson havent seen ya in awhile and like always hooks it up,thank you.Dam first interviewed then no line,straight in dam I couldve sworn that Saleen must of been around. :laugh:Finally made it in had met up with the Shroomster and his wife then saw Stogiey2k2 havent seen you for the longest....After chilin in that lil room for awhile made it to the mainroom where there was more familiar faces and made the night more fun.

The club is really nice,like the way its setup and best of all its closer to home and for a friday night its just perfect.The sound system sounded pretty good and it was pretty dark aswell just the way I like it.Got to hear Dj Armand and the guy was doing very good not to mention that ive known that dude for yrs and didnt know it was him spinning ,good to see that hes a dj and a pretty good one aswell.Then it was Oscar G's turn, started of slow but like always turns it a notch and the peeps that were there were having a blast,of course you cant compare or have him spin a set like he would in SPACE 34 in a small venue like LIFE but I enjoyed every minute of it.Great to hear oldskool tracks.

I see myself there thats for sure on a regular basis. Would like to see Roly though in there throwing down some of his sick house sets. :eek:

Great night out,had a blast cant wait for it again. Good seeing the following:





Edgar V






Eddy Guerra




Koky(c your ass everyday)

nice meeting Damiani

nice meeting ogmiami

yet to meet Sunnyhost.....

if i missed ne one sorry........Till next time:cool:

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Was there for a bit, oscar played a fun set but definately not what he normally plays. Like the others said I think it was good for the grove. I've seen him play in coco three times now and each time he plays this type of set in coco and the people love it so can't complain. Biz, thanks for the hookup. Life is a fun party to check out and I'll definately be back for that roland set over there.

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After being stuck in Tampa for meetings and utter BullShit, it was great to land in Lauderdale and realize that I have a LIFE besides work. So, I call Mrs. Guyman and she is passed out sleeping. In her 1/2 awake state she gives me the Green light to head over to LIFE. So I call The Saleen who was debating if he should rub one out for the 3rd time that day or get his ass in gear and head down to the Grove. So, you guys can blame this old Guyman for subjecting all of you to The Saleen (Sorry Oscar).

I like the Venue. It is really a great spot. And it was wonderful seeing ALL of you. Thanks to Biz, Gil, Eddy and Nelson. You are the good guys!

Oscar - Unlike The Saleen - I appreciate it when someone try’s something different. A couple of those tracks worked for me and a couple I could have lived without... But I LOVE IT when I'm surprised. You are a class act! I’m glad you played an innovative set.

I think that next time I'll drag Mrs. Guyman's ass out of bed and get a room at the Mayfair so we don't have to drive home.


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Originally posted by ogmiami

I'm not sure I would agree with the "Oscar was bad" part of your post. I was surprised by a lot of what he played but I thought it was appropriate for the night and I had a lot of fun. He dropped some really unexpected album versions and kept the crowd dancing. I don't get to hear him all that often and I'm sure that was not the same set he would have played at 34 but for the Grove it was the right thing.

there you go.thats exactly it. no he didnt play like a saturday at space 4am-7am music.

it was Friday and the Grove he played a lot of house yes....but he dropped some retro and fun dancy tracks like Dade said.

btw. thanks Dade for going by for "one drink";) :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by guyman1966

After being stuck in Tampa for meetings and utter BullShit, it was great to land in Lauderdale and realize that I have a LIFE besides work. So, I call Mrs. Guyman and she is passed out sleeping. In her 1/2 awake state she gives me the Green light to head over to LIFE. So I call The Saleen who was debating if he should rub one out for the 3rd time that day or get his ass in gear and head down to the Grove. So, you guys can blame this old Guyman for subjecting all of you to The Saleen (Sorry Oscar).

I like the Venue. It is really a great spot. And it was wonderful seeing ALL of you. Thanks to Biz, Gil, Eddy and Nelson. You are the good guys!

Oscar - Unlike The Saleen - I appreciate it when someone try’s something different. A couple of those tracks worked for me and a couple I could have lived without... But I LOVE IT when I'm surprised. You are a class act! I’m glad you played an innovative set.

I think that next time I'll drag Mrs. Guyman's ass out of bed and get a room at the Mayfair so we don't have to drive home.


look at you with a funny ass post.:laugh: :laugh:

anyway, im glad you came Michael. I know with your family and work you cant come out too often. sorry i couldnt really chat too much i was running around but one day maybe Eddy Guerra can treat us out to dinner during the week;)

"I like the Venue. It is really a great spot. And it was wonderful seeing ALL of you. Thanks to Biz, Gil, Eddy and Nelson. You are the good guys!"

-thanks were putitng a good team out there. :cool: :

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by klubveteran

look at you with a funny ass post.:laugh: :laugh:

anyway, im glad you came Michael. I know with your family and work you cant come out too often. sorry i couldnt really chat too much i was running around but one day maybe Eddy Guerra can treat us out to dinner during the week;)

"I like the Venue. It is really a great spot. And it was wonderful seeing ALL of you. Thanks to Biz, Gil, Eddy and Nelson. You are the good guys!"

-thanks were putitng a good team out there. :cool: :

I have told you guys every time that I go to Life, I have a great time. That team you guys have is top notch, even better than when you were at Maze. From the fist when I heard about it, I knew it was a good thing, now I am convinced. Keep up the good work guys, you are taking over the Grove!!

And its about damn time someone does too.......

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