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The other side to clubspace guy part 2


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besides being a club freak i also write poetry. shockin but true. i have a bunch of them but a lot of them are only for close friends to see. but i can post at least one of them here. as well as the one i posted in the sex board.

here ya go. id say i wrote this during my sad phase lol

im much happier now thanks to a new wonderful friend :)

The Seagull

I no longer listen to the songs of birds

I no longer can enjoy the rising and setting of the sun


The days ebb and flow like the tides of the sea

Quiet, unnerving, melancholic

A lone sea gull cries in the night air longing for some food

Its starving


The seasons change around me, yet my world remains the same

A world full of loneliness and deceptions.

When will change come?


Romanticism lives within my heart and soul

Forever trapped not of my own doing

But because there are no takers.


As the days come and go and the lonely nights alone in my bed

Begin to overwhelm me I think of myself as that hungry seagull whose shrills pierced the nightsky. The seagull like myself, screaming out of hunger but not being heard.

His hunger physical, mine emotional.


But the seagull does have an advantage over me. He can fly amongst God’s breath

He can elevate himself to a plane that I can only dream. His lover is the sky. His wings wrapped in a lover’s embrace with the sun drenched sky. I on the other have my feet grounded wishing for a freedom that can only be achieved when someone unlocks my heart with the key of love


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Originally posted by clubspaceguy

besides being a club freak i also write poetry. shockin but true. i have a bunch of them but a lot of them are only for close friends to see. but i can post at least one of them here. as well as the one i posted in the sex board.

here ya go. id say i wrote this during my sad phase lol

im much happier now thanks to a new wonderful friend :)

The Seagull

I no longer listen to the songs of birds

I no longer can enjoy the rising and setting of the sun


The days ebb and flow like the tides of the sea

Quiet, unnerving, melancholic

A lone sea gull cries in the night air longing for some food

Its starving


The seasons change around me, yet my world remains the same

A world full of loneliness and deceptions.

When will change come?


Romanticism lives within my heart and soul

Forever trapped not of my own doing

But because there are no takers.


As the days come and go and the lonely nights alone in my bed

Begin to overwhelm me I think of myself as that hungry seagull whose shrills pierced the nightsky. The seagull like myself, screaming out of hunger but not being heard.

His hunger physical, mine emotional.


But the seagull does have an advantage over me. He can fly amongst God’s breath

He can elevate himself to a plane that I can only dream. His lover is the sky. His wings wrapped in a lover’s embrace with the sun drenched sky. I on the other have my feet grounded wishing for a freedom that can only be achieved when someone unlocks my heart with the key of love


fuckin 4get it !!! now you're gonna get all the chicks !!:mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by koky

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: could you imagine that ?? :laugh: :laugh:

I can see it now...Poetry reading by KOKY at the next Fliptoniaa...dates and times to be announced. LOL:laugh:

Just dont read any freaky shit ok, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM was enough for a few months. LOL

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