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bowling for columbine!!!!!!!


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I'm with Chris Rock on this one...


"We don't need Gun Control...

We NEED to CONTROL the Bullets !"

"Man..... I'd Bust a cap in yo' ass if I could afford it!" :D


What I loved about tha movie was the FREE GUN w/ AMMO given out at a Savings and Loan bank....

:rolleyes: REAL SMART !

And, I thought that movie was the best thing made that year!.... U know why It never got pushed.....?

Lockheed Martin !

Nuff said... any more and a black interceptor will be outside my door :eek:

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Originally posted by philippio

Especially the rudeness and complete lack of respect of that clown from the NRA with the rallies that were scheduled in both Flint and after Columbine

just so you know, the denver nra event depicted in the film was not a demonstration in response to the columbine massacre, but an annual members' meeting which had been scheduled several years in advance. the nra actually cancelled all of the other related activities (several days' worth of stuff) except for the actual members' meeting, which had to be held in accordance with corporate law. any change in the time or place would've required advance notice to all of the 4,000,000 or so nra members - an impossibility considering the timing of the two events.

also, heston's "cold, dead hands" line was actually delivered in charlotte, north carolina, a year later. in the film, moore takes audio bites from seven separate sentences, from five different parts of the denver speech, adds a section from the charlotte speech, and then splices them all together. each edit is covered by inserting a still or a few seconds of video footage.

couldn't moore simply have explained why he hates heston and the nra without "sexing up" the speech?

the film may be persuasive, but it's not a documentary.

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What I thought was amazing was the ratio of death by guns in the U.S. in comparison to the rest of the world.

It's so obvious. In RED. :(

I couldn't watch most of the beginning of the movie, though. I'm PMSing, and couldn't stop crying, and was trying to eat lunch at the same time.

When they were showing the video of the 2 boys w/ all that ammunition walking through the cafeteria looking at the ground to see who else they could kill, I wanted to kill them with my bare hands. So I went into another room until all the stuff from the school ended.

I'll give it another try next week.

I just can't help putting myself in the parents' shoes. It's scary to think I could lose my children because another little fuck-head got his/her hands on a gun.

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Gun laws are about as useless, as the drug laws we have. the bottom line is gun control will never effect, the criminal population. they will get firearms one way or another. conversely if someone desires drugs, which are illegal. they will get them one way or another. the very best position IMO, which the government can take on both fronts, is to educate people.

further IMO Columbine is was a result a bad parenting, and even worse educational intervention. how in the hell can your kids be building arsenals in your garage and you not know about? the school was aware the kids had emotional issues. at what point did they think, it was imperative that parents know about this ??

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Originally posted by sobeton

Gun laws are about as useless, as the drug laws we have. the bottom line is gun control will never effect, the criminal population. they will get firearms one way or another. conversely if someone desires drugs, which are illegal. they will get them one way or another. the very best position IMO, which the government can take on both fronts, is to educate people.

further IMO Columbine is was a result a bad parenting, and even worse educational intervention. how in the hell can your kids be building arsenals in your garage and you not know about? the school was aware the kids had emotional issues. at what point did they think, it was imperative that parents know about this ??

True on all points Tony.

My father (Captain Idiot) had a gun. He kept it in the kitchen cabinet. Easy as fuck for us to get to. He would take it out all the time and show it to me, cuz he thought it was cool (again, Capt. Idiot). It was a little thing. Looked like a toy.


Never went near it.

Bad parenting on his part, but I must've learned good judgement from somewhere else. Must have been my Mommy :D.

He is a loser.

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one of the problems in our society is we constantly look for others to blame for someone elses actions.

My wife's cousin just was killed in a auto acident where both him and the guy driving were beyond fucked up. Now his parents are looking to sue the bar that served him, the auto company who made the car, the city for not having a guard rail and the guy's estate who was driving.

Now this was still a tragidy, and all those others could have prevented it, but come on, its obvious who is to blame :(

Its the whacked out kids who shot the people fault.

To blame the parents is like blaming the parents of every kid who commits suicide. Yes they should have known.... but they are maybe 2% to blame, the school 2%, the students who made them outcasts 2% etc...

as chris rock said.. "what ever happened to crazy?" as the reason people do crazy shit?

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despite all of the public concern over "the children," most schools are still unprotected. many of the half-assed measures that were enacted to "safeguard" our educational institutions following columbine (and 9/11) have since been relaxed or simply forgotten. for example, a certain high school in broward county (which must remain nameless) began issuing student photo identification neck tags a few years ago. that's right - no metal detectors, no random searches, no bomb-sniffing dogs, no guards at every entrance, but name tags. at first, most people thought it was a good idea, because everyone could immediately spot someone who didn't belong on campus (the fact that this measure would've done nothing to prevent the columbine massacre was conveniently ignored), but after a few months the novelty wore off. parents started complaining because their children were being "punished" (sent to study hall) if they weren't wearing their tags. as a result, when the school issued the photo identification tags again the following year, the students were only required to carry them, not wear them (although the teachers were still required to wear them). this year, the school hasn't gotten around to issuing the tags yet, and might abandon the project altogether.

if politicans were really sincere about saving students' lives, they could start by demanding that someone (like the school crossing guards or all of those traffic cops running radar in the 15 mph zone) simply enforce the existing bike helmet law for children. most of the kids who ride to the elementary school down the street from me do so without helmets (or, better yet, with their helmets slung over their handlebars). i mean, if all of these law enforcement officials, school employees, and parents can't be bothered to politely say something to a bare-headed eight-year-old on a bmx bike, what's the point of complaining about weapons in schools?

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That's what the movie should have really been about, the mentality in this country of people not wanting to accept the blame for their actions. As clichéd as it sounds..."guns don't kill people, people kill people..."

Of course the film was cleverly edited, Moore has an agenda, and he's trying to put it forth with little respect for the other side...what he depicts is partially true at best...not that the NRA and the other gun nuts are innocent either, while it's true that a lot of their opponents are whiny, servile, spineless bleeding heart liberals, it's not all that way on the gun-control side...hell, I know gun owners who think the current base of laws is not very strict..

Further regulating guns isn't going to do a damn thing. I'm not saying everyone should be allowed to have an MP-10, but at the same time, the laws shouldn't be such that the best someone can own is an air rifle. Like I said in another post, I like to think that the people will have some method of response to a government that is seriously progressing in the direction of fascism...

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Originally posted by shroomy

one of the problems in our society is we constantly look for others to blame for someone elses actions.

My wife's cousin just was killed in a auto acident where both him and the guy driving were beyond fucked up. Now his parents are looking to sue the bar that served him, the auto company who made the car, the city for not having a guard rail and the guy's estate who was driving.

Now this was still a tragidy, and all those others could have prevented it, but come on, its obvious who is to blame :(

Its the whacked out kids who shot the people fault.

To blame the parents is like blaming the parents of every kid who commits suicide. Yes they should have known.... but they are maybe 2% to blame, the school 2%, the students who made them outcasts 2% etc...

as chris rock said.. "what ever happened to crazy?" as the reason people do crazy shit?

well third party liquor liability laws, allow your wife's cousin parents to sue. is it fair ? well that is somewhat debatable, even within legal circles.

getting back to columbine . I would agree the kids are to blame. that was not my point however. my point was bad parenting ,and lack of intervention from the school also contributed to this tragedy, and it goes well beyond 2%. your kid is stockpiling weapons and building an arsenal right under your nose, and you did not know about it. so you should not be held liable , or your laibilty amounts to 2%.. Bullshit! :mad:

I’m sorry but parents need to start accepting, some responsibly for their children's actions.

we live in society now where a majority of parents, allow their kids to run around without any guidance or restrictions. you think columbine would have happen 10 – 20 years ago? I think not… we live in a society that is becoming, increasingly violent each day.

that should be a red flag to parents, that hey maybe I need to get more involved in my child’s life, discuss what's going on around them, etc.

IMO a majority of the kids today are f*cked up. they have little to no guidance, and are not even aware of what is going on in the world in which they live in, or the implications of the same on their very lives. This in itself is very frightening. :(

a little intervention can go a long way, in helping the kids of today. If we loose interest in them; then conversely they may start to loose interest in society. which is not a good thing.

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Originally posted by sobeton

we live in a society that is becoming, increasingly violent each day

while i agree with much of your post, i've got to point out that most statistics indicate violent crime rates are actually going down in this country - especially in states with concealed carry permits for law-abiding citizens.

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Originally posted by saintjohn

while i agree with much of your post, i've got to point out that most statistics indicate violent crime rates are actually going down in this country - especially in states with concealed carry permits for law-abiding citizens.

when I refer to society my reference was to the world, which is becoming increasingly violent each day.
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what a coinidence i say this film yesterday... partly cuz i just saw the post here, but didnt even read it, i just wanted to see for myself.... thanks flip;)

the issue that i felt was such a huge factor in majority of the problems we saw in this film was the media's influence on Americans lives... and how they choose what they want us to know, and just shove it down our throat.... Arent u guys sick of seing all the BAD news on every single station??? i think it sucks but who is to blame?? No one other than ourselves, cuz we are the ones who watch it, we are the ones that give violence its ratings (which makes money for those who with to have their commercial after we see the people getting chased and shot on the news.)which in turn takes us to the other point that $$$ is what runs this country.... i also feel that its a big part of the parents lives to teach their children from right and wrong!!! But then how is a poor, young, black single mother supposed to do that if she has to ride a bus 40 miles to make drinks and fudge for rich people, who has no time to spend with her kid cuz they gotta make ends meet...???:confused:

Bullets also make money for walmart, as they do for gun and bullet manufacturing companies.... are we to take away $$$ out of their pockets cuz OUR kids are killing each other???:confused:

I also feel as others do on this thead, that if you outlaw guns, only outlaws with have them!!!!But who really needs a mac 10 other than military personel???:confused:

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Originally posted by beatfriek

Arent u guys sick of seing all the BAD news on every single station??? i think it sucks but who is to blame?? No one other than ourselves, cuz we are the ones who watch it,


Exactly. That's why I don't watch the news.

Shit, I didn't even know Isabel was hitting the states up north!

Which isn't good either, but I have enough stress in my day...

I don't want to hear/see more depressing shit that doesn't even have to do with me directly.

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Originally posted by beatfriek

But then how is a poor, young, black single mother supposed to do that if she has to ride a bus 40 miles to make drinks and fudge for rich people, who has no time to spend with her kid cuz they gotta make ends meet...???:confused:

very easily. don't have kids then. my sister raised two kids, worked and managed to get her PHD in Special Education. we and I include myself helped, to raise those kids with her. she also made it a point, to be a part of her kid's life, often sacrificing her own social life to do so. by the way my sister was a single black mom.. ;)

my sister is not an exception to the rule. she made a conscious decision about her life, and the life of her children. many single moms out there do it, so I will not accept lame excuses for lack of parenting. as a parent you should not, sell yourself or your kids short.

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Exactly. No one's putting a gun to your head to procreate.

Controlling the urge to spawn is what makes us civilzed...unfortunatley, word of that hasn't quite reached the poorer areas of the nation yet.

Now before y'all compare me to a Nazi, let me say that I didn't specifically say ghetto...i said poor folk...which includes everyone from ghetto people to PWT in the Appalacians...well, there it's different, because they say "if you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family!" :eek:

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I just watched this documentry and it was excellent.

This president of the NRA is an @$$. What a complete lack of disrespect to the citizens of the 2 cities of the tragedies. I loved his quote: "We as Americans have the right to go where we want and do what we want" :laugh:

Maybe I'll go by his place and shoot up his house, because I'm American and I can go where I want and do what I want. :rolleyes:

The one thing that gets to me is the whole American media. It is so true: We are manipulated by the media and controlled by fear. The whole Y2K thing was blown way out of proportion and sent many people into a panic for nothing. People see something on TV and they believe it to be truth.

It seems us Americans are not as "smart" as we think we are. There was a survey taken and more than 70% of Americans that were asked still believe Saddam Hussien and the Iraqi's had something to do with 9/11 because they see it on TV. That's why we are at war. So it must true, why would the TV lie? Yet a few days ago, President Bush himself declared that the were was no direct link between them and 9/11. Go figure...

Here is a link to the story from the Chicago Tribune: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0309180313sep18,1,6562708.story

Leave it to the media manipulation to dictate what we think and what we must do.

I have never owned nor used a gun in my life. I don't have the need either. I use my time on other things; DJing, music, partying, making love not war ;)

Going to watch this again as I'm sure I missed a couple of things. If you haven't seen this yet, IT'S A MUST!

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