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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

ONe thing that people keep generalizing about is downloading music is bad PERIOD. A very good point is brought up here on this thread, the live sets from all over the world that you can't get from space or a store.

Honestly, I have not liked Deep Dish a single time that I have heard them at Space, but have heard a couple other live sets and actually like them. How would I know if I had only heard their Space sets?

Downloading music IS bad period....

There is no difference....when you download a live set...you are downloading several songs...which is even worst...

You can buy a live set....you buy it when you pay the cover to get in to a club where your favorite DJs are playing.....in turn that club pays a monthly fee to writer's societys that gives them the right to play music in a public venue...and that society pays the Artists...

As for radio shows....the stations are required by law to log every song that is played....and they must pay performance royalties ,tothese same societys, for every song they play...

once you download it....you are screwing ALL the artists who have produced and written songs that are played in the set..

It is the same for DJs who sell unliscensed mix cds...it is basically cannibalism...and it is ruining underground dance music...You can talk about major labels and greed all you want...but small independent dance labels rely on selling 2 to 3000 records in order to survive....and they are having a hard time doing that...most labels have even stopped pressing promos because you can no longer trust people with advanced copies because within hours it will be all over the web...

but....hey.....nothing beats free right?


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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by djoscarg

Downloading music IS bad period....

There is no difference....when you download a live set...you are downloading several songs...which is even worst...

You can buy a live set....you buy it when you pay the cover to get in to a club where your favorite DJs are playing.....in turn that club pays a monthly fee to writer's societys that gives them the right to play music in a public venue...and that society pays the Artists...

As for radio shows....the stations are required by law to log every song that is played....and they must pay performance royalties ,tothese same societys, for every song they play...

once you download it....you are screwing ALL the artists who have produced and written songs that are played in the set..

It is the same for DJs who sell unliscensed mix cds...it is basically cannibalism...and it is ruining underground dance music...You can talk about major labels and greed all you want...but small independent dance labels rely on selling 2 to 3000 records in order to survive....and they are having a hard time doing that...most labels have even stopped pressing promos because you can no longer trust people with advanced copies because within hours it will be all over the web...

but....hey.....nothing beats free right?


The point that I am trying to make is not about FREE, its about availability.....why should I, a regular consumer be denied the priviledge of being able to hear my favorite DJ if I can't make it to Spain, NY, Chicago, wherever......when I am a regular patron to various venues around Miami.

I in particular have maybe 2 cd's of downloaded music in my CD case, that I did not even burn myself......the rest are CD's from local talent that were given to me as a gift or CD's that I have bought. Maybe 4 that I burned from a friend, because my CD case was stolen a few years back, a case that held over a hundred CD's......that would be at the least $1500 down the drain.

After spending all that money, I have replaced maybe a total of 6 of them. I will not spend another dollar on a CD, especially now that my money goes to buying vinyl. In the past week and a half, I have spent $200, more than I have spent on CD's in the past 2 years, for less songs than on a double disk set.

Now tell me that I am screwing over the industry.

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Originally posted by djoscarg

Downloading music IS bad period....

There is no difference....when you download a live set...you are downloading several songs...which is even worst...

You can buy a live set....you buy it when you pay the cover to get in to a club where your favorite DJs are playing.....in turn that club pays a monthly fee to writer's societys that gives them the right to play music in a public venue...and that society pays the Artists...

As for radio shows....the stations are required by law to log every song that is played....and they must pay performance royalties ,tothese same societys, for every song they play...

once you download it....you are screwing ALL the artists who have produced and written songs that are played in the set..

It is the same for DJs who sell unliscensed mix cds...it is basically cannibalism...and it is ruining underground dance music...You can talk about major labels and greed all you want...but small independent dance labels rely on selling 2 to 3000 records in order to survive....and they are having a hard time doing that...most labels have even stopped pressing promos because you can no longer trust people with advanced copies because within hours it will be all over the web...

but....hey.....nothing beats free right?


This is ignoring a very important aspect: that of global promotion through music available online.

Partynight 538 in Holland have insane radio shows, eg with Armin van Buuren and DJ Cross, 2 DJs I'm a huge fan since hearing their shows of the internet...in downloaded format. Hell I even got into Tiesto many years ago from downloading his live sets. I've spent a lot of money to go see him from then on...a lot.

Live sets on the internet are arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT promotion tool a DJ has! How else are they going to get out there on a global basis?

I've actually not seen any of your sets out there, but if they are I'm sure you have some fans in some far reached places because of it.

Yeah going online and downloading an album track by track IS piracy, but let's not generalize as already stated.

Anyhow, you're the patio king...much respect!:cool: :cool: :cool:

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

hhhheeeeerrrrreeeeee wwweeeee go aaaqggaaiinn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

spins round and round....like a record baby.....







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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by southof5th

This is ignoring a very important aspect: that of global promotion through music available online.

Partynight 538 in Holland have insane radio shows, eg with Armin van Buuren and DJ Cross, 2 DJs I'm a huge fan since hearing their shows of the internet...in downloaded format. Hell I even got into Tiesto many years ago from downloading his live sets. I've spent a lot of money to go see him from then on...a lot.

Live sets on the internet are arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT promotion tool a DJ has! How else are they going to get out there on a global basis?

I've actually not seen any of your sets out there, but if they are I'm sure you have some fans in some far reached places because of it.

Yeah going online and downloading an album track by track IS piracy, but let's not generalize as already stated.

Anyhow, you're the patio king...much respect!:cool: :cool: :cool:

TOUCHE! Southof5th, you just hit the nail on the head of the point that I am trying to make.

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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

After spending all that money, I have replaced maybe a total of 6 of them. I will not spend another dollar on a CD, especially now that my money goes to buying vinyl. In the past week and a half, I have spent $200, more than I have spent on CD's in the past 2 years, for less songs than on a double disk set.

Now tell me that I am screwing over the industry.

Just as all your friends have done; you too are missing the point that he was trying to make. Who you are hurting is not the industry, rather the artist (in this case Oscar G) out of money that should be going into his pocket. How many of you would like for someone that you don't know to go into your place of business and just steal money out of your pocket; that you have earned and worked for? I didn't think so.

- Richard

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maybe making music should be a minimum wage job then it wouldnt be such a big deal.....i mean any1 can work at mcdonalds.....u dont have to be good at it even but u can work there....well it seams many people can make music....and alot of people arent good at it, but they make music anyways.....i know this has really nothing to do with this argument, but if music was a minimum wage job, i know we wouldnt be having all these discussions!!!!!!!


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by stryke303

maybe so...but he EARNED every penny of it! i don't have all the bling bling, but as an artist, i work hard for my money...

stop ripping us off and telling us it's the label's fault...

i was being sarcastic....

but in the end, the jokes on you dj and producers, cause what happens when downloading stops and sales don't increase??? Then who will you guys blame next???

oscar is an idealist, not a realiest.... Hes a good guy and i respect him for the person he is over the dj he is, but the guy is lost on this topic....

by the way, for the rest of you clowns, only buy muisc from non Riaa labels...


and if you are internet savy you can block the riaa with your firewall...

by the way oscar how much money did you pay to U2 when you played their boolegs? How much did you pay when you played armands illegal lenny kravitz mix..? look in the mirror you steal just like we do.....

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Originally posted by saleen351

by the way oscar how much money did you pay to U2 when you played their boolegs? How much did you pay when you played armands illegal lenny kravitz mix..? look in the mirror you steal just like we do.....

no sir...

I never bought a U2 bootleg or a Lenny Kravitz bootleg...

But I can tell you that I own every U2 album as well as Lenny's greatest hits....

not to mention...when I have played these bootlegs that you speak of on radio shows I report them to the station as the original artists song....therefore U2 and Lenny are receiving performance royalties from it not the bootleggers....

It is not illegal to take a song and remix it...It is illegal is to sell that remix (bootleg)...

There are plenty of other artist's songs that I remix and re-edit for myself so that I can play them in my sets...as well as playing acapellas of one song over the music of a different track...

where is this stealing you speak of?

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Originally posted by southof5th

Hell I even got into Tiesto many years ago from downloading his live sets. I've spent a lot of money to go see him from then on...a lot.

I understand your point (being that I am a DJ as well) but my point is...what about all the various artists who wrote and produced all those different songs that Tiesto has played on the sets you have been downloading? How have they benefited from you becoming a Tiesto fan? How do they benefit from you spending money to see Tiesto? These artists are left out.....and the bottomline is that without their music there is no Tiesto...

Originally posted by southof5th

Live sets on the internet are arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT promotion tool a DJ has! How else are they going to get out there on a global basis?

The same way we did it before the downloading craze....You bust your ass...make good records...do good remixes...release good mix compilations...pay dues....travel around the world for peanuts

to get your name out and prove yourself....many of the DJs that are popular today came to prominence that way...

Originally posted by southof5th

Anyhow, you're the patio king...much respect!:cool: :cool: :cool:

thanks....be sure to come by this week I will be debuting some of my latest downloads!!! ;):D

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i want to ask the crowd a question, please....

i buy cd's from stores for our daughter, mostly pop, but we download live trance sets alot (maybe i shouldn't be saying this online). would buy a johan gielan cd if it were there but it's not so i DL it. we go to clubs to support our fav dj's but still want fresh new music on pretty much a weekly basis. i have never sold any of these cd's. the only two people who usually get a copy are me & lex.

am i a criminal for this?

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Originally posted by djoscarg


TRANZWHORING IS ILLEGAL in every state except Nevada....you guys might want to consider moving...


que pujo!

be glad i'm not the "housewhore" cuz I'd be downloading all of your sets and taking money from your pocket! :laugh: now that would be lame, huh?

i will never leave miami! i love this city too much. all the best electronic dj's come outta miami! ;)

BTW is LP opening or closing for you on sat? :confused:

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My Chinese Grandfather taught me something when I was a young kid. He told me that men can make the simplest of problems escalate to grand proportions by rationalizing. He taught me to solve a problem, you must first bring the problem back to its most basic root.

I applaud Oscar for being the minority on this issue. I am here to stand beside him as a fellow artist (one who does not drive a Porsche or wear an Oyster on their wrists ;) ), even though I hate his guts (I still think he and Ralph are two of the most annoying, talentless, prettyboys around, but that's another subject for another thread). We are all here battling and talking about the RIAA, and the freedom of speech, and that music costs too much, and that labels are ripping people off, etc... Let's get back to the basics...

Oscar sells apples at the local market. The local market has to pay for the land that it's on, so they charge Oscar a fee for having his apple stand there. In order to pay the market, Oscar must charge a bit more for his apples. Oscar has a family to support, so this is how he makes his living...he's happy. he sells damn fine apples. everyone loves oscar's apples, they come from all over to buy them. one day, some pimply faced kids come by and see oscar's apple stand. they love apples and want to buy some. they ask how much they are. oscar tells them, and one of the kids decides that the price is waay too much and that the market is making too much of a profit on the apples. he decides to steal some apples from oscar. he thinks that this will show the market that they are charging too much. this kid tells his friends, and they soon follow suit. how do you think this ends? the market will lose some money, but will probably survive. in the end, oscar must close his stand and move because he can no longer afford to keep his stand there. he cannot feed his family or continue to sell apples.

My Grandfather wouldn't even have gone into an analogy. He would simply say...

You're stealing from someone, period.

That's the long and short of it. It's stealing...

Oscar, I'm really sorry that you had to stop selling apples and turn to DJing, seems like that crap is following you everywhere. Maybe if the producing/DJing thing doesn't work out, you and Ralph can start and orange grove or something.


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i have been a member of www.fabric.co.uk for a few months now. i buy all the fabric cd's and all the fabric live cd's. by the way the plump dj's, radioactive man, and swazak cd's are wicked. not to mention that i am waiting until the lee burridge global underground 24/7 cd comes out.

oh, by the way dj stryke u r the bomb my brotha. maybe if u would have gotten a residency @ space34 i would show my grill there again to listen to you and my fav local dj roland.


p.s. oscar u r a legend in the scene. please be a little more open minded. shit ask ur partner and my favorite local dj roland who i know for a fact downloads from soulseek. i do agree with supporting the scene and buying music, but i am not a dj like u or stryke who buy mostly vinyl.

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I'm gonna disagree with og on the livesets. I download tons of livesets not for the tracks that are included on them but because I wanna see what style a certain dj is playing or get a chance to listen to many djs that I don't see very often here. As for the individual tracks on the livesets, I find out all their names and if I can't ask help for the tracklisting and if there is a song that I like on that set I do my research and find out more about the artist that made that song to see if they make other good music and if I like the majority of their stuff next time I see their cd on the shelf, I buy it.

Give u an example: Other day I'm listening to a hybrid live set from radio one with tons of the new songs from their forthcoming album, I fall in love with their production side and decide as soon as morning sci-fi is released I'm purchasing it, think the date on that is the 23rd this month. Luckily for me I also found out that they were playing at nerve so I decided to go and check them out and I found out that they not only great producers but awesome djs as well. What I do when I get home look for more of their livesets, this time dj sets. Through that I found out that I like this medicine 8 song and later on that night, what did I do find out more about medicine 8. Livesets are good if used the right way.

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Originally posted by livin42nite

I'm gonna disagree with og on the livesets. I download tons of livesets not for the tracks that are included on them but because I wanna see what style a certain dj is playing or get a chance to listen to many djs that I don't see very often here. As for the individual tracks on the livesets, I find out all their names and if I can't ask help for the tracklisting and if there is a song that I like on that set I do my research and find out more about the artist that made that song to see if they make other good music and if I like the majority of their stuff next time I see their cd on the shelf, I buy it.

Give u an example: Other day I'm listening to a hybrid live set from radio one with tons of the new songs from their forthcoming album, I fall in love with their production side and decide as soon as morning sci-fi is released I'm purchasing it, think the date on that is the 23rd this month. Luckily for me I also found out that they were playing at nerve so I decided to go and check them out and I found out that they not only great producers but awesome djs as well. What I do when I get home look for more of their livesets, this time dj sets. Through that I found out that I like this medicine 8 song and later on that night, what did I do find out more about medicine 8. Livesets are good if used the right way.

i love the live sets too. i don't look up the names of the songs. i don't care. i play them while i'm driving around town. nothing more. no harm - no foul.
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Guest saleen351

Styrke to answer your question, did oscar's apple stand colude with all the rest of the apple stands in the area and jack up prices? Well the retailers did, and you know what, they got sued by the federal goverment and lost, and had to pay millions of dollars for price fixing. Public knew this for years, but had no power to fight back. Now we do, and could you blame us? What exactly is stealing? Oscar claims those lenny kravitz white labels don't steal from the artist. So oscar did Bono get a check for every illegal white label printed and sold? If oscar g and other djs, didn't play u2 would the track be a hit and get sold? You are a facilitator for the stealing of the U2 track. How can you a person who puts out legit cds, play tracks you know the artist isn't getting his due on?? You are telling me you don't own any whitelabels??? < come on, to say a dj doesn't own white labels is like saying trance music is good.

White label = stealing.

This is the no spin zone! Please tell me how many whitelabels you own, considering you spend 200 bucks a week on records..

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by stryke303

first off, your industry speak is incorrect. you mean to say bootleg, not whitelabel. a white label is a legal, pre-test, label copy of a record which has not been released yet.

Ok i'm confused...

On the U2 tracks, were copies sold at store? I know for a fact they are. Call it a white label or a bootleg, it doesn't matter, those records are bought by djs all over the world. That is stealing. Thus any DJ that plays that track is thus stealing, even if it was given to them. That track is not released.

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