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Ibiza Review-for anyone that cares

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Ibiza is the single best place in the world. Anyone that likes to go out to clubs needs to go there once (at least). Here is a brief recap: Mon- flew into Madrid, then overnight to Ibiza (priceline hooked us with relatively cheap tickets).

Tues-Got to Jet apartments and then to the beach and Bora Bora Beach Club. Bora Bora is almost exactly like Surf Club except the girls are topless and the party goes nonstop from 11 am until midnight-EVERY NIGHT!! Went home, took a nap, then went to Pacha for the Underwater Party and Darren Emerson. He played decent tracks, but trainwrecked a bunch of songs.

Wed-To the beach by 2, and more Bora Bora. Went to eat Indian food (decent restaurant), then went home to sleep. Got to Amnesia for LaTroya. :eek: :eek: The best club in the world and probably the second best party (we'll get to that later). Spanish DJ's, sick vibe. A must.

Thurs- More Bora Bora. Then to Cream at Amnesia for PVD and Tiesto. 4 hour sets each. I thought they were both OK at best. I'm not a tance fan I guess. Straight crowd, some candy ravers. A lot of Germans who are rude as fuck.:mad:

Fri-Slept a lot. Then went to the sunset bars to watch the sunset and eat dinner-really nice (and romantic;) ) Hung out at Bora Bora until close and then to sleep. We had to get ready to the home stretch.:)

Sat- Bora Bora during the day. Went shopping and had dinner in Ibiza town (great little shops and cafes). Privilege at night for the Balearic People closing party. Privilege is the biggest club in the world and is pretty nice. There is absolutely no vibe and the DJ's (some Spanish dudes) pretty much sucked. Privilege reminds me a lot of Exit. We should have gone to Amnesia's closing party (oh well).

Sun- Woke up and got our asses to Space (We Love Sundays). Very nice during the day/drinking crowd. Left at 5 to go to Ibiza town for more shopping and dinner. Went home, slept a little and got back to Space by 11 (you can go back for free). SICKEST PARTY I HAVE EVER BEEN TO. :eek: Layo and Bushwacka were PHENOMINAL!!! Best DJ's on the island by far. Party went strong until about 6:30 am. Some stupid Americans (I forget who) thought it was Steve Lawlor up there and kept yelling "Rip it, Lawlor, Rip it!!!":laugh: (I'm sure the Brits loved us).

Let the party at 6:30, and was back on the plane by 10.

Things I learned: Brits are not very good looking overall. The Spanish for the most part are friendly and the best looking of the Europeans, followed by the Italians and French, the Swedes, the Germans the Irish/Scottish and Brits (only my opinion-of course there are exceptions);)

Ibiza is expensive. 10 Euros for a drink (about $12). The average age is about 28-30 (age range 17-70). I think that's because of how expensive it is.

Watching a 65 year old lady getting laid in a club is kind of a turn off. Why would anyone run up to her with a camera and take a picture is beyond me ;).

Someone told me that 5-HTP is useful. I would recommend it.

You can party 24 hours a day, 7 days a week--literally.

I can't wait to go back. :D

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SOMECLOWN....Very impressive...glad you had a sick time!

Kind of reminds me of me and Bigtimes Cancun experiences during college....minus the 1 gram of test, trashy people, site injections and trips to the pharmacy...........................................

Tell me...are juice heads accepted in Ibiza? Speak to me about the dress code in most places.....................................................

Hope to see you soon...missed you at Surf Club closin party.......

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Stacked-no kidding, your name actually came up while we were on the beach. There are slinkys everywhere. :laugh: I was one of the biggest guys (believe it or not) in Ibiza. I saw one dude who was pretty jacked in Pacha--of course he was from Queens.

I wore sweats and no shirt every night (except Pacha--you need a shirt). You and Court will love it.

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Originally posted by Kittyk

I can't believe you two made it home alive!!! LOL...so glad you two had fun. I missed her tons....but I bet it was the trip of a lifetime.......

:laugh: Ask her about the plane ride home. Passed out. Space almost killed me. That girl of yours can party her ass off (and me under a table) :D

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That is funny!!! Yeah...I looked into going there...two months ago...It is just tough to take off work so much and if you are not there....for a week then the travel is not worth it...especially since I am taking off for two weeks in July for our honeymoon...I am going to South Beach in November and again for WMC. but besides that Ibiza will have to wait along with Monaco and Brazil...I have done the Rome, Paris and London thing...actually Court and I spent 2 months in London a few summers ago....I want to spend time in more exotic islands...I am jealous!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

That is funny!!! Yeah...I looked into going there...two months ago...It is just tough to take off work so much and if you are not there....for a week then the travel is not worth it...especially since I am taking off for two weeks in July for our honeymoon...I am going to South Beach in November and again for WMC. but besides that Ibiza will have to wait along with Monaco and Brazil...I have done the Rome, Paris and London thing...actually Court and I spent 2 months in London a few summers ago....I want to spend time in more exotic islands...I am jealous!

Europe is such a great place to go. There is so much to experience (almost too much to do in one lifetime). I think you are right about spending at least a week in a city to really experience it and make it worth it. The good thing about Ibiza is that I saw people there of all ages. Lots of clubbers over 40-50 (Caleb would be pissed). You can go anytime. It's even nice if you don't want to party that hard.

Actually London and Brazil are next on my list of places to go. 2 months in London sounds like a great experience.

So much to do, so little time.

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Rome...was Hot! Seriously every girl was unbelievable...the clubs sucked though...compared to London....Ministry of Sound was an experience but....Equinox in Piccadilly Circus was me and Courts favorite...not so many gays.......London was so safe...we ran around that city like nuts....it was me and my best friend from high school and Courts 2 friends...we went out at least 4-5 nights a week...for the first 3 weeks...then money started getting tight....so we just ran the credit cards up! We were so out of our element...but kids respected us....I have hard photos....I will have them put onto a disk and download them........Those trips were some of the best times in my life. I had no responibilites and no pressures.

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It's so funny how the Jersey crowd and the London crowd are so different. Different styles of clothes, dancing, hair, etc. It looks like that there are no gyms in England. I think (but of course I'm biased) that the Jersey crowd overall is better looking, but if you can't get past all the superficial bullshit, a good European club and crowd is hard to beat. Great vibe, everyone really friendly and about just having a good time.

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Bro...the funny thing is....I lifted in crazy cities....Rome, Milan, Venice, Dublin(Ireland), Kensington and even Barbados...They are all so different! I always manage to find a gym no matter where I am....My boy and I joined a gym for 2 months in London...it took an hour to get to each day...and it was iall gay guys....hahaha...we didnt know it at the time....whoops.

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Originally posted by nycchic24


i will post some pictures later on. and add onto the review, but basically someclown summed it perfectly. hands down, it was the best vacation ever! :shades:

I'm glad u made it back :D

I was asleep last night when you IM'd me, I'll stalk you later for details.:zzz:

Hi Clown... :cool:

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Bro...the funny thing is....I lifted in crazy cities....Rome, Milan, Venice, Dublin(Ireland), Kensington and even Barbados...They are all so different! I always manage to find a gym no matter where I am....My boy and I joined a gym for 2 months in London...it took an hour to get to each day...and it was iall gay guys....hahaha...we didnt know it at the time....whoops.

So funny you say that. Every European that was built was definitely gay. By the way, you are one dedicated motherfucker to lift when traveling.

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Well....Someclown at the time I was playing football so it required me to maintain a strong physique....It was great though because I was 235 and on all sorts of growth enhancement chemicals and ate whatever I wanted...So I spent my days stuffing my face as well....the tables have turned. I still remember my friend and I doing sprints in Hyde Park...we both played ball in college so it was nice to have a lifting partner.

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Originally posted by someclown

So funny you say that. Every European that was built was definitely gay. By the way, you are one dedicated motherfucker to lift when traveling.

lol well we did actually think about going to the gym at the hotel/apt... that went right out the window. you were still el gigante. :tongue:

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friday we chilled and went to san antonio. the sunset bars were awesome. you can sit down at any of the cafes, good food, cool tunes and and unbelievable view of the harbor and sunset. when the sun finally sets over the horizon, everyone errupts into applause. ! almost magical :shades:attachment.php?s=&postid=1735762

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