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why are people who ride the l.a. buses so insane???


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ugh. my car has been in the shop for the last few days, so i've had to get to and from work by bus. today my journey was 2 and a half hours long, door-to-door, and my drive is 25 minutes. but that's another story.

yesterday there was a guy on the bus making pig-like snorting noises throughout the ride, practically breaking the sound barrier. he was making me ill after a while. he was so loud that it didn't matter where i was in the bus, it would still be equally disgusting :puke: .

today my bus was stopped at a light and an old man looked like he was going to cross the street in front of us, but he kept taking one step forward, then one back, moving his arms like a runner in slow-motion, like a mime or a cartoon. when our light turned green, he was still doing it, and the bus driver had to honk a few times in order to get him to move. he then crossed the street in the direction in which we were traveling. when we got across the street, that crazy guy boarded the bus along with a bunch of people, including a teenage boy; both the teenager and the old man were yelling, "don't push me..." except that the kid was also defending a girl that the man was also pushing. but then the old man started cursing, telling the "motherfucker" [kid] he had to apologize, etc., getting all up in the kid's face, carrying on... and people in the bus started to yell,


which made the old guy yell, "you fuckers can't fucking tell me what to fucking do!!!!!! fuck you!!!!!!"

20 mins. later another old guy got on the bus who started cursing at the driver for being a "fucker," etc., etc.

on the way home tonight, two old guys were arguing at the top of their lungs:

"i'm a happy man."

"i'm happier than you are."

"you're fucking miserable!"

"i'm content!!!"

"you're a miserable motherfucker, that's what you are!!! lordy, lordy, miss clawdy!!!"

and after all of these bus rides, all i could think was, "i want my car back --- now nono2.gif ."

p.s. since when do old people curse so much???

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wow...those are some interesting ppl. u've seen on the bus! in a way its a good experience cos u see soooo many diff. types of ppl...i used to take the SMC blue buses up until the early summer of this yr...had been taking them for abt 2 yrs or so...seen all kinds of ppl. but the one experience i'll never forget was the drunk guy...one time at around 9-10 o'clock at nite on the way back, i was sitting by the window, and this big fat drunk guy came and chose to sit right beside me...within minutes he was fast asleep with his head on my shoulder, and then my stop came, i had to get off but this guy was too damn drunk to get up! i actually had to JUMP over the seat in front of me, while the bus was moving lol just to get out...can u fuckin imagine that!

really makes u appreciate your car, huh? ;)

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Originally posted by anotherway83

wow...those are some interesting ppl. u've seen on the bus! in a way its a good experience cos u see soooo many diff. types of ppl...i used to take the SMC blue buses up until the early summer of this yr...had been taking them for abt 2 yrs or so...seen all kinds of ppl. but the one experience i'll never forget was the drunk guy...one time at around 9-10 o'clock at nite on the way back, i was sitting by the window, and this big fat drunk guy came and chose to sit right beside me...within minutes he was fast asleep with his head on my shoulder, and then my stop came, i had to get off but this guy was too damn drunk to get up! i actually had to JUMP over the seat in front of me, while the bus was moving lol just to get out...can u fuckin imagine that!

really makes u appreciate your car, huh? ;)

aww, that's sweet of you! people have fallen asleep on me in the subway in new york before, but no one ever got settled in that much... i hope he didn't drool on you :worry::laugh2: !!!
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When all else fails, start barking, or yelling at an imaginary friend in the seat next to you. :idea:

My favourite is pretending to pick the lice of my pet monkey and eating them! This should usually turns into the primate fun game,, you know...where one can hang from the supports from the ceiling and cackle like a chimpanzee. That usually has people giving you plenty of room and focuses the attention on whether or not you might have 5 inch canine teeth and have the possibility of carring a disease. Do this for at least 2 minutes ( or until hands have busted blisters from friction on the railings) and when you get to your stop, manuver your way-via the hand railings- to the rear exit. When the doors open, make a valiant hanging sweep into a tuck and roll out the doors and walk off like nothing ever happened. Make way to a hire car office that accepts your insurance and make promise never to ride PT again!


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