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Alright that's it, kick his ass out.


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I stood behind him in the beginning but it's just finally come to a head when a president says the following:

"Sometimes the American people like the decisions I make, sometimes they don't," he said. "But they need to know I'll make tough decisions based upon what I think is right."

How about this. Sometimes you might not like the decisions that the AMERICAN PEOPLE tell you to make, but YOU need to know that the country belongs to THEM, not to you. If America doesn't want you to do something or go someplace, as a SERVANT of the people, you DON"T DO IT.

There are plenty of other strong countries who aren't involved in creating a shitstorm around the world. If the public doesn't want you involved and the majority [as of recent polls] shows t hat they don't have confidence in you, step aside or stop doing what you're doing.

I've had it with his idiot ramblings. "We lack confidence in you", the public says. "Saddam is dangerous and the world is a better place without him" he replies. "You spend too much time thinking about other countries and we want you to focus more on domestic problems. the UN and NATO can focus on the world issues" the public says. "Terrorism is the greatest threat to the national security of the United States" bush replies.

AT this point I think BUSH is becoming the greatest threat to the security and identity of the USA. If there's any reason why terrorists would want to target the US in future attacks, it's because our country is shitting all over EVERYONE - not just our enemies [who deserve it] but also our allies and people in the middle.

IF you come into the bar looking for the guy who threw a rock through your window, and push everyone around and cause a ruckus, it won't be long before someone decides to kick your ass, and everyone else joins in.

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Originally posted by cintron

"You spend too much time thinking about other countries and we want you to focus more on domestic problems. the UN and NATO can focus on the world issues" the public says.

i agree with this statement.....but what about countries that havent done anything directly to us, but are funding and harboring terrorists? what do we do with them?

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tough question. Then again, we can't prevent everything. If some guy in minnesota or in the phillipines wants to build a bomb in his basement and drive it into a building the next day, they're going to do it. We can't stop everything.

I think a worldwide presence is a good thing, but currently our presence is brash and intrusive. It breeds resentment, which the foundation for attacks.

I'm only going to go so far as to suggest that we soften the impact our presence makes around the world. Everywhere we go, we manage to fuck things up somehow and get people mad at us. It would be nice if we could help change our image worldwide to a more positive one.

People tend not to attack you if they feel you aren't threatening them or pissing them off somehow.

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hey, i supported him at first. the country was mad and we wanted blood.

but now that's years behind us and he's still chanting the exact same tired old lines as when we began, because he knows he has next to nothing else to stand on.

I was expecting a president that went out, kicked ass, brought everyone home and moved on. I wasn't expecting a president that went out creating wars to fight in and basically telling the American people to go fuck themselves, he's in charge.

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Originally posted by cintron

hey, i supported him at first. the country was mad and we wanted blood.

but now that's years behind us and he's still chanting the exact same tired old lines as when we began, because he knows he has next to nothing else to stand on.

I was expecting a president that went out, kicked ass, brought everyone home and moved on. I wasn't expecting a president that went out creating wars to fight in and basically telling the American people to go fuck themselves, he's in charge.

What is years behind us...9/11????......that should never be behind us...it should be burned into your memory, and should constantly remind you what the U.S. is up against....

Amd thank God he is chanting the same lines..... a strong leader in a war, he should be doing everything he can to keep the resolve of Americans strong, in the face of a war that can only be fought if Americans discard their 5 second MTV attention span and show the resolve that our enemies do not think we have, and is precisely what they are counting on.....

An I am not sure what you mean, "expecting a President that went out, kicked ass, brought everybody home, and moved on"..........that is very naive.......He just led two very successful military campaigns with astonishing success.....to think that war last a few weeks and are completely clean is absurd......of course there are extreme challenges, but who said or expected this to be easy........

And explain to me just how he is telling the American people to "go fuck themselves"........his approval rating is 52%, which is remarkable since the Democrats and media have relentlessly attacked him.....and lets not forget approval ratings for Presidents are always their lowest in their third year...Clinton and Reagan were in the 40's.....

You are falling prey to the relentless media cycles, the Democratic rhetoric, and I am sorry, expectations that are out of touch

I would also like you to point our our "intrusive" presence, followed by why the U.S. is there......

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Originally posted by igloo

What is years behind us...9/11????......that should never be behind us...it should be burned into your memory, and should constantly remind you what the U.S. is up against....

Amd thank God he is chanting the same lines..... a strong leader in a war, he should be doing everything he can to keep the resolve of Americans strong, in the face of a war that can only be fought if Americans discard their 5 second MTV attention span and show the resolve that our enemies do not think we have, and is precisely what they are counting on.....

An I am not sure what you mean, "expecting a President that went out, kicked ass, brought everybody home, and moved on"..........that is very naive.......He just led two very successful military campaigns with astonishing success.....to think that war last a few weeks and are completely clean is absurd......of course there are extreme challenges, but who said or expected this to be easy........

And explain to me just how he is telling the American people to "go fuck themselves"........his approval rating is 52%, which is remarkable since the Democrats and media have relentlessly attacked him.....and lets not forget approval ratings for Presidents are always their lowest in their third year...Clinton and Reagan were in the 40's.....

You are falling prey to the relentless media cycles, the Democratic rhetoric, and I am sorry, expectations that are out of touch

I would also like you to point our our "intrusive" presence, followed by why the U.S. is there......

well, 9/11 IS behind us believe it or not. We can't spend our lives living in the hours after t he attack forever. Does that mean we should bury our heads in the sand? no. But does it mean we should go out and fuck up everything on the beach? NO.

A strong leader can exist without acting like the bully on the playground. Roosevelt said "walk softly and carry a big stick". Bush says "walk loud as you fuckin want, becuase if youre not with us youre with the terrorists and we're gonna lynch your ass."

That breeds resentment, like it or not.

As for "leading" two successful military campaigns - the credit goes to the GENERALS who planned and LED those campaigns, not to bush who ordered them out there. A president does not concern himself with the details of planning a successful campaign. He listens and gives the green light if they're good enough. The soldiers are responsible for the success of the military campaign, not the president. Dont kid yourself.

and his DISAPPROVAL rating is at 52% - look at recent polls. There is a HUGE chunk of americans who DON"T have confidence in his foreign policy and think america has seriously taken a wrong turn. Hey, remember I SUPPORTED his ass at the outset, but it sucks to see that this country has gone from the hurt, benevolent superpower to the angry monster that threatens to destroy all.

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Originally posted by cintron

well, 9/11 IS behind us believe it or not. We can't spend our lives living in the hours after t he attack forever. Does that mean we should bury our heads in the sand? no. But does it mean we should go out and fuck up everything on the beach? NO.

A strong leader can exist without acting like the bully on the playground. Roosevelt said "walk softly and carry a big stick". Bush says "walk loud as you fuckin want, becuase if youre not with us youre with the terrorists and we're gonna lynch your ass."

That breeds resentment, like it or not.

As for "leading" two successful military campaigns - the credit goes to the GENERALS who planned and LED those campaigns, not to bush who ordered them out there. A president does not concern himself with the details of planning a successful campaign. He listens and gives the green light if they're good enough. The soldiers are responsible for the success of the military campaign, not the president. Dont kid yourself.

and his DISAPPROVAL rating is at 52% - look at recent polls. There is a HUGE chunk of americans who DON"T have confidence in his foreign policy and think america has seriously taken a wrong turn. Hey, remember I SUPPORTED his ass at the outset, but it sucks to see that this country has gone from the hurt, benevolent superpower to the angry monster that threatens to destroy all.

I could not disagree with you more....

If you think Bush is acting like a bully, then you could not misread a situation any more.....I think you need to reflect on the past two years, and not just Iraq and the rhetoric you hear

Funny, you do not want to give the President for leading a war effort, but you sure want to assign him plenty of blame......to point out the obvious that the generals and soldiers lead the military planning and effort is a waste of my time, and does not warrant attention....

And did you not expect the polls to drop, with 24/7 negative media coverage with an agenda and the Democrats attacking non-stop for the past 2 months on his Iraq policy.....

I have seen plenty of polls...plenty...he has a 52% overall approval rating, over 60% on the war on terror, and the last gallup poll I saw showed 51% on Iraq......this is fine considering the political environment, and understanding polling in a third year

Yes there have been challenges and missteps, but most are grossly exaggerated, and the successes and progress are woefully under reported.....

Your statement that the U.S. is a monster to destroy all is absurd, reckless, and completely without merit.......

It sounds like you supported Bush solely on emotion from 9/11, and now you are not supporting Bush based on emotion gathered from media onslaught and rhetoric.....

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WASHINGTON — President Bush's public standing, on a downward trend all summer, has slid to its lowest point since the Sept. 11 attacks two years ago, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows.

A thin majority, 52%, approve of the overall job he is doing, down from this year's high of 71% in mid-April, when the war in Iraq still had a glow of victory.

It's even further from his 90% job approval rating in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks.

On Iraq, where the news has been dominated by continued attacks on U.S. troops, 51% approve of Bush's management. Public satisfaction with the way things are going there has fallen below 50% for the first time, to 47%.



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Originally posted by igloo

I could not disagree with you more....

to point out the obvious that the generals and soldiers lead the military planning and effort is a waste of my time, and does not warrant attention....

And did you not expect the polls to drop, with 24/7 negative media coverage with an agenda and the Democrats attacking non-stop for the past 2 months on his Iraq policy.....

It sounds like you supported Bush solely on emotion from 9/11, and now you are not supporting Bush based on emotion gathered from media onslaught and rhetoric.....

More like this.

I supported bush becaause I thought he was the right man for the job, when the job needed to be done.

Now I think there are men who could better handle that job.

I'm not going to give a president credit for a military's success. If you want to, go ahead, but it's a waste of time to argue that point. The true stars wear the uniform.

It's not a conspiracy like you make it sound, dude. Bush has been under a lot of fire from the outset, with the presidency he narrowly won, t he divided nation he tried to heal, the terrorist actions that brought out his aggressive side, and now the way in which he deals with the rest of the world body, which in my opinion is inadequate. We're the world's only superpower. We have no need for a guy to strut his stuff and kick everyone else around. There are better ways to handle things than being the threatening loudass.

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Originally posted by cintron

More like this.

I supported bush becaause I thought he was the right man for the job, when the job needed to be done.

Now I think there are men who could better handle that job.

I'm not going to give a president credit for a military's success. If you want to, go ahead, but it's a waste of time to argue that point. The true stars wear the uniform.

It's not a conspiracy like you make it sound, dude. Bush has been under a lot of fire from the outset, with the presidency he narrowly won, t he divided nation he tried to heal, the terrorist actions that brought out his aggressive side, and now the way in which he deals with the rest of the world body, which in my opinion is inadequate. We're the world's only superpower. We have no need for a guy to strut his stuff and kick everyone else around. There are better ways to handle things than being the threatening loudass.

It is your right to think there are better men for the job......I think you are off base not to give the Commader in Chief credit for leading a war effort, yet are willing to assign him blame for things that have gone wrong......so be it.....you need to stop repeating the obvious "the true stars wear the uniform"...you are debating with yourself....

No one is claiming conspiracy......it is common sense and reality....you show a gross underestimation of the media, its agenda, amd its impact....you also show a gross appreciation of the political environment, and its impact.....you also show a lack of clarity on presidential third years, and polling history........No conspiracy, just facts.......Sorry, I do not mean to be insulting, but you have to put things in perspective before making reckless statements...

Now, I agree with you that I believe the Bush administration could possibly have handled the world body better with respects to Iraq......but let's be clear.....The U.N. is not a leadership body, but a debating society that for too long has been paralyzed by inaction and self interests when debacles have occurred around the world......and the only time there has been success has been because of the U.S........

Leadership does not mean everyone has to agree with you, or like you, or support you.......the world changed since 9/11 (despite you shamelessly saying it is forgotten), and a new approach needs to be applied to antiquated institutions, policies, and even old friendships.....

The status quo simply will not work any more, especially in light of the fact that this country has been under attack since 1983 with increasing violence from a determined enemy that draws from a Middle East that is still in the dark ages........and if you think that the Middle East can be reformed some how by U.N. resolutions or France dealing arms to Hussein or Russia helping Iran build nukes or negotiating with Hamas or the U.S. just being less "intrusive", you belong on Mars....

BTW--while Europe gripe about U.N. control in Iraq, and the bush critics scream for intl help, I find it ironic that the Iraqi people overwhelmingly do not want foreign troops, but U.S. troops...

"Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail."

Akila al-Hasemi, the Iraqi Governing Council member now fighting for her life in an American military hospital after an assassination attempt on Sept. 20. Only ten days earlier, the former diplomat had visited the Quai D'Orsay and, according to the New York Times, "admonished the French not to try to drive a wedge between the U.S. and the new Iraqi government by offering a tempting plan for quick sovereignty."

It is al-Hasemi's parting words to her French hosts that bear repeating: "Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail."

It is a shame that more Bush critics and misguided antiwar peeps do not appreciate these words......

And again, I have no idea what you are talking about "loudass"....He is being a loudass with Iran and N korea, or is he is working a multi-lateral approach and the IAEA?.....Was he a load mouth with China with the downed US plane?.....You mean he was a loud mouth with France and Russia, who only disagreed with our Iraq policy because they have billions owed to them by Iraq?....in other words, their self interest in more important that the U.S. national interest????

Or is he being a loud ass with Al Qaeda, who views that the U.S. is weak and can be taken down, because they believe the U.S. lacks resolve and inner strength, and that the U.S. will cut and run at the first signs of trouble or Amercian deaths?

Gee, I wonder where they would get that idea?

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Originally posted by igloo

It is your right to think there are better men for the job......I think you are off base not to give the Commader in Chief credit for leading a war effort, yet are willing to assign him blame for things that have gone wrong......so be it.....you need to stop repeating the obvious "the true stars wear the uniform"...you are debating with yourself....

No one is claiming conspiracy......it is common sense and reality....you show a gross underestimation of the media, its agenda, amd its impact....you also show a gross appreciation of the political environment, and its impact.....you also show a lack of clarity on presidential third years, and polling history........No conspiracy, just facts.......Sorry, I do not mean to be insulting, but you have to put things in perspective before making reckless statements...

Now, I agree with you that I believe the Bush administration could possibly have handled the world body better with respects to Iraq......but let's be clear.....The U.N. is not a leadership body, but a debating society that for too long has been paralyzed by inaction and self interests when debacles have occurred around the world......and the only time there has been success has been because of the U.S........

Leadership does not mean everyone has to agree with you, or like you, or support you.......the world changed since 9/11 (despite you shamelessly saying it is forgotten), and a new approach needs to be applied to antiquated institutions, policies, and even old friendships.....

The status quo simply will not work any more, especially in light of the fact that this country has been under attack since 1983 with increasing violence from a determined enemy that draws from a Middle East that is still in the dark ages........and if you think that the Middle East can be reformed some how by U.N. resolutions or France dealing arms to Hussein or Russia helping Iran build nukes or negotiating with Hamas or the U.S. just being less "intrusive", you belong on Mars....

BTW--while Europe gripe about U.N. control in Iraq, and the bush critics scream for intl help, I find it ironic that the Iraqi people overwhelmingly do not want foreign troops, but U.S. troops...

"Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail."

Akila al-Hasemi, the Iraqi Governing Council member now fighting for her life in an American military hospital after an assassination attempt on Sept. 20. Only ten days earlier, the former diplomat had visited the Quai D'Orsay and, according to the New York Times, "admonished the French not to try to drive a wedge between the U.S. and the new Iraqi government by offering a tempting plan for quick sovereignty."

It is al-Hasemi's parting words to her French hosts that bear repeating: "Don't think the Iraqis will ever forget what the Americans did in liberating them. We will not allow the Americans to fail."

It is a shame that more Bush critics and misguided antiwar peeps do not appreciate these words......

And again, I have no idea what you are talking about "loudass"....He is being a loudass with Iran and N korea, or is he is working a multi-lateral approach and the IAEA?.....Was he a load mouth with China with the downed US plane?.....You mean he was a loud mouth with France and Russia, who only disagreed with our Iraq policy because they have billions owed to them by Iraq?....in other words, their self interest in more important that the U.S. national interest????

Or is he being a loud ass with Al Qaeda, who views that the U.S. is weak and can be taken down, because they believe the U.S. lacks resolve and inner strength, and that the U.S. will cut and run at the first signs of trouble or Amercian deaths?

Gee, I wonder where they would get that idea?


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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Igloo , since Cintron dropped his blindfold.gif

u might wana pick it up..just in case the one ur still wearing gets a hole in it

Or before I crush it with my left foot before iggy gets the chance to.

Cintron's not a pussy no more????

You are now upgraded to real man. Welcome to the real world :)

I now pass the ceptor of pussy over to Igloo, the NEW PUSSY!

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Originally posted by cintron

you think really hard about this stuff huh.

i just dont like the guy. He had my support, now he has my disdaiin. Argue points all you want, but debates don't necessarily change opinons.

Think hard about this stuff?????????????....are you kidding??

You know what, you scare me now......You would hope peeps would become more educated and informed and think harder before "showing their disdain" for their President and policies(or showing support for their President and polices too)................anything less just exposes them for being an ill-informed, misguided blowhard easily swayed and clouded by rhetoric, 24/7 media cycles and headlines feeding their MTV attention span and Hollywood expectation levels....

This was a rea bad post by you, real bad.........I think you are lost....unless you are trying to join thd "We know zero but pretend we are intelligent Toneythelover Club"......perhaps you should stick to the Christina vs Britany debates on TRL.....

BTW--still waiting for a response to my request to support all your rhetoric and wild statements made on this thread...

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all my rhetoric? dude, it's my OPINION.

I'm going to say it again for the thousandth time in the hopes t hat you'll get it.

I SUPPORTED BUSH AT THE OUTSET. He was the man for the job. I think if we'd had Al Gore in office, we would have been completely fucked and crawling on the floor because that man isn't enough of a leader. Bush is strong willed, independant and a hard charger. So BAM, we got shit done - we went out and kicked ass in foreign countries, which is usually what happens after stuff like this, he helped sign the largest slashes in interest rates into law. He basically tried to give our economy a shot of adrenaline, since EVERYONE was losing confidence. Investors were taking their money elsewhere because who the hell wants to put money into Wall Street when there was the possibility that another plane could smash into it and destroy all their investments? He basically dragged us kicking and screaming into the fire because we HAD to finally REALIZE there was an enemy to fight and this time that enemy didn't wear a national uniform and carry a standard issue weapon.

Fine. I respect him for that. The attacks broke us out of our shell of ignorance. He tried to give us a purpose.

Now, the other side is this - You need a man in the Oval Office who's got a sense of BALANCE. Bush is a hard charger and that's great, but we bombed Afghanistan, we bombed Iraq, we sent troops to places from the Phillipines to Africa all in the name of quashing uprisings and rooting out terrorists. At this point, we need a guy who can LISTEN to the RESULTS of his actions, not seek out new places to make MORE actions. Bush does NOT listen - that's the main issue I have. When we were attacked, he was instantly on "autopilot". It was "bring the war to the enemy" and "terrorism must die", which hey that's fine with me.

But now we have a very unstable oil market. We have pressing domestic issues like the largest deficit we've ever faced, which WE as TAXPAYERS are going to end up paying for. Basically, we have Bush still on autopilot off fighting terrorists and evil doers all over the world, yet he's not doing what I feel his main priority should be - he's NOT listening to the American people. The american people are telling him that they're losing confidence in his ability to handle foreign politics. THe polls reflect that - a MUCH higher proportion of people are starting to doubt his ability to maintain good leadership, and if other people feel the way I do, then I believe those polls.

We've managed to piss off a sizeable chunk of europe, excluding Britain [who is giving Blair his own fight].

And yet we have a president STILL stuck on autopilot. The thing that pisses me off the most is that it seems like he spends the majority of his day focusing on issues OUTSIDE our borders and the only time he responds to anything INSUDE our borders is when something happens that he has to respond to. Attacks, arrests in the name of Terrorism, progress in the war on terror, etc etc etc. It's all about terror.

Where's the whole notion that a president has a NATION to run, first. And foreign policy to conduct, SECOND. Where's the notion that if half the american people don't approve of what he's doing, t hat he take the time out to at least LISTEN and RESPOND to their concerns. right now it seems like he's acting as if "THis is MY country and I"M running it, and you can butt out until my term is up."

That's what's pissing me off the most. You can't have a head of state that does not listen to his country. That is not a democracy, that's called a dictatorship. What does it matter if we ask him to spend more time focusing on domestic issues if he won't listen? He has generals, he has inteligence agents, he has so many other capable people to run ops against terrorists, plan issues out in Iraq and secure Afghanistan. He could easily be focusing on many other issues here at home, such as finding a way to get us out of this deficit hole we're now in for starters.

He doesn't singlehandedly RUN the war on terror, but he certainly projects to the American people [and this is how I see it], that he's the main guy involved. That without his constant attention, it would fall apart. That the war on terror is 100% what President Bush is about and everything else can wait.

We're going to be in it for the long haul, he said at t he outset. I accept that. We DON"T need to have it on the forefront of our minds for that long haul though. There is an entire structure of military, intelligence and bureaucrats that can take care of everything and run it all on their own. The war on Iraq needs to be given a more definite GOAL. Bush has NEVER properly annunciated what his PLANS are - whenever he makes moves or sends troops, he always asks for a blank check. That's ANOTHER main issue I have now. What the fuck is on his mind? What's he planning to do? Most importantly what are his INTENTIONS? How does he want this scenario to play out? How will this affect me as a citizen with family in the military?

I KNOW NOTHING. That is something that unsettles me.

I don't like being led by an aggressive man who doesn't listen and who has the "my way or the highway" approach to leading a nation. A man who does not listen to the people who put him where his is, is a man that cannot be trusted, IMO.

There are others who are better suited to lead with better communication, with BALANCE, not with the football mentality of "HIT EM HARD AND HIT EM SQUARE IN THE CENTER."

Times change and leadership style must change to suit it.

I'm glad the election is drawing near because I can't stand his ass in office any longer.

You wanted my "justification", that's my OPINION. It's what matters to ME most. I'm sure there are plenty of other Americans that share my viewpoints.

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Originally posted by cintron

all my rhetoric? dude, it's my OPINION.

You wanted my "justification", that's my OPINION. It's what matters to ME most. I'm sure there are plenty of other Americans that share my viewpoints.

Thanks for the response, and you obviously took some time to write the longest post in history ;)

And that is your opinion, and I respect that.....My opinion on your opinion is that you are still misguided, too many over-generalizations and absolute false statements, don't understand the status quo will not do in dealing with friends and enemies, have fallen victim to 24/7 negative media coverage, still don't understand presidential third terms, still can't grasp the dynamics of polling in the face of non-stop Dems attacks and polling history, misrepresenting what the American people want, don't understand the deficit, don't understand European politics and self interests, and most frightening, do not understand the War on Terror and what 9/11 really means.....I could go on but I do not think it is necessary

I do agree that the Bush administration has done an awful job of communicating, especially in promoting progress and success in Iraq and in combatting the anti-Bush media circles and outlandish comments by Dem candidates...

I stand by my opinion that you must "think harder" ........and rely less on the current political atmosphere that currently dominates much of your empty rhetoric (i.e. comparing Bush thinking with a football mentality).....

Your opinion is yours, but if you want your opinion to be respected, it must contain more justification for your thoughts and debate than over-generalizations and blind rhetoric........

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;) I try to write long ones.

I honestly dont care about my opinion being respected. We all have one and we don't need to justify our feelings to others, IMO.

Maybe it's the whole attitude of Bush - he basically IS a hard charging football nose tackle. There is no tact with that guy. It's right up the center, in your face "if you're not with us you're with the terrorists". And then he goes and barely communicates with the public to help build confidence.

That's the largest issue I have - I don't have CONFIDENCE in the man because it's like being led around in the dark by a guy who for all you know, is as blind as a bat.

I just don't KNOW the president - he's not a personable guy.

So I can't trust him either.

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Yea I stood behind the president after 9/11 but only becuase I felt sorry for him. Then as soon as the bombs stopped dropping on Afghanistan he was like "on to iraq" and I put my hand over my eyes and was like "I knew this guy was a moron." Right then I knew there was way more to this than just some simple war on terror.

As for "Bush is strong willed, independant and a hard charger." I don't know where you got that from. All he[bush] does is what his fund raisers tell him to do. I would say he's the exact opposite of that. OK his constituants make him out to be like that, but it is nothing more than a show.

"I can't be governor, I'm nothing more than a media creation." - Bush on running for Governor in Texas.

I would say the most realisic view of Bush would be to say that he is really nothing more than a puppet for big businesses, like Oil Companies for instance. I for one can't think of one thing that he did for the average American.

Before 9/11 the media portrayed him as an idiot. Then 9/11 happens and all of a sudden he's the greatest president ever. Now, it's only once and again that he's realistically depicted. Time Magazine had a good story a month or two ago, showing how the war on Iraq is based on nothing but lies.

I don't get it. He blatantly lies to us then people still support him. They even go so far as to make excuses for his lies and deceptions. Of course, I shouldn't blame Bush after all he is not the one making the decisions.

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