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To Everyone on the boards.........


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september 11th is ofcourse today, and after reading lots of other posts on other boards, i would just like to reach out and wish everyone all the strength we all need to get past this,

its been 2 years........

2 years and i still cry at night, and miss the people i have lost,

i miss my brother, i miss my best friend, i miss Ryan, and i miss you to jen, and i miss cassey also,

its hard, and sometimes i cant even get myself up,

i fought myself today to get outta bed, and it took everything out of me, and now im feeling it even more,

anyway, im with most of you,

and i hope everyone is somehow getting over this,

even tho u cant get over it, every day makes it a little less easier

so to everyone i lost, and to everyone you lost,

may they be happy, in a place better then this place

my heart goes out to everyone,

love ya


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Originally posted by jaysea

september 11th is ofcourse today, and after reading lots of other posts on other boards, i would just like to reach out and wish everyone all the strength we all need to get past this,

its been 2 years........

2 years and i still cry at night, and miss the people i have lost,

i miss my brother, i miss my best friend, i miss Ryan, and i miss you to jen, and i miss cassey also,

its hard, and sometimes i cant even get myself up,

i fought myself today to get outta bed, and it took everything out of me, and now im feeling it even more,

anyway, im with most of you,

and i hope everyone is somehow getting over this,

even tho u cant get over it, every day makes it a little less easier

so to everyone i lost, and to everyone you lost,

may they be happy, in a place better then this place

my heart goes out to everyone,

love ya


God Bless You..and remember they are in a better place right now

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I'm sorry to hear of your losses :(

Although I was fortunate enough not to have lost anyone during this tragedy (although my boyfriend,his mother, and my half brother all worked there but managed to get out safely thank God), I do relate to losing those whom I was very close to you and sometimes obsessing over the fact that they are gone..

But only time can help the losses become just a little easier to cope with...Good Luck to you and God Bless...

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