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Rush Limbaugh....


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First, the guy says Donovan Mcnabb is overrated and just gets attention because he's a black quarterback; because of these dumb-ass comments, he then quits last night from ESPN Sunday Countdown, and now he's " being investigated for allegedly buying thousands of addictive painkillers from a black-market drug ring." Wow. At this rate, he's gonna be our President pretty soon.


Talk radio star had drug habit, maid sez



Rush Limbaugh

Talk-radio titan Rush Limbaugh is being investigated for allegedly buying thousands of addictive painkillers from a black-market drug ring.

The moralizing motormouth was turned in by his former housekeeper - who says she was Limbaugh's pill supplier for four years.

Wilma Cline, 42, says Limbaugh was hooked on the potent prescription drugs OxyContin, Lorcet and hydrocodone - and went through detox twice.

"There were times when I worried," Cline told the National Enquirer, which broke the story in an edition being published today. "All these pills are enough to kill an elephant - never mind a man."

Cline could not be reached for further comment yesterday, but her lawyer, Ed Shohat of Miami, said his client "stands behind the story."

The Daily News independently confirmed that Limbaugh is under investigation.

His lawyers, Jerry Fox and Dan Zachary, refused to comment on the accusations and said any "medical information" about him was private and not newsworthy.

They said Limbaugh - who has a top-rated syndicated radio show but resigned early today from a weekly ESPN football segment amid criticism of racial comments about Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb - was traveling and had no comment.

The Palm Beach County state attorney's office, which is running the probe, said it could not confirm or deny the allegations.

Scoring in parking lot

Cline told the Enquirer she went to prosecutors with information about Limbaugh and others after four years of drug deals that included clandestine handoffs in a Denny's parking lot.

She said she wore a wire during her last two deliveries to the conservative commentator and gave the tapes to authorities.

She also gave the Enquirer a ledger documenting how many pills she claimed to have bought for him - 4,350 in one 47-day period - and E-mails she claimed Limbaugh sent her.

In one missive, Limbaugh pushed Cline to get more "little blues" - code for OxyContin, the powerful narcotic nicknamed hillbilly heroin, she said.

"You know how this stuff works ... the more you get used to, the more it takes," the May 2002 E-mail reads. "But I will try and cut down to help out."

The account Cline gave the Enquirer is that she became Limbaugh's drug connection in 1998, nine months after taking a housekeeping job at his Palm Beach mansion.

It started after her husband, David, hurt himself in a fall, and Limbaugh asked how he was.

"He asked me casually, 'Is he getting any pain medication?' I said, 'Yes - he's had surgery, and the doctor gave him hydro-codone 750,'" Cline said. "To my astonishment, he said, 'Can you spare a couple of them?'"

Husband's pills

Cline said she gave Limbaugh 10 pills the next day and agreed to give him 30 of her husband's pills each month. When the doctor stopped renewing the prescription in early 1999, Limbaugh allegedly went ballistic.

"His tone was nasty and bullying. He said, 'I don't care how or what you do, but you'd better - better! - get me some more,'" Cline said.

The housekeeper said she found a new supplier and arranged to hide Limbaugh's stashes under his mattress so his wife, Marta, wouldn't find them.

After several months, Limbaugh told her he was going to New York for detox and didn't need any more pills, Cline said.

But a month later, he said his left ear was hurting and asked her for hydrocodone, followed by an order for OxyContin.

Limbaugh, 52, suffered from autoimmune ear disease, a condition that left him deaf and had to be corrected with cochlear implant surgery two years ago.

Cline said she continued to make deliveries to Limbaugh even after she quit as his housekeeper in July 2001 - but he became increasingly paranoid, even patting her down for recording devices, she said.

In June 2002, Limbaugh told her he was going to New York for detox a second time.

After he returned, "I went to talk to him, and he cried a little bit," she said. "He told me that if it ever got out, he would be ruined."

She claimed that a lawyer for Limbaugh gave her a payoff - $80,000 he owed her, plus another $120,000 - and asked her to destroy the computer that contained the E-mail records.

Soon after, Cline and her husband retained Shohat and contacted prosecutors.

Feeling no pain

The drugs Rush Limbaugh is accused of abusing are legal only with a doctor's prescription. All are habit-forming.

- Hydrocodone

Anti-cough agent and painkiller similar to morphine. Side effects include anxiety, poor mental performance, emotional dependence, drowsiness, mood changes, difficulty breathing and itchiness.

- Lorcet

Brand name for the combination of Tylenol and hydrocodone, prescribed for moderate to severe pain. Side effects include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, dizziness, tiredness, muscle twitches, sweating and itching.

- OxyContin

Potent time-release medication for relief of moderate to severe pain, known as hillbilly heroin because of black-market popularity in some rural areas. Side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, sweating, muscle twitches and decreased sex drive. A large dose can be fatal.

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Originally posted by absolutv

his comments arent racists at all...

hes getting blasted for saying the truth

Hahaha...You may be right--maybe not racist (we're all entitled to our opinion); but take away Mcnabb, you don't have the Philadelphia Eagles.....he is their unquestionable leader. IMO. a dumb comment to make on national TV. This isn't his stupid little AM radio show anymore. But hey, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong (in my best Dennis Miller impersonation). ;)

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Originally posted by chaflas

This isn't his stupid little AM radio show anymore.

ummmm...have u seen the #'s on how many people NATIONALLY hear his show? i wouldnt call it a "small am radio show"...btw Mcnabb is OVERRATED..not for being a black QB, for just being a QB...the man better get his crap together ASAP...on a side note, the comment was harsh and if there was ever a time someone should have "candy coated" a comment...it was that one...stupid move Rushie...

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true he is their leader, like all QB's should be....

but i think Rush's based his comments on his actually performance vs his salary(which i dont no, but its up there) & the hype..

i also thought Dante might have fallen in the same situiation, but he has proven himself so far...

right now.. mcnabb isnt a great qb, he's above avg..def no allstar.

also i really think his WR sucks.. another factor..

well ofcourse IMO,, im not a racists

thank you:D

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

ummmm...have u seen the #'s on how many people NATIONALLY hear his show? i wouldnt call it a "small am radio show"...btw Mcnabb is OVERRATED..not for being a black QB, for just being a QB...the man better get his crap together ASAP...on a side note, the comment was harsh and if there was ever a time someone should have "candy coated" a comment...it was that one...stupid move Rushie...

Yeah....see your point...I don't think he's overated at all though; I don't think he's one of the best by any means...but he's not overated in my book.

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Guest saleen351

Rush was right for what he said, name one black rushing qb ever to win the superbowl...

I'll give you a hint only one black qb has won the superbowl and that was doug williams, who played like a pocket passsing white qb, he has zero mcnab or kordell or vick in him.

Mcnabb is over rated and him being black does help him wiht the press....

And the painkiller thing, Brett Farve was hooked on them, but no one gave a fuck, so now a guy who speaks the true and talks about race is hung because he's white...

Rush was the best addition to that show this year, i hope he comes back,and the fact he is deaf just shows you how sharp the guy really is...

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Rush shouldn't have pussed out and resigned, that only promotes the idea that his comments were racially motivated...even though I don't think they were at all. He hit the nail on the head with his comments, McNabb is overrated.

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Guest saleen351

BTW, proof whites can't talk about race:

Personally, I like to play in the heat," Dusty said. "Most Latin people and minority people do. You don't find too many brothers from New Hampshire or Maine, right? We were brought over here because we could work in the heat. Isn't that history? Your skin color is more conducive to heat than it is to the lighter-skinned people. I don't see brothers running around burnt. That's a fact. I'm not making this up. I'm not seeing some brothers walking around with some white stuff on their ears and noses.

if a white guy said that, the press would have a field day with it....

if rush was black, no one would care... When america gets rid of the double standard, then race relations will get over that last hurdle...

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Originally posted by saleen351

Rush was right for what he said, name one black rushing qb ever to win the superbowl...

I'll give you a hint only one black qb has won the superbowl and that was doug williams, who played like a pocket passsing white qb, he has zero mcnab or kordell or vick in him.

Mcnabb is over rated and him being black does help him wiht the press....

And the painkiller thing, Brett Farve was hooked on them, but no one gave a fuck, so now a guy who speaks the true and talks about race is hung because he's white...

Rush was the best addition to that show this year, i hope he comes back,and the fact he is deaf just shows you how sharp the guy really is...


For you to say "Who gives a fuck" basically means your implying this is not worthy of being big news.

Can you honestly tell me that rush limbaugh, a man who

1) portrays self as setting moral standards in a decaying socieity

2) has been on congressional panels to make drug laws even stricter

3) made comments that all drug users should move to other countrires

4) forcefeeds the world with "i am mightier than thow" propoganda...

in light of these facts, you can tell me its not news, when he has broken his own code of conduct, his own principles, his own laws, and proven to be the worlds biggest hypocrite.

also, Lets point out a few differences here.

Brett Favre is a professional athlete. He had legitiamte reasons to use pain killers. Unfortunatlye allot of professional athletes cross the line from using to abusing pain killers. At least he used it for a legit reason anyway. Nonetheless the social status & morals of a man as rush probably are held to a higher standard than a dam professional athlete. No rush, we all know that the ear pain came after the drug use not prior.


devoted republican

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Originally posted by saleen351

Rush was right for what he said, name one black rushing qb ever to win the superbowl...

I'll give you a hint only one black qb has won the superbowl and that was doug williams, who played like a pocket passsing white qb, he has zero mcnab or kordell or vick in him.

Mcnabb is over rated and him being black does help him wiht the press....

And the painkiller thing, Brett Farve was hooked on them, but no one gave a fuck, so now a guy who speaks the true and talks about race is hung because he's white...

Rush was the best addition to that show this year, i hope he comes back,and the fact he is deaf just shows you how sharp the guy really is...

I guess that means Dan Marino was over rated? Well, he never did win a super bowl. :rolleyes:

Btw, I thought Rush was good on the show. I just think that comment was a bit over the top.

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Guest saleen351

lol, your arguement makes zero sense. Trust me Rush probably had a legit reason for the painkillers and got hooked on them, just like anyone else. Farve doesn't get a pass cause he plays football, I have lyme diesease for over 16 years, i deal with more pain a day then you do in a year, should I get a pass if i get hooked on painkillers?

Trust me i'm in the drug business, and certain drugs especially painkillers and sleep aids are easy to get hooked on. Rush is a very sharp guy, hes been on top for years and only is on top cause he's got some thing intelligent to say.

BTW, Jesse Jackson portrays himself as being the moral authority of the black race, but he fucked his assistant and had a kid, but him being black got him a pass with the press except with Bill Orielly...

Rush is not racist nor a bad person, he was the best part of that show, and i hope fox picks him up...

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Originally posted by saleen351

lol, your arguement makes zero sense. Trust me Rush probably had a legit reason for the painkillers and got hooked on them, just like anyone else. Farve doesn't get a pass cause he plays football, I have lyme diesease for over 16 years, i deal with more pain a day then you do in a year, should I get a pass if i get hooked on painkillers?

It makes no sense? The crux of the issue is that someone who has actively tried to shove his morals down everyone's throat (which includes illegal drug use on his list of activities which decay societal values) was caught doing what he supposedly despised.

Rush had as his medium one of the largest talk shows in the country to use as a means of reallly reaching & influencing people.

Now all of the good that he ever said will fall by the wayside because he has proved himself a hypocrite.

Bottom line, man pushed for stricter drug laws is himself addicted to drugs. But my argument makes no sense? :rolleyes:

by the way, are you able to distinguish between his comments about mcnabb & the drug issue?

It is possible that you can agree with his comments on the mcnabb issue, but at the same time bash him for his drug use as it relates to his "agenda".

Saleen, when i was younger, i was a huge fan of rush, read his book, used to watch his tv show & loved when he was dabbling in politics. The man has no credibility now & i feel like he has made others lose faith in reinstallling morals into our society.

i liken it to someone who loses faith in religion because of a priest who molests children (of course not as bad, but the premise is identical). we tend to look at the leader & his personal life, not just the messages they espouse.



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Trust me i'm in the drug business, and certain drugs especially painkillers and sleep aids are easy to get hooked on. Rush is a very sharp guy, hes been on top for years and only is on top cause he's got some thing intelligent to say. [/QOUTE]

Yes rush is a sharp guy........he doesnt say to manu inteliggent things...his inflection is one of intelligence, so therefore sinece the majority of dumbasses in this country know nothing...bcuz of the way the government wraps things up.....they figure...he sounds like he knows what hes talking about so therefore he must..... ill give the guy credit for being an excellent speaker, and for being able to hold a crowd while he talks pure and utter crap.....come to think of it i wish i had that talent!!!!!!!!!!!

i know this ur boy o'reilly saleen is smiling his ass off, cuz hes gonna get alot of listeners out of this one!!!!!!!!

but then again that guys a dumbass too!!!!!!!!!!!

laws of fliptoniaaa....good times.......tolerance.........and thats all i have to say about that!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

i know this ur boy o'reilly saleen is smiling his ass off, cuz hes gonna get alot of listeners out of this one!!!!!!!!

but then again that guys a dumbass too!!!!!!!!!!!

laws of fliptoniaaa....good times.......tolerance.........and thats all i have to say about that!!!!!!

hmmm....seems like ur hating on O'Reilly Flip....:laugh::tongue:



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Guest saleen351

bill orielly is certainly not a dumbass..


#1 book twice

Harvard grad

Catholic school upbringing...

i hold a phd in argueing, however i couldn't hand with Bill....

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not for nothing but if you actually listen to the statemant rush made nothing he said implied that he was a racist. he merely stated that he felt that Mcnabb was overrated because "OTHERS" wanted to see a black quarteback succeed.... he didn't say he doesn't like black people or that he doesn't think black people should or shouldn't succeed. just that "OTHERS" may feel that way. in short rush was reporting on what he has observed in his upfront approach that made him famous and it was blown completely out of proportion so no i don't think this story was at all newsworthy...

on another note i personally do not like rush limbaugh and his political views. i do like donovan mcnabb and feel he is a tremendously talented QB but, the facts are facts why make a racial issue out of nothing as if we don't have enough going on already.

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