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Israel approves new construction on security barrier


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JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The Israeli Cabinet voted Wednesday to approve construction of the next phase of a controversial security barrier that leaves some gaps but goes deep inside the West Bank.

It settled on a plan that would start the construction of segments of the barrier but would not connect them to the main security barrier on the Israel-West Bank border.

Under heavy pressure from the United States, which has declared that the cost of the barrier will be deducted from $9 billion in loan guarantees to Israel, the Cabinet stopped short of authorizing construction of the barrier from the border toward the Jewish settlement of Ariel, in the West Bank.

However, the plan authorizes the beginning of construction of barriers east of five Jewish settlement blocks -- Ariel, Beit Arieh-Elkana, Nili-Naaleh, Gush Etzion-Efrat and Yatir-Sussia -- all deep inside the West Bank. Those barriers will not be connected to the main security barrier along the border, at least for now.

In addition, the plan approves the continued construction for the central section of the security barrier running along the Israel-West Bank border from Elkana in the north to the Ofer army base just north of Jerusalem.

The government began building the barrier last year. In some spots, it is an electronic fence topped with razor wire and in other spots a concrete wall.

Israel has already constructed 93 miles (150 kilometers) of the barrier in the north. When finished the fence will stretch 217 miles (350 kilometers) at an estimated cost of $200 million.

Palestinians say the barrier already has divided Palestinian land forcing people to climb through gaps to shop and visit family.

The majority of Cabinet members voted for the plan, but four hard-line members voted no and one member abstained arguing there should be no gaps in the barrier.

Conflicting views of barrier

Israel has said the barrier is necessary to stop Palestinian terrorists from entering Israel.

The Palestinians call the barrier a land grab, noting construction around the settlements does not follow the so-called Green Line, the frontier between Israel and the West Bank before the 1967 Mideast war.

Palestinian officials demanded that the United States stop the barrier's construction, the Associated Press reported.

"All these are procedures and actions that destroy all possibilities for peace and bringing about calm, be it settlements, the wall, or what is happening around Jerusalem," Prime Minister-designate Ahmed Qorei told the AP.

On Monday, U.S. Assistant Secretary for Near East Affairs William Burns called on the Israelis to stop settlement activity and the construction of the barrier, insisting it "undermines Israeli and Palestinian interests."

"Settlements continue to grow today encouraged by Israeli government policies," Burns said at the U.S.-Arab Economic Forum in Detroit. "Settlement activity must stop."

A U.N.-appointed human rights expert on Tuesday said governments should condemn the barrier as an illegal act of conquest, in the same way they have criticized the taking of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, according to The Associated Press.

In a report made public in Geneva, Switzerland, South African lawyer John Dugard said the barrier cuts deep into Palestinian territory, blocking off huge swaths of land. He said it primarily is intended to protect Israeli settlements and not, as the Israelis claim, prevent suicide bombings and other attacks, said the AP.

Israel accused Dugard -- the U.N. expert on human rights in the Palestinian territories -- of bias and said it was acting in legitimate self-defense, according to AP.

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  • 3 months later...

Sharon admits separation fence harms Palestinians


By Aluf Benn and Gideon Alon, Haaretz Correspondents

The government will examine already constructed portions of the separation fence for ways to reduce the burden they impose on nearby Palestinian villages, and will consider changing the route of portions that have not yet been built, according to the government's planned submission to the High Court of Justice in response to several petitions against the barrier.

At a meeting of the "kitchen cabinet" Sunday, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said any discussion of changes in the fence's route "will happen, if it happens," because of second thoughts on the cabinet's part, not in response to demands by the Palestinians, the United Nations or the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

He added that the experience to date of the fence has been both "good and bad": It has been successful in preventing terror attacks, but "unsatisfactory in the harm it does to Palestinians' daily lives."

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Originally posted by daprofessional

if the wall keeps the fucking palestinians from blowing themselves in cafes and discos where young men and women go to have fun GOOD!

you fucking cocksuckers, I hope one of these homicide bombers takes you with them while you're riding a bus, minding your own delusional buisness.

Now that I'd pay to see... "palestinians blowing themseves in cafes and discos" that is. :laugh:

Don't get mad at me. Get mad at Sharon for admiting that the wall is not a perfect solution and effects innocent people as much as effects the suicide bombers. Here's a hint, *a wall isn't the answer to stopping terrorism in Israel. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Now that I'd pay to see... "palestinians blowing themseves in cafes and discos" that is. :laugh:

Don't get mad at me. Get mad at Sharon for admiting that the wall is not a perfect solution and effects innocent people as much as effects the suicide bombers. Here's a hint, *a wall isn't the answer to stopping terrorism in Israel. :rolleyes:

are you fucking stupid? are you implying that those fucking coward low life palestinians don't do that?


actually you could find alot of the incidents listed here


fuck you ignorant bastard.

a wall isn't a bad idea when faced with homicidal maniacs


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Originally posted by daprofessional

are you fucking stupid? are you implying that those fucking coward low life palestinians don't do that?


actually you could find alot of the incidents listed here


fuck you ignorant bastard.

a wall isn't a bad idea when faced with homicidal maniacs


don't waste your time arguing w/these 2 terrorist lovers

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No. You're fucking stupid and a clown because you have no idea when someone is making fun of you, you sorry excuse for a turd.

You said palestinians are "blowing themselves." Last time I checked they were WERE BLOWING THEMSELVES UP. Fucking moron.

You should consider your sympathy for the murdering of all innocent people not only jews, you god damn psycho. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

No. You're fucking stupid and a clown because you have no idea when someone is making fun of you, you sorry excuse for a turd.

You said palestinians are "blowing themselves." Last time I checked they were WERE BLOWING THEMSELVES UP. Fucking moron.

You should consider your sympathy for the murdering of all innocent people not only jews, you god damn psycho. :rolleyes:

Hey man, its useless arguing against ignorant racists like these two. The others on the boad at least argue with some reason...these guys have absolutely nothing to contribute - they probably think the Berlin wall was the best idea in history!


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Originally posted by pattbateman

hey i dont like the jews as much as the next guy but i also dont like the muslims either (not personally but dont like their governments actions)

fuck'em both

fair enough that you don't like the governments. Its when moron like the two above come on here praying for the death of muslims (innocent or otherwise - hell these guys don't believe in innocent muslims), that things turn to shit.

You can't have a discussion with blind hatred.

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The security fence would not have been needed had there been no terrorism against innocent Israelis.

The fence is not a border. The border will be determined by negotiations.

The Palestinians will not be cut off from their fields, places of commerce and urban centers.

The terrorists target their victims for death. Death is irreversible. Inconveniences caused by the fence are reversible.

The right to live free from terrorism must take precedence.

A legitimate temporary security measure, the fence will help to end terror and restore calm - steps that are necessary for renewing the peace process.



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Originally posted by howardstone

The security fence would not have been needed had there been no terrorism against innocent Israelis.

The fence is not a border. The border will be determined by negotiations.

The Palestinians will not be cut off from their fields, places of commerce and urban centers.

The terrorists target their victims for death. Death is irreversible. Inconveniences caused by the fence are reversible.

The right to live free from terrorism must take precedence.

A legitimate temporary security measure, the fence will help to end terror and restore calm - steps that are necessary for renewing the peace process.



I think fence is a mis-nomer. It's a wall.

The wall is not a solution for terrorism. It's a solution for apartheid. What about the families that are separated on either side of the wall. It's not just about separating palestinians. Israelis are separated too.

The wall could very easily become a border. President Bush has condemed the construction of the wall if it's used as a border.

If it's not permanent? Why build it to begin with?

Lastly, the wall does in fact cut off palestinian land and roadways.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I think fence is a mis-nomer. It's a wall.

The wall is not a solution for terrorism. It's a solution for apartheid. What about the families that are separated on either side of the wall. It's not just about separating palestinians. Israelis are separated too.

The wall could very easily become a border. President Bush has condemed the construction of the wall if it's used as a border.

If it's not permanent? Why build it to begin with?

Lastly, the wall does in fact cut off palestinian land and roadways.

I agree, it will be a burden for both sides, but the fact is it will stop that much more suicide bombers from being successful, and maybe make them re-think how they go about change for the future. Israel's problem is much bigger than the inconvience the palestinians have, it is a much more serious one, a matter of life and death. More than 800 civilians, the majority women and children, have been murdered in the last three years by terrorists. Thousands more have been injured.

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