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HELP!!! "secret" complaint box at tense workplace


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a meeting was called for this monday, with the district manager coming in and everyone's attendance required. the meeting was set up after the main lab tech had a "talk" with the district manager, and everyone's pretty sure that it was about issues he has with the store manager. the store manager's been nicer lately :shaky: ...

anyway, there's a "secret box" in which we're supposed to put our complaints, questions, or compliments (don't see many of them coming :laugh2: ), and i wanna add my 2 cents in about how i feel about the manager. pretty much, she treats us as though we're children, or stupid - sometimes stupid children. she's the one who doesn't have that much upstairs sometimes, but that's another story :rolleyes: ...

ANycrap, i did write a note tonight, but it'll be totally obvious to everyone that i wrote it. i correct the grammar and spelling in the company newsletters and the santa monica newspapers while reading them and get peeved that people are making more money than i am as copy editors, while failing at their jobs. i'm just bitter about that shit. people at my work don't have very big vocabularies, either, so put that all together and this note is obviously mine.

i really do find it necessary to say something, though, and i wanna turn in what i wrote. i'm just worried that there might be negative repercussions. technically, the managers couldn't say or do anything against me and seem justified on paper, as it was a "secret" note...

whaddya think i should do :confused::( ?

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I see it like this:

if it's an opportunity to voice your opinion, and you know other people are doing it, or it's done for that reason, then DO IT!

Or, if you're not sure, just word your points a lil more conservatively

But either way, the "secret box" is there for a reason. Must you sign your name, or can it be anonymous?

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I would just "dumb down" the note. Get your points across, but don't use precise grammar, throw in a few misspelling, and write sloppy as hell. Even though they say it is anonymous, you wouldn't want anything you write to end up biting you in the butt because the reader figured out you authored the letter.

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thanks, you guys.

mala, i think i'll do that. i'll have to take out "hierarchy," for starters.

and gmc, you're right, too. i think it's one of those "speak now, or forever hold your peace" things. if i don't bring up these issues now, people'll say i had and missed my chance to complain. a co-worker of mine said this to me, as well. if we want change, we gotsta speak up.

i'll tell y'all how it went, tomorrow :hey: .

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