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Colder Weather = Drier Skin


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Originally posted by phatman

...man i hate this...i have to bust out the lotion already...

It puts the lotion on its skin!

It does what its told!

...blah...at least i sleep better...

it rubbeth the lotion on the body...

it rubbeth the lotion on the body..

put the fuckin lotion on bitch.........



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hey, phattie,

for really soft hands, put vaseline on 'em and sleep with white cotton gloves on. your hands will be ridiculously soft, and, if they were chapped, like mine were when i lived back east, they'll be healed. a lotion i like throughout the day is neutrogena's "norwegian formula hand cream." it comes in a 2 oz. tube sold in a box, so you'd think it's pricey, but it'll last you for a loooonnnngggg time. less than a pea-sized amount will be enough to moisturize your hands all day. as for a body lotion, i still haven't found one i like dontknow.gif .

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..did you just tell me to put vaseline on my hands and then a pair of gloves???....you sure you got the right board?...lol...actually, i've heard that before...fortunately, it's really not that bad for me...usu i just use a little vaseline intensive care for dry skin on certain "zones" and i'm fine for the day...but thanks for the info...

p.s. did you get the cover letters i sent ya?

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