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For those who are bi-coastal, I have some questions...


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I'm a New Yorker who just moved to LA. I need somebody who's partied a lot on both coasts to answer a few questions. Tell me what the LA equivalent of the following NYC spots are.

For example, if I said Sound Factory, you would say that the place in LA that comes closest in spirit and tone to Sound Factory is Ivar, or something. I don't know shit.

So what's the LA version of...

1. Webster Hall

2. Plaid

3. Sound Factory

4. Bungalow 8

5. Suite 16

6. Centrofly

7. China Club

8. Culture Club

9. The Roxy

10. Flow

Feel free to just answer one or two. I'm just wondering. I wanna get a sense of what the scene is like here ASAP. Plus, I'm fucking bored.

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i'm from nyc, but i was a raver back then. i went to raves held in some of those places, but those nights weren't representative of the clubs; they were one-night things. the raves in nyc were great :aright: . the rave scene out here gets a big thumbs-down from me, but i won't get into that, 'cause you seem to be a clubber.

i did see danny tenaglia at sound factory for a thanksgiving eve once, and the vibe was really negative. too many people who were there spending too much time trying to be "better than" and too few nice people. i complimented a girl in the bathroom on her shirt and she just shot back the most evil look...

out of the rest of those clubs i've only been to the roxy, and that place is just the nicest space. i've always thought it's so beautiful there. but i've only been there for one-night things, so i can't tell you what its equivalent is out here.

sorry i can't be more helpful dontknow.gif . i will say, however, that, on the whole, partiers (ravers, clubbers, everyone!!!) are just friendlier here, in my experience. it's easier to strike up conversations with strangers, and, at the few clubs i frequent, it's not about posing; it's about having a good time :aright: .

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Weyes, so you're in LA now? I want to know what the scene here/LA is like. So you think it's friendlier?

No, I'm not a clubber really. I just like to go to different places depending on my mood. So rip on the LA rave scene all you want. :)

In NYC I didn't have a regular spot. One week it would be Turtle Bay, or Coral Room, occasionally Webster Hall, Bungalow 8, Flow, or just some dive in Alphabet City, etc. NYC was cool like that.

The drinking and driving fear is just killing me out here.

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Originally posted by os9

...The drinking and driving fear is just killing me out here.

having to drive everywhere was one of the few things that made me rethink the move out here. but there were only a few things to keep me in new york, and i felt that that really wasn't reason enough to stay. i'll tell you, though, the subways and the occasional cab were my caretakers, and i even walked home sometimes. walking after a night out was so lovely every once in a while... but it was just so nice to feel so safe and not have to worry about anything :) .

these days, i'm often the designated driver, or my friends and i keep it simple at clubs and then get inebriated at home. my best friend lives far from me, so i often take him home, stay at his house, and drive home in the morning.

but please don't drive drunk :worry: . i think a main reason why a lot of clubs have last call at 2 and close at 4 is so that people can sober up a bit before they go home. but stay sober 'cause it's the right thing to do, not hurting yourself or others is always good :aright: , and because you WILL get a dui and get your license suspended.

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Getting back to Queens at 4:30 in the morning after a night of heroic drinking in the city sucked sack. Sometimes the 6 and/or N train came in quickly, and sometimes, as you probably know, it would take 45 minutes. 45 minutes of feeling like you want to puke, totally surrounded by drunk, horny men (and, yes, myself included) who all look like extras out of a prison movie.

BUT, with all that said, at least I could get totally HOUSED and not have to worry about drunk driving. And if there was a friend with you you could just split the 15 bucks and grab a cab. And my neighborhood had the dopest shish-kebab vendor in the world working until 6 in the am. Hot Greek chicks, too.

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