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I saw all your pics and all your hats are stupid


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Originally posted by tooblunt

somebitch = dumbbitch

haha. that is cute. you had to make another name to be an asshole to me. might as well just do it on your regular name because i couldnt care less. i think you act stupid and i would say it to your face.

grow up little man. maybe the other ladies sweat your nutz but i think youre an immature little boy who is unoriginal and unintelligent.

i didnt know i would hurt you so badly you would have to retaliate with alter usernames. :tongue: ill take that as a compliment.

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...he's def one of the reasons i dont come down here as much any more...you people make the mistake of responding to his threads (i know, i just did now but it's to make a point), when you should just let them lie and die...he's simple minded and predictable...seeking attention via any format that will bring it - but attempting to specializing in shock...lol...i cant even say that with a straight face...it's only become tiring and useless...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

he used to b mad funny...i think his material is lacking as of late

Whats with you and saying this to people Gremlin. When your eminence towered over this board giving legendary verbal backhands with his thor-like hammer to all the plebeans setting each person in line, you always stuck your gonzo like beak out from the dirt and into my thread telling me I need new "material".

Listen son, This isnt fucking Fudruckers, or Dangerfields. Legends like myself dont write up drafts and have them proofread and approved by Cliff Yablonski. I simply sit down and slap the simpleton out of line a few times with a rock hard cock of reality. You either laugh or dont and keep reading.

I never understood why that frying pan sized dome of yours gave Ceaser like ratings on each of my posts based on humor...

anyways, funny to see some of the old verbal rape targets around still,...this place sucks deep fried georgia bison cock now...thank god for archives...carry on

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Originally posted by phatman

...he's def one of the reasons i dont come down here as much any more...you people make the mistake of responding to his threads (i know, i just did now but it's to make a point), when you should just let them lie and die...he's simple minded and predictable...seeking attention via any format that will bring it - but attempting to specializing in shock...lol...i cant even say that with a straight face...it's only become tiring and useless...

LOL you are 100% right. i just replied to start drama but it really does annoying me to see one girl after another fall into his stupidity/wanna be funny routine. i cannot understand it.

he is really not funny nor is he shocking with his comments, they are straight up boring and lacking creativity.

get off this pricks nutz!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by rizzo

Whats with you and saying this to people Gremlin. When your eminence towered over this board giving legendary verbal backhands with his thor-like hammer to all the plebeans setting each person in line, you always stuck your gonzo like beak out from the dirt and into my thread telling me I need new "material".

Listen son, This isnt fucking Fudruckers, or Dangerfields. Legends like myself dont write up drafts and have them proofread and approved by Cliff Yablonski. I simply sit down and slap the simpleton out of line a few times with a rock hard cock of reality. You either laugh or dont and keep reading.

I never understood why that frying pan sized dome of yours gave Ceaser like ratings on each of my posts based on humor...

anyways, funny to see some of the old verbal rape targets around still,...this place sucks deep fried georgia bison cock now...thank god for archives...carry on

its mad over...too over..let it go son..let it go..

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Originally posted by somebitch

LOL you are 100% right. i just replied to start drama but it really does annoying me to see one girl after another fall into his stupidity/wanna be funny routine. i cannot understand it.

he is really not funny nor is he shocking with his comments, they are straight up boring and lacking creativity.

get off this pricks nutz!!!!!!!!

What you don’t get is that once in a while ill say things to try and be “Shocking†or “funny†but 90% times I am just being myself. I am soooooo Sorry that I am not "creative" or "funny" to you and others... Ill really lose sleep over that. I’m soooooo Sorry that my personality is on stand with you and you are so original and witty and I am not. BUT the fact of the matter is, I will keep posting. I like saying the things I say and I am being myself. I never had allot of friends growing up. I am not popular on message boards or real life. But at least I know im being true to myself and the few friends I have are absolutely insane, creative and nothing like the average run of the mill person. My life is extremy weird and it’s a fucken trip. Granted it’s cool as hell when allot of people laugh at me or respond to my thread im human and i like attention but it is rare. So many times ive sat back and laughed at my own posts and laughed at how stupid bitchy cunts like you are. So anyway im not saying your wrong because everyone’s opinion is there own so that makes your opinion the truth to you. Just like it’s true to me that your a nasty cunt that needs to have a guy that will stick your head in the toilet filled with shit while hes fucking you in the ass and then cum in your eyes and call you a filthy whore.

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and i think youre a stupid dirtbag whos only chance of finding friends is on here. lets just drop this. i could care less about you and your stupid attempts to insult me. i dont care if you think i am a cunt or whatever you said, i honestly didnt even read what you said.. funny thing is, i know it was stupid and badly written.


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Originally posted by somebitch

and i think youre a stupid dirtbag whos only chance of finding friends is on here. lets just drop this. i could care less about you and your stupid attempts to insult me. i dont care if you think i am a cunt or whatever you said, i honestly didnt even read what you said.. funny thing is, i know it was stupid and badly written.


Im not out to find freinds on here trust me. You think if yi wanted to find freinds i would inslut every single one of you ? lol. Thats cool though but your though one who started this shit twat

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