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The six most important lessons from Sept. 11


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The six most important lessons from Sept. 11

Ben Shapiro (archive)

September 10, 2003 | Print | Send

Jewish theology teaches that the wise man is the man who learns from everyone. The same can be said about events. What lessons are there to be learned from Sept. 11 and its aftermath? What can we expect in the years to come? Here are the six most important lessons I have learned from the slaughter of 3,000 of my countrymen.

1. We must define the enemy. Our enemy is Islamic fundamentalism. Terrorists representing this murderous ideology utilize anonymity to attain their goals. We must not make it easier for them by refusing to identify them. Unfortunately, the Bush administration has appeased advocates of political correctness. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta won't screen young Muslim men, so Grandma continues to be checked for her metal hip. President Bush has justifiably made an effort to disassociate terrorism from Islam. Unfortunately, he has done such a good job that Muslim groups have not felt the need to strenuously disassociate themselves from terrorism. Identifying the problem is the first step toward eradicating it.

2. It's not the economy, stupid. Why is George W. Bush hovering around 54 percent in popularity polls? After all, the economy hasn't exactly skyrocketed from the ashes of its mid-recession doldrums. Simply put, the economy is not the issue Democrats would like it to be. A few weeks back, brilliant U.S. News and World Report columnist Michael Barone told me that the age of "economy only" politics is over. It's not the 1930s anymore, he said. Thoughts of a Great Depression aren't lurking subconsciously for the American voter. He was right then, and he's right now. Which is why President Bush will clean the Democratic clock in 2004.

3. Politics doesn't stop at the water's edge anymore. The era when liberals could eschew petty politics and unify with conservatives on foreign policy is over. The Democrats care more about regaining branches of government than they do about protecting American citizens. That's why they attempted to scuttle the homeland security bill; that's why they're griping over granting President Bush $87 billion to fight terror and rebuild Iraq; that's why their two leading contenders for president, John F. Kerry and Howard Dean, are bashing President Bush on foreign policy. At least Kerry should know better. It was his party's resistance to all-out war in Vietnam that led to American defeat.

4. Bill Clinton was a bum. Blaming Bill Clinton for Sept. 11 has been taboo. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton is largely at fault for 3,000 dead Americans in New York (not to mention scores more dead in Africa, Saudi Arabia and Yemen). Weakness breeds terrorism. The Clinton presidency was a non-stop display of foreign-policy weakness. More directly, Clinton refused to take out Osama bin Laden. Anyone complaining that Bush hasn't found OBL ought to complain to Clinton. If Clinton had done his job, we could find OBL either rotting in a prison somewhere or lying under the sod.

5. The 1973 complex shapes American foreign policy. Anti-Bushniks are wrong about the War on Terrorism in every respect save one: What ever happened to Saudi Arabia? The vast majority of the Sept. 11 terrorists were Saudis, financed by Saudi money. The head of al-Qaeda is a Saudi. The Saudi official religion, Wahabbi-ism, is the most virulent strain of Islamic fundamentalism. So why isn't Saudi Arabia on America's hit list? Because we need its oil. Or at least we think we do. The Saudis scared us with the 1973 oil embargo, so we continue to refer to the Saudis as our allies. But if we don't begin pumping oil from a newly reconstructed Iraq or find other sources for oil, we will continue to face Saudi-backed terrorism for years to come.

6. Americans must be ready to sacrifice certain liberties for a little temporary safety. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." He was speaking about the need for American intolerance toward government encroachment on liberties. He was not advocating that Americans tolerate occasional terrorist attacks in order to board airplanes more quickly. I'd rather take off my shoes at the airport metal detector than be murdered aboard a 747. But maybe that's just me.

We have all learned our own lessons from Sept. 11. May those lessons imbue us with the urgency to do what must be done.

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Originally posted by dnice35

YOU FORGOT #7-Dont ever trust those fucking muslims.

come on now...dont fucking lump an entire peoples into this opinion you have because of the terrorists that use the religion to its advantage. There are good muslims out there for god's sake.

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Originally posted by iamme

come on now...dont fucking lump an entire peoples into this opinion you have because of the terrorists that use the religion to its advantage. There are good muslims out there for god's sake.

I agree with you, that the "bad Muslims" arein the minority, and have completely hijacked Islam........however, they are also out in front, and it is time for "Good Muslims" to stand up for themselves, their religion, culture, and people...

This has not been done...and I am not talking about bullshit op-eds about how Islam is peaceful, and the Arab-American league doing the talk show circuit...I am talking about Islamic clerics true to their religion take back their mosques and schools, Muslim countries joining this century, teachings being cleaned up, etc, etc

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Originally posted by iamme

come on now...dont fucking lump an entire peoples into this opinion you have because of the terrorists that use the religion to its advantage. There are good muslims out there for god's sake.

If I am not mistaken most of the muslims support Osama and his cause, I have yet to hear of a muslim leader stand up and condem the events of 9/11 and Osama, lets face it this is a clash of cultures and when push comes to shove I back my own, fuck those towelhead, camel jockey bastards.

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Originally posted by igloo

I agree with you, that the "bad Muslims" arein the minority, and have completely hijacked Islam........however, they are also out in front, and it is time for "Good Muslims" to stand up for themselves, their religion, culture, and people...

This has not been done...and I am not talking about bullshit op-eds about how Islam is peaceful, and the Arab-American league doing the talk show circuit...I am talking about Islamic clerics true to their religion take back their mosques and schools, Muslim countries joining this century, teachings being cleaned up, etc, etc

excellent point.

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not a bad article especially comparing to some of the opinions u post up here. On the number 6 though i really dont see tightening of security and giving up liberties as the answer. You look at a country like Israel who is the model nation for safety measures and yet they still cannot stop terrorism from ocurring. I feel the only way of stopping terrorism is by ending the desire for people to become terrorists. With so much anti-americanism in the world now I really dont see a way of preventing the attacks from ocurring.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

I feel the only way of stopping terrorism is by ending the desire for people to become terrorists. With so much anti-americanism in the world now I really dont see a way of preventing the attacks from ocurring.

but how do u MAKE people not want to become terrorists? dont side with Israel? give them more aid?

what can the US do? as one of the richest countries in the world, people will ALWAYS hate us...and we cant do anything about it...especially when RELIGIOUS leaders are the leaders of those countries....religious propoganda is always a dangerous form of propoganda....

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

Quote "but how do u MAKE people not want to become terrorists? dont side with Israel? give them more aid?"

Pull out of Middle east all together, get rid of our dependency on their oil would be a start. The increase in security has done wonders for Israel right????

Pull out of the middle east?......Until when, an Arab country asks the U.S. to protect them or the U.N. asks the U.S. to clean up a mess there......I get it, get involved when U.S. national security is not at risk, and don't get involved when U.S. national security is at risk.....which is what the U.N. would love of course, and retards like yourself...

And by your implications, "Israel" should pull out of the Middle East too...good idea, let's pick up the state of Israel and place them in Antartica, therefore the Islamic murderers can't get them, and would be deprived of their wish to destroy the Israeli state......their gas masks could now e used to keep their faces warm, therefore saving their investments

Also, I suggest we put back Saddam Hussein in power, and remove all constraints on his power, this way he could continue to develop WMD and attack his people and neighbors...

The great Middle East, the pillars of advanced civilization, thought, and values, and of course, some of the best terrorist camps and schools Saudi money could buy

....get out U.S., and let the incubation of Islamic fundamentalism hit a new level.......great things can be achieved in the terrorism arts if the U.S. would just get out of the way......

And of course, Iran......let them run free and hopefully in time, their nuclear program would be advanced enough to hit our shores, and hit the Israelis bunkered down in igloo's in Antartica...no matter, the Israelis' were cold anyway, were bored without the daily suicide bombings, and had a hard time finding kosher penguin meat

Run home U.S., and pretend the world is a nice place where others seek pollyana, no harm to the U.S. because we are back at home "wishing" that "things" will just get better....oops, I forgot, we tried that with eight years of the Clinton Administration---didn't work out too good

But who cares about that shit, we should be happy driving around in our hydrogen powered cars and running with the porcupine carribou we protect in Alaska by preventing oil exploration,....... and don't forget the giant power windmills placed in areas that do not become eyesores for the hypocritical rich liberals in their 20,000 sqaure feet homes

what a great world that would be

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Pull out of the middle east?......Until when, an Arab country asks the U.S. to protect them or the U.N. asks the U.S. to clean up a mess there......I get it, get involved when U.S. national security is not at risk, and don't get involved when U.S. national security is at risk.....which is what the U.N. would love of course, and retards like yourself...

And by your implications, "Israel" should pull out of the Middle East too...good idea, let's pick up the state of Israel and place them in Antartica, therefore the Islamic murderers can't get them, and would be deprived of their wish to destroy the Israeli state......their gas masks could now e used to keep their faces warm, therefore saving their investments

Also, I suggest we put back Saddam Hussein in power, and remove all constraints on his power, this way he could continue to develop WMD and attack his people and neighbors...

The great Middle East, the pillars of advanced civilization, thought, and values, and of course, some of the best terrorist camps and schools Saudi money could buy

....get out U.S., and let the incubation of Islamic fundamentalism hit a new level.......great things can be achieved in the terrorism arts if the U.S. would just get out of the way......

And of course, Iran......let them run free and hopefully in time, their nuclear program would be advanced enough to hit our shores, and hit the Israelis bunkered down in igloo's in Antartica...no matter, the Israelis' were cold anyway, were bored without the daily suicide bombings, and had a hard time finding kosher penguin meat

Run home U.S., and pretend the world is a nice place where others seek pollyana, no harm to the U.S. because we are back at home "wishing" that "things" will just get better....oops, I forgot, we tried that with eight years of the Clinton Administration---didn't work out too good

But who cares about that shit, we should be happy driving around in our hydrogen powered cars and running with the porcupine carribou we protect in Alaska by preventing oil exploration,....... and don't forget the giant power windmills placed in areas that do not become eyesores for the hypocritical rich liberals in their 20,000 sqaure feet homes

what a great world that would be

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Originally posted by igloo

Pull out of the middle east?......Until when, an Arab country asks the U.S. to protect them or the U.N. asks the U.S. to clean up a mess there......I get it, get involved when U.S. national security is not at risk, and don't get involved when U.S. national security is at risk.....which is what the U.N. would love of course, and retards like yourself...

And by your implications, "Israel" should pull out of the Middle East too...good idea, let's pick up the state of Israel and place them in Antartica, therefore the Islamic murderers can't get them, and would be deprived of their wish to destroy the Israeli state......their gas masks could now e used to keep their faces warm, therefore saving their investments

Also, I suggest we put back Saddam Hussein in power, and remove all constraints on his power, this way he could continue to develop WMD and attack his people and neighbors...

The great Middle East, the pillars of advanced civilization, thought, and values, and of course, some of the best terrorist camps and schools Saudi money could buy

....get out U.S., and let the incubation of Islamic fundamentalism hit a new level.......great things can be achieved in the terrorism arts if the U.S. would just get out of the way......

And of course, Iran......let them run free and hopefully in time, their nuclear program would be advanced enough to hit our shores, and hit the Israelis bunkered down in igloo's in Antartica...no matter, the Israelis' were cold anyway, were bored without the daily suicide bombings, and had a hard time finding kosher penguin meat

Run home U.S., and pretend the world is a nice place where others seek pollyana, no harm to the U.S. because we are back at home "wishing" that "things" will just get better....oops, I forgot, we tried that with eight years of the Clinton Administration---didn't work out too good

But who cares about that shit, we should be happy driving around in our hydrogen powered cars and running with the porcupine carribou we protect in Alaska by preventing oil exploration,....... and don't forget the giant power windmills placed in areas that do not become eyesores for the hypocritical rich liberals in their 20,000 sqaure feet homes

what a great world that would be

Excellent job putting words in my mouth i applaud you. I like how you put the liberal spin in the end that was real nice. When did i say get rid of Israel? I'm far from a hater of Israel in fact i used them as an example of how increased security, killing leaders, destroying terror cells has yet to change anything in their situation. When did i say we should get involved when US national security is not at risk? Actually my whole point is we should only get involved when US security is at risk. I'm a firm believer in that the US cannot tackle the problems of the world so we should not even try. Oh and here we go Iraq was a threat blah blah blah we can go back and forth on this we both know each others opinions on the matter.

You mention Iran, are we holding Iran to the same level we did Iraq? How about North Korea? Who are in the process of finishing their ICBM program? Now that is an imminent threat my friend how about arguing for us to put that imminent threat in the forefront? Their for once maybe we'll agree.

BTW you mock hydrogen powered cars. I guess you enjoy having our government be influenced by the black gold and having to deal with Saudi Arabian two faced bullshit and also the smog from oil does wonders for the environment but oh i forgot if you care about the environment your just a tree hugging liberal right? Lets see how many curses and put downs that your so famous for will be seen in your reply.

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Originally posted by igloo

And by your implications, "Israel" should pull out of the Middle East too...good idea, let's pick up the state of Israel and place them in Antartica, therefore the Islamic murderers can't get them, and would be deprived of their wish to destroy the Israeli state......their gas masks could now e used to keep their faces warm, therefore saving their investments

according to a Senator from Georgia..."ALL 7 CONTINENTS HAVE AL QAEDA CELLS UP AND RUNNING"....even antartica isnt safe for the Jews...

Originally posted by igloo

Also, I suggest we put back Saddam Hussein in power, and remove all constraints on his power, this way he could continue to develop WMD and attack his people and neighbors...

What WMD's ?? the one's that came about due to an accounting error? its kinda fucked up that we bomb a country due to overstatement of Net Assets...shit we shoulda bombed Enron

Originally posted by igloo

Run home U.S., and pretend the world is a nice place where others seek pollyana, no harm to the U.S. because we are back at home "wishing" that "things" will just get better....oops, I forgot, we tried that with eight years of the Clinton Administration---didn't work out too good

sudan..kosovo..kabul..belgrade.....clinton sure did a lot of "wishing" :rolleyes: ...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

according to a Senator from Georgia..."ALL 7 CONTINENTS HAVE AL QAEDA CELLS UP AND RUNNING"....even antartica isnt safe for the Jews...

What WMD's ?? the one's that came about due to an accounting error? its kinda fucked up that we bomb a country due to overstatement of Net Assets...shit we shoulda bombed Enron

sudan..kosovo..kabul..belgrade.....clinton sure did a lot of "wishing" :rolleyes: ...

Son, I think you better check you history of Iraq....please, you are making a fool of yourself in an weak attempt at wit

and while you are at it, you better check your statement about Clinton and re-read mine--since I was clearly getting at the point that Mr CLinton did NOTHING to protect the U.S. from national security threats.....national security threats

You mention Sudan...you mean when Clinton did not want to take Bin Laden in 1996 or when he sent a cruise missile into an aspirin factory

You mention Kosovo, a UN-European mess they couldn't handle so the US had to clean it up---and I may add, Clinton did not bother getting a formal UN mandate...interesting

Kabul? what the fuck are you talking about......lobbing a few cruise missles at empty terrorist sites.......did nothing but pound sand and further embolden an enemy.....did nothing but solidify AL Qaeda's claims that the U.S. was a paper tiger, afraid of fighting the good fight, and its people lacked the resolve to do so as well......just fucking great

You are off real bad on this one....read bad.....Clinton did NOTHING......NOTHING.......except set up an agreement with N Korea that sets the U.S. up to be blackmailed for decades and watched Al Qaeda grow stronger each day of his miserable Presidency....

Better rethink your statements son, unless you are looking to revise history......I also suggest you get better educated on the subject before making baseless statements....

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

Lets see how many curses and put downs that your so famous for will be seen in your reply.

You bore me with your jibberish, lack of comprehensive thought and depth, and painful uneducated drivel......hopefully, that meets your demand

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Originally posted by tribal

this article is nothing more than a lump of arid shite, wrapped in the intellectual gown of 'neo-conservatism' and morally self-righteous ambiguouty. the level of ignorance and stereotypical display presented by the author disgusts me.

Interesting take...can you point to specifics

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