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Fags and the Catholic Church


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OK for the first time, sallens remarks need a whole new thread (for those who didn't see these gem's in the How does NJ and Lauderdale get Jr V but thread

Originally posted by saleen351

I'M CATHOLIC, I HAVE A MORAL PROBLEM WITH GAYS....:idea: call me old fashion, but god didn't want a man marrying a man... nor doing drugs and fucking each other at clubs...

Originally posted by saleen351

it has zero to do with the institution of the church, it's about the word of god and following his guide lines in life and to do that you must fear god, and i do..... It's easy to politicize the church but true beliver in god won't care. Being gay is not right, and i don't want my kids around that crap nor do i want to be around that crap. Thus why nj rocks, no gays! Down here people love gays for one reason only, it's about their $$$$$$$!

god I dont even know where to start, normally I would go after the most ignorant part, but there are so many candidates I cant even pick one.

I guess randomly.

Being gay is immoral... even here do I point out all the immoral shit that he does? no, too easy. Ill make the assumption that its immoral because his uncle told him the bible said it. The big one is one line in levitcus about being an abomination to lie with a man as with a women"

Well at least uncle guido knew something besides to change his undies once a month. It sure does.... right after it says It is an abomination to wear clothes of mixed fibers , It is an abomination to eat pork, It is an abomination to eat shellfish, Its is an abomination to drink milk, It is an abomination to have a blood transfusion, If your brother dies, you are commanded to take his wife as your own etc...

But hey, I’m sure its only the homo line that god really meant, he was just joking about the rest.

Lets not even look in the other books of the bible to talk about some of the crazy shit said there. We can just pick and choose the parts we want. All those times they talk about treating others as you would have them treat you…. Fuck that! Lets get the fags because of the two lines in a thousand pages.

But incase your curious….

We can support slavery….

Slaves, obey your human masters in everything; don't work only while being watched, in order to please men, but work wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord

Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property

We can keep women in their place

Women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but should be submissive, as the law also says

But for now just the homos.

BTW with homos of course we only really care about the guys… if its chicks!!! God bless em, just let me watch.

More to come…..

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I dont think anybody (except himself) will be able to top Shroomy's reply so I will simply state the obvious.

Did Saleen actually say that there arent any gays in NJ?!?!?!?

One question Saleen...ever hear of Atlantic City, Club Tru or Studio Six?

Is Saleen really this ignorant? Sure, its one thing to have an opinion. Its your right to free speech and you can say what you think and feel. But hasnt anyone (or the Church) ever taught you to respect another human being?

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Guest saleen351

lol, shroomy took down my post and reply, cause he thought i was talking about him, but since i'm smarter than him, i saved a copy cause i knew he has zero response.

here it is... and i'll edit it so no folk think i'm speaking about someone directy instead i'm speaking of the subject matter. YOU GOT IT YOU DUMB JUICED UP JAR HEAD???? Oh wait you are going pm people for my address again... Loser!!!!!!!!!

hers my response.

wow this is pretty laughable... I feel sorry for you. When it time for you to go, i hope you are comforted by his teachings instead of nic-picking out lines of a book published thousands of years ago.

Marriage exists solely between a man and woman ... Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law.

The basis for why i don't like gays and their life style is simple. It doesn't take marriage seriously and dumb downs the union of a man and women. I take marriage seriously, i personaly blame the lack of the respect for the holy union as the leading cause in the break down in the basic social fabric of our society. Maybe if more people thought like me, there wouldn't be a 50% divorce rate which has destroyed the american family structure. Being Jewish or Catholic or Baptist, it doesn't mattter, basic fundmentals exsit which we all reconize as being good and moral. Being gay is reconized as being immoral by the church, but it's not so much as them condemming being gay, it's to protect the holy union of a man and a women, they can never be equal and thats the point. You want to point out certain examples when in a reality you should be concerned with the idealogoy with the teachings of christ. Took me 26 years to figure it all out, one day when you take your life more seriously you'll get it too.

And my guido uncle didn't tell me, 20 years of going to church and having a father who went to Seton Hall was where i learned it. Italians take religion seriously maybe you should too:idea: American must stop gay unions and marriages to protect the holy union and preserve the american way of life, and that starts with banning gay marriages and teaching people only to have kids when married. I don't belive in divorce and i don't belive in having kids out of marriage. However i do believe that gays can adopt, however there is no reconized union..

BTW the union of gays will be blocked in court, cause the feds would have to affort the same rights to male female couples that are not married as to two gays. Thus holy union is bypassed and we are back to the same problem

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Originally posted by saleen351

lol, shroomy took down my post and reply, cause he thought i was talking about him, but since i'm smarter than him, i saved a copy cause i knew he has zero response.

here it is... and i'll edit it so no folk think i'm speaking about someone directy instead i'm speaking of the subject matter. YOU GOT IT YOU DUMB JUICED UP JAR HEAD???? Oh wait you are going pm people for my address again... Loser!!!!!!!!!

hers my response.

wow this is pretty laughable... I feel sorry for you. When it time for you to go, i hope you are comforted by his teachings instead of nic-picking out lines of a book published thousands of years ago.

Marriage exists solely between a man and woman ... Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law.

The basis for why i don't like gays and their life style is simple. It doesn't take marriage seriously and dumb downs the union of a man and women. I take marriage seriously, i personaly blame the lack of the respect for the holy union as the leading cause in the break down in the basic social fabric of our society. Maybe if more people thought like me, there wouldn't be a 50% divorce rate which has destroyed the american family structure. Being Jewish or Catholic or Baptist, it doesn't mattter, basic fundmentals exsit which we all reconize as being good and moral. Being gay is reconized as being immoral by the church, but it's not so much as them condemming being gay, it's to protect the holy union of a man and a women, they can never be equal and thats the point. You want to point out certain examples when in a reality you should be concerned with the idealogoy with the teachings of christ. Took me 26 years to figure it all out, one day when you take your life more seriously you'll get it too.

And my guido uncle didn't tell me, 20 years of going to church and having a father who went to Seton Hall was where i learned it. Italians take religion seriously maybe you should too:idea: American must stop gay unions and marriages to protect the holy union and preserve the american way of life, and that starts with banning gay marriages and teaching people only to have kids when married. I don't belive in divorce and i don't belive in having kids out of marriage. However i do believe that gays can adopt, however there is no reconized union..

BTW the union of gays will be blocked in court, cause the feds would have to affort the same rights to male female couples that are not married as to two gays. Thus holy union is bypassed and we are back to the same problem

:laugh: I knew my mind was not playin tricks on me, thought I had seen a reply last night but this morning was gone. Guess this post explains it.

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lol OMG Saleen your logic is dizzying.....

and how can you not choke even thinking of writing about the teachings of christ.

You use religion as a reason to treat others like shit, yet according to the gospel the golden rule is to treat others like you would want to be treated.

Even if being gay was a sin, which you have never explained why you think that btw, so is thousands of other things that are obviously more serious, and you ignore all of them.

You are obviously one of the closed minded followers who cant think for themselves who are responsible for the thousands of atrocities of the catholic church.

I am catholic BTW, but smart enough to know that the church is made of men and women, who get it wrong all the time.

They send people off to wars for gold and slaughter the pagans in south america, and the middle east, excommunicate (which means they are condeming him to hell) Galeleo for saying the sun is the center of the solar system. They have popes who father children. Hide preists who molest kids. Help the nazi's. Instutuionalise girls and boys because they think they are too sexual. and many many many more.

and I can tell you have figured out the teachings of christ in your wise 26 years. I read all those passages about how christ wants us to hate each other.

BTW you obviosly missed the passages in the bible about masturbation being imoral too.... but god know that if it wasnt for masturbation you would be out smoking dick and we all know it.

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Originally posted by saleen351

YOU GOT IT YOU DUMB JUICED UP JAR HEAD???? Oh wait you are going pm people for my address again... Loser!!!!!!!!!

:D lol.. btw I got this size by fighting and teaching people to fight, you should try getting off your semen stained couch and actually try exercising some time, and no jacking off or blowing some DJ isnt exercise. If you want to give it a try, Ill be happy to give you a leson next time. Your body is temple dipshit, how can you be so immoral?

and you really should learn to fight... unfortunately violence is the only thing more powerful than ignorance. :)

And lol.. I do computer databases and am good at it, you think I dont know where you live, work, SSN, dob, etc... sheesh anyone with a full name can get that in 3 seconds, right down to how much taxes you paid last year. Its just that I can do it for free and not the $35 those stupid internet websites charge.

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Originally posted by shroomy

:D lol.. btw I got this size by fighting and teaching people to fight, you should try getting off your semen stained couch and actually try exercising some time, and no jacking off or blowing some DJ isnt exercise. If you want to give it a try, Ill be happy to give you a leson next time. Your body is temple dipshit, how can you be so immoral?

And lol.. I do computer databases and am good at it, you think I dont know where you live, work, SSN, dob, etc... sheesh anyone with a full name can get that in 3 seconds, right down to how much taxes you paid last year. Its just that I can do it for free and not the $35 those stupid internet websites charge.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by shroomy

BTW with homos of course we only really care about the guys… if its chicks!!! God bless em, just let me watch.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oh, and no gays in Jersey? Here's one for ya. The new rabbi at my parents' synagogue in JERSEY happens to be gay. (Please Saleen, don't start in now with any anti-semitic trash.)

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Guest saleen351

so you are saying you didn't call and pm guyman and lola for my info?

Does "guyman, no questions asked, just give me his address" ring a bell? They didn't give it to you for a reason, you are a stalker who studders and juices.

thanks for playing...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by macboy

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oh, and no gays in Jersey? Here's one for ya. The new rabbi at my parents' synagogue in JERSEY happens to be gay. (Please Saleen, don't start in now with any anti-semitic trash.)

gay lifestyle is not openly accepted in nj, thats the point...:idea:

this board continues to get worse by the day....

heres an idea, lets all turn gay, do drugs hold parades where we fuck each other in public, then hit disney land and do it all over again... oops, they already do that....

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On a side note....the Jersey shore club scene screams with repressed gay guido's and their love for the latest and hottest gay music around. I've played up there many times back in the day at Abyss. I was always amazed at all these straight boys who were so into the tribal gay house scene. Producers like Razor, Guido, Hani....just to name a few were in constant demand to play at these"straight" clubs. And i'm sure Saleen was there dancin' his ass off everytime. Obviously it's had a huge effect on you Saleen, your all time favorite track list (which i see posted now and then) screams with tracks that are totally gay oriented......IMO Saleen you are uncomfertable with gays cause you are conflicted with yourself. Get over it

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lol we all need to move to jersy the moral holyland!!!

I guess it is immoral to be black too since they are not openly accepted in jersy.

Lets all do drugs, take off our shirt, and fist pump with the rest of the guido juice heads....... fist pump your way to heaven boys..and jersy leads the way.

btw its allso immoral to pronounce your R's obviously.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by demo909

On a side note....the Jersey shore club scene screams with repressed gay guido's and their love for the latest and hottest gay music around. I've played up there many times back in the day at Abyss. I was always amazed at all these straight boys who were so into the tribal gay house scene. Producers like Razor, Guido, Hani....just to name a few were in constant demand to play at these"straight" clubs. And i'm sure Saleen was there dancin' his ass off everytime. Obviously it's had a huge effect on you Saleen, your all time favorite track list (which i see posted now and then) screams with tracks that are totally gay oriented......IMO Saleen you are uncomfertable with gays cause you are conflicted with yourself. Get over it

first off, abyss was the bomb back in the 90's, and for a dj to put down Razor and guido (miami dj) then hani who has produced some of the best house anthems of all time, means you are clueless. Hani was not diva anthems

razor and guido gay oriented producers??? GET OFF THE CRACK!!!!!

now you spin where? no one knows, and thats the point, you have zero idea what you are talking about...:idea:

ps abyss is no where near the jersey shore... get a clue, pick up a map... it's in seyervill on 35 down from hunka bunka...

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Originally posted by saleen351

now you spin where? no one knows, and thats the point, you have zero idea what you are talking about...:idea:

just when you think the stupidity has reach a high point.

off the top of my head Craig produces tracks played by big name DJ's, has spun in almost every club in sobe at some point. Spun in several other states, many clubs in NY. Works for Billboard Mag. Worked at grooveman, etc.

and you ... blow dj's for free drinks, and have failed at every career you have tried, none of them in the biz.... hmmmm... who's opinion do you think holds more creedence?

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Originally posted by saleen351

first off, abyss was the bomb back in the 90's, and for a dj to put down Razor and guido (miami dj) then hani who has produced some of the best house anthems of all time, means you are clueless. Hani was not diva anthems

razor and guido gay oriented producers??? GET OFF THE CRACK!!!!!

now you spin where? no one knows, and thats the point, you are zero idea what you are talking about...:idea:

First off read what I wrote carefully!! I am not putting those guys down at all. I've always loved there music and their production work. Of course Abyss was good back then thats why I mentioned it.....why was it good cause the music at the time was gay oriented and just plain slamm'n......I have more clues then you'll ever know Saleen Lets see Razor and Guido (who is gay by the way and a good close friend) remix just about every vocal anthem you can shake a stick at...from Kim English to Suzanne Palmer to their own work like like "do it again" All Gay hits!! and made for that market...not for guido's

second...now i spin where??? try Nerve, Crobar, monthy residencies in ATL @ level3 and NYC at Lotus.........but then again I'm a nobody.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

ewwwwww.......how is that place anyways? we tried going once and they said its "guest list" only.....wtf?

don't want to jack the thread, but lotus is what the livingroom southbeach used to be back in 96' 97' totally crazy!! next time you're in town let me and i'll make sure you get in;)

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