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The six most important lessons from Sept. 11


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Originally posted by igloo

You bore me with your jibberish, lack of comprehensive thought and depth, and painful uneducated drivel......hopefully, that meets your demand

Least you tried to be educated with your insults this time. And yes anything that goes against conservative ideology is of course "painfull uneducated drivel".

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sudan..kosovo..kabul..belgrade.....clinton sure did a lot of "wishing

please elaborate on that. the case with sudan was nothing more than a pathetic cruise missile strike on a Khartoum medical factory, which produced aspirin. Kosovo was an entirely air-borne offensive, involving no ground troops. Kabul? not sure what you mean there, except perhaps for some discreet special forces assignments. Belgrade? same as Kosovo, we bombed civilian infrastructure. Clinton was no Douglas McArthur.

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Originally posted by igloo

Son, I think you better check you history of Iraq....please, you are making a fool of yourself in an weak attempt at wit

and while you are at it, you better check your statement about Clinton and re-read mine--since I was clearly getting at the point that Mr CLinton did NOTHING to protect the U.S. from national security threats.....national security threats

You mention Sudan...you mean when Clinton did not want to take Bin Laden in 1996 or when he sent a cruise missile into an aspirin factory

You mention Kosovo, a UN-European mess they couldn't handle so the US had to clean it up---and I may add, Clinton did not bother getting a formal UN mandate...interesting

Kabul? what the fuck are you talking about......lobbing a few cruise missles at empty terrorist sites.......did nothing but pound sand and further embolden an enemy.....did nothing but solidify AL Qaeda's claims that the U.S. was a paper tiger, afraid of fighting the good fight, and its people lacked the resolve to do so as well......just fucking great

You are off real bad on this one....read bad.....Clinton did NOTHING......NOTHING.......except set up an agreement with N Korea that sets the U.S. up to be blackmailed for decades and watched Al Qaeda grow stronger each day of his miserable Presidency....

Better rethink your statements son, unless you are looking to revise history......I also suggest you get better educated on the subject before making baseless statements....

ur making clinton look like a founding father..like he was an isolationist. the fact is that he bombed the shit out of several countries during his reign..and i agree that he did put US national security in danger....i mention sudan and kabul because of the simple fact that u make clinton look like a passive peace loving fuckin hippy...instead of what he really was..a power hungry sexually obsessed war criminal...clinton was the furthest thing from passive ...he was just good at masking his bullshit..unlike Bush Jr. who is a total moron..in the truest sense of the word

the point is that people like u keep blaming the clinton era for everything...he was too lax..he was to aggressive..he didnt spend..he spent too much..make up ur mind..

and what history of iraq should i check? the one that the US drew up? fact is u created saddam..u created osama...and ur creating even higher resentment for the US as we speak ....everything that went down here in the last couple of years was SELF INFLICTED..

people like u managed to take world wide sentiment for the US after 9/11...a time when other nations were willing to stand with the US and fight terrorism...and turn it into worldwide resentment....this Might Is BEtter Than Right shit isnt gona last 4ever....there will come a day when the schoolyard bully stands alone and all the skinny kids gang up and beat the shit out of him...and its all gona start with one of those skinny kids giving him a bloody lip (9/11)...

btw ur retort was vague and the least bit informative..u said nothing new

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

Pull out of Middle east all together, get rid of our dependency on their oil would be a start. The increase in security has done wonders for Israel right????

i totally agree about ur oil comment....but to FIND an alternative to oil and then actually making the transition over might take a long time...so i dont see that as a valid option, untill we aggressively move these "other" forms of energy...about pulling out of the Middle East all together, that would be one of the worse decisions made by us...but i agree that we should have a more balanced form of diplomacy (i.e. Israel/Palestine)

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

....everything that went down here in the last couple of years was SELF INFLICTED..

Your entire response was so bad, misinformed, and far from reality is does not warrant any attention....

Just using the words "self-inflicted" exposes your thinking and rotten being...

Take your anti-US cunt and go kill yourself

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i totally agree about ur oil comment....but to FIND an alternative to oil and then actually making the transition over might take a long time...so i dont see that as a valid option, untill we aggressively move these "other" forms of energy...about pulling out of the Middle East all together, that would be one of the worse decisions made by us...but i agree that we should have a more balanced form of diplomacy (i.e. Israel/Palestine)

1. we dont have to find an oil alternative....just use less

in automobiles, for example, expanded hybrid technology and FFVs (users of E85 gas) could cut automotive gas usage by 25-50%

2. a more balanced form of diplomacy between israel and palestine was proposed by Howard Dean....who was promptly torn into shreds by both Democrats and Republicans.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

1. we dont have to find an oil alternative....just use less

2. a more balanced form of diplomacy between israel and palestine was proposed by Howard Dean....who was promptly torn into shreds by both Democrats and Republicans.

1. trying telling that to the American people...if they have to change or hinder their lifestyles (ie saving more gas) people get their panties in a bunch...we are TOO SPOILED...and yes the hybrid car is a good step in that direction...how many auto. manufact. offer one? two maybe? Honda and Toyota? and even if ALL the auto. manufact. did make one, they arent being promoted at all

2. well i know in the Fox debate....he was applauded by the audience....and i did NOT like the way/tone he said it...made him sound more in favor of one side, than the other...but i have no problem with equal diplomacy...condeming both sides just doesnt cut it, IMO...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i totally agree about ur oil comment....but to FIND an alternative to oil and then actually making the transition over might take a long time...so i dont see that as a valid option, untill we aggressively move these "other" forms of energy...about pulling out of the Middle East all together, that would be one of the worse decisions made by us...but i agree that we should have a more balanced form of diplomacy (i.e. Israel/Palestine)

I agree with u totally. The problem is hardly any money is being put into the research of these alternate forms of energy because the fact is oil is big bucks. I did see on TV about a company which was attempting to take garbage and convert it to oil. As of right now they are able to do it but the cost is way too high.



Originally posted by bigpoppanils

1. we dont have to find an oil alternative....just use less


People dont want to change their lifestyles around and frankly they wont. If we can develop these clean energy sources the amount of energy wouldnt even be an issue.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

I agree with u totally. The problem is hardly any money is being put into the research of these alternate forms of energy because the fact is oil is big bucks. I did see on TV about a company which was attempting to take garbage and convert it to oil. As of right now they are able to do it but the cost is way too high.

the girl from "Splash" the movie...was on the O'Reilly factor speaking of alternative forms of energy for cars...she has a diesel truck and they can use vegetable oil (with an additive) to fuel the car...no loss of energy, etc....infact, she buys used veg. oil from Burger King/Mcdonalds and just uses that to fuel her car...but it really only works with diesel...:idea:

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An important lesson from 9/11.

People are going to always look for a fight, no matter how many Terrorists you kill, treaties you sign or foreign countries you try to placate.

Someone always wants to be king of the mountain, or at least shove the guy off whom they percieve to be sitting on top.

It works for messageboards too. Look at all the colorful crap that's posted on just a simple opinion post like this one.

9/11 is going to re-occur again and again because people - and this includes us holy messageboard fountains of higher knowledge - are too stupid, ignorant and territorial to accomodate anyone else's views without wanting to shove and push our own across and over the next guy's.

and i'm done with this fucking bullshit.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

how many auto. manufact. offer one? two maybe? Honda and Toyota? and even if ALL the auto. manufact. did make one, they arent being promoted at all

currently you have:

honda civic

honda insight

toyota prius (will be getitng a national ad campaign)

in 2004-2005:

above cars (minus insight) plus

Lexus RX330

Chevrolet Malibu

Toyota Sienna

Ford Escape

Saturn Vue

Dodge Durango (still a question mark)

Ford Futura

with toyota landcruiser, BMW X5 and 5-series soon after.....Honda is considering a hybrid Accord as well

as far as E85 goes, there are lots of them available right now (Chrysler Sebring/Dodge Stratus, Chevrolet Silverado, Chrylser minivans, Ford Explorer and F150, etc)

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Originally posted by igloo

Your entire response was so bad, misinformed, and far from reality is does not warrant any attention....

Just using the words "self-inflicted" exposes your thinking and rotten being...

Take your anti-US cunt and go kill yourself

leme take over for sassa when i tell u to go fuck yourself ...

u created ur own problems...live with it..or should i say die with it

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

leme take over for sassa when i tell u to go fuck yourself ...

u created ur own problems...live with it..or should i say die with it

You must be proud to have achieved your obvious goal of becoming a well rounded, miserable twat....

Kill yourself, you would not be missed

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

did he throw personal insults at the level of "cunt" and "kill yourself"?

Yes..absolutely did.....Not my problem you can not see it, and it is your not place to determine what defines an insult for someone

For me, hate speech like what flows from abnormalnoises is insulting..... anti-Americanism and derogatory comments about 9/11 from ghhhost is insulting.....

Calling someone a cunt, and stating what these two dickheads did are not even close to being on the same level....

If you want to be the insult police fine, but be fair.....insults and offensive language come in other forms besides name calling, and you are in no position to be making rulings..

Their statements and thoughts are reprehensible, but that does not mean they do not have the right to say them, as disgusting as that is....just like I have the right to call him a cunt for making those offensive statements

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Originally posted by cintron

An important lesson from 9/11.

People are going to always look for a fight, no matter how many Terrorists you kill, treaties you sign or foreign countries you try to placate.

Someone always wants to be king of the mountain, or at least shove the guy off whom they percieve to be sitting on top.

It works for messageboards too. Look at all the colorful crap that's posted on just a simple opinion post like this one.

9/11 is going to re-occur again and again because people - and this includes us holy messageboard fountains of higher knowledge - are too stupid, ignorant and territorial to accomodate anyone else's views without wanting to shove and push our own across and over the next guy's.

and i'm done with this fucking bullshit.

Last time I checked a message board is designed so people can comment and give their viewpoints on matters. And where do come up with this last paragraph? You are just as guilty of this as anyone else.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

Last time I checked a message board is designed so people can comment and give their viewpoints on matters. And where do come up with this last paragraph? You are just as guilty of this as anyone else.

last I checked, the world didnt require people to be assholes to one another. That's purely their own choice.

I did say "US" messageboard people, didn't I?

If you haven't figured out by now that even messageboard intolerance shows how people refuse to listen to one another, imagine how bad it must get at the political level.

If you want to attack me for pointing that out, you go right ahead if it pleases you. It's a very shallow type of satisfaction.

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