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its 9:02


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...wadup, waaaaaaaadup...everything is tight, yo...just glad to get some me time this weekend....i think it's time for a followup suare at your new place...an encore if you will...;)...oh, and remind me to bring you that heinekin neon light for ze bar...

9:16am ...looking outisde at the rain and dont mind it so much since i'm working....

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Originally posted by phatman

...wadup, waaaaaaaadup...everything is tight, yo...just glad to get some me time this weekend....i think it's time for a followup suare at your new place...an encore if you will...;)...oh, and remind me to bring you that heinekin neon light for ze bar...

9:16am ...looking outisde at the rain and dont mind it so much since i'm working....

YEHH!!! no doubt...we should deffinetly do somthing again ...we were talkin about a few parties coming up .ull deffinetly be in the know...hah...and how could i forget the heineken sign...that would be great...we were gonna have ppl over today for abbq but not sure cuz of the weather ..u know..but ill keep u updated

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Originally posted by phatman

9:09am ...up since 7am...back to work for a half day...wishes good morning to iamme and fineones...

9:37 - 'Morning Gents!! Wondering if fineones ever fired that chic who was always coming in late...and what it is that phatman does for a living (and what is your tie in with metromixradio.com)

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Originally posted by iamme

9:37 - 'Morning Gents!! Wondering if fineones ever fired that chic who was always coming in late...and what it is that phatman does for a living (and what is your tie in with metromixradio.com)

...corporate travel for a family business...and part-time recruiter from home...i conduct dj interviews for the site - although i havent done one in a while...the founder of mmr, djqwest and i have been friends on and off for some 10+ years and even had a similar site about 5 years ago in which we were broadcasting live audio and video feeds over fax lines at 56k - lol, those were the days...

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Originally posted by phatman

...corporate travel for a family business...and part-time recruiter from home...i conduct dj interviews for the site - although i havent done one in a while...the founder of mmr, djqwest and i have been friends on and off for some 10+ years and even had a similar site about 5 years ago in which we were broadcasting live audio and video feeds over fax lines at 56k - lol, those were the days...

good shit. is mmr set up to generate revenue, or is this something that you guys really wanted to do?

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Originally posted by iamme

good shit. is mmr set up to generate revenue, or is this something that you guys really wanted to do?

...it's def headed in that direction...the original concept was a place for local talent and the music we loved...the aspirations were to make it at least self-sufficient if not a profitable adventure...mmr was part of the brainchild qwest and i developed years ago , but i have to say mmr is now all him...he's a dedicated visionary - these days i'm along for the ride to promote, assist and obtain good free cds...;)

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look in the bottom left corner for the time... and i dont know what to do... my father asked me to fix his comp, dont feel like dealing with that just yet... need to do grocery shopping... (are we throwing a lil party here tonight kes???) and i want to play guitar...

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iamme i fired that girl that same day i left here a note where she picks up her check ~ JILL YOUR FIRED

she called me the next day and asked if i was joking haha its was great...offically the first person ive ever fired


Jaws i dont know i think cha cha said she wanted to have ppl over today/tonight

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Originally posted by fineones

iamme i fired that girl that same day i left here a note where she picks up her check ~ JILL YOUR FIRED

she called me the next day and asked if i was joking haha its was great...offically the first person ive ever fired

:laugh: Thats money :aright: Im sure you enjoyed her call too :laugh:

11:40 Ready to go home although its fuckin raining...RAIN RAIN GO AWAY, COME AGAIN SOME OTHER DAYYYYYYYYYY

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