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quick morillo at space review

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by markusschulz

EM was really good. I enjoyed watching him work. He let the tracks evolve nicely. Takes alot of patience to play like that when you have a crowd like Space crowd.

MS, this is why i respect you as a dj and producer so much, you just understand Djing way more than 90% of the djs i've ever spoken to. When we talked we both knew what EM was doing, and it was amazing to me, to watch a dj let his set flow and never sold out because he felt the crowd was loosing it. He had patients and flawless mixing.... I dare anyone to find a better house dj in america...

good to see ya, tell wifey i said hello...

and congrads on the jewel track, i'll post the charts when they make the web..

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Guest saleen351

BTW, i forgot to mention, Roland, never ever ever ever ever build up a track at a high note, thats a rookie mistake and hurts more than it sounds good... had to hold my ears...

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What a Great night in general @ Space once more . Roland played a really nice set , EM was OK for me (his style of house isn't too much of my liking) , but MS did a really good set , nice banging tunes and sweet to dance too .

It was great too also see such a nice gathering of CP's , all having a good time as one solid block .

I wanna give a special thanx to Sobeton for being suck a cool cat , Steffy & Candy for being such sweethearts (truly!) , Roger , Grooveric , and all other folks that contributed for this past saturday to being Awesome .


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my body aches and I have blisters on my feet. what an awesome night, morning, and afternoon it was. Erick Morillo and JV are my DJ idols. to hear Erick on such a special occasion was an experience I will not soon forget. Erick worked his way into his set in the mainroom, and just unloaded one sick track after another. Roly did a great job opening; he kept the crowd moving, and did not blow up Erick’s spot. Roly is pure class.. ;)

Erick's terrace set had some highs and lows, but he found the right formula and finished out with a sickness. Thank You Erick! OG followed and lowered the hammer with a quickness. the highlight of this amazing experience was hearing OG drop Bob Marley’s "Could You Be Loved", and the final track OG dropped Donna Summer's timeless classic "Last Dance ". listening to people singing the words to last dance, and dancing disco style was prices less. :D

A sincere thank you LP, OG, Roly, Markus S., Biz, Marcus, and all Space folks. it's been a crazy and wild experience. I know the journey will continue..


Big props to all the CP band of renegades who came out to party.. Big shouts outs to my dance partners Poysoniv and CrzyC, sexy as hell and they can rip it on the dancefloor. :cool:

Thanks once again to Mike and his lady, for letting us invaded his house..

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Overall great night. EM def had me hanging from the mobile rig. Didn't stay too late and ended up running into David Alexander and Kaenow on the way out. Great to run into guys again, it's been a while...oh and drinking striaght out of the Bacardi bottle probably wasn't a good idea for me or any of us at that. Sorry I didn't stick around to go eat, everyone was pretty exhausted! :D:aright:

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for all that didnt hear this part of EM in the patio i must say it was a hell of a thing to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he was playing satisfaction from benny bennassi and then all of a sudden u hear the rollings stone satisfatcion creeping up, and the patio exploded with energy it was great to hear and feel!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes every1 that was there remember this past saturday cuz i was at space for the frist time in a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

of course i had a great time, but wherever i go im gonna have a good time i dont care what the name on the outside of the club is!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue:

EM played some nice groovy house tracks i have no cpmplaints, but then again i dont hate...i appreciate!!!!!!!!!:D

For all the crap we say about c.p. ......ive said this b4 and ill say it again...we the poeple of c.p. bring a great vibe, and i love to get somewhere and know that there will be c.p.ers there...cuz u know for the most part its about good people having good times!!!!!!!!!!

all the d.j's i heard played well enough for me to say thanx for the rewelcoming to space for me!!!!!!!!!

it was nice meeting rolly...i stood next to him around him, have heard his sets....but know1 ever took the time to introduce us.....

and to every1 else u know im not gonna even try to go trhough all of u!!!!!! but u know u were there and u probably posted allready!!!!!!! but u know u guys r all a blast!!!!!

Oscar g ur a scholar and a gentleman!!!!!!!!!:aright:....and i forgot after i left that i wanted to talk to you about tata guines and los papines!!!!!!! but i forgot ...so maybe next time!!!!

Mrmiami!!!!!!!!!! good job on scoring smashleyville!!!!!!!:eek:

were gonna have one hell of a c.p. b.b.q. there one day.....that yard is big enough to have headliners spin there so if i were u i would start booking edgar o.g. stryke and whoever else we would take to fit all that space u got there....and let the goat loose!!!!!!!!!

and i think thats all i have to say for now so im just gonna stop rrrriiiiiiiiggggggghhhhht here!

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What can I say? This was THE best night I have ever had at SPACE. Most of you know I am a trance addict but SOBETON...oops... I mean Morillo was incredible. He definitley took us on a ride.

This was also my first MS experience and that man was AMAZING!!! Every time I sat down to give my feet a rest I was back up within 2 seconds throwing it down again! LOL Anybody know who the dancer guy with the hat was? He was a bit intimidating but quite fuuny. I dont think I have ever had a dance-off before. LOL:laugh: Anyway, back to Markus...I almost died when he brought out "As the Rush Comes" and then almost had an orgasm when he brought it back at the end. THANK YOU!!!!!

Also thanks to GrooveEric for taking me up to the booth. Never done that before and I was quite impressed. ;) BTW, GrooveEric you should the size of the bruise on my leg from where I thought I should jump on your back without warning...LOL Sorry about that.

Now shall we move to the Patio? I caught the last hour of EM's set...not really my taste but still great. Yes, I was still dancing on the patio. However at that point I had finally lost my sense of rhythm and my feet were blistered beyond belief. I had the opportunity to Meet OscarG prior to his set and what a sweet guy he is. He threw down some great stuff...I actually prefered his patio set to EM. I remember coming out of the bathroom at one point and hearing Lenny Kravitz!!!!:laugh: But the closing song "Save the Last Dance" was out of control. My dancing partner, SOBETON, and I knew all the words and all the moves. We were some disco queens!!! LOL

The crowd was a major pain in the ass at first but it was expected since all the "uninformed" were there for SPACE's "last night." LOL But once I found all the CP peeps the party got started in a major way. You all know who you are, what happened and what a great time it was!!! However, ERICKAMIKAZEE...thanks for being the one to drag my ass on the dance floor for the first time that night, I didnt stop dancing until 2pm, THEHOG...nice meeting you, you party animal, SALEEN..not quite as menacing as I thought, STEFFY...great to finally meet you, SOBETON...you are one sweaty bastard, how did I end up as towel girl and yet you got the SPACE shirt???, NMOTION...you are a funny guy, KOKY...I am in LOVE with your little one, MRMIAMI and FELICIA...thank you again for the after party, sorry we didnt get there until after 3, FLIP and THEMRS...the party is always better when you guys show up, POD...thanks for being my pockets LOL.

Funniest moment of the night/afternoon...On the patio about 2pm, sitting on the stage looking up at the booth to see Luis (who I have never met) trying to get me to flash my tits...classic!!!!

Thanks for a great time SPACE!!!!:D

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What a great night, too bad I was too tied up (lol) to enjoy the CP company...seriously I am sticking to you guys like glue next time, I missed so many people and pics...but Eric Morillo was owning me that night. Thanks Bling for picking me up and being so nice to put up with my shit, great to see those that I did. Til next time. :cool:

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i really wanted to go hang out with everyone but i had to work and miss all the fun! anyways it was good seeing those of you that came over afterwards. i had to go back to work before everyone showed up so hopefully i will have better luck next time!

the goats have been eating grass all day i think they might pop soon!:eek:

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Originally posted by CrzyC


Funniest moment of the night/afternoon...On the patio about 2pm, sitting on the stage looking up at the booth to see Luis (who I have never met) trying to get me to flash my tits...classic!!!!

Thanks for a great time SPACE!!!!:D

when the owner of the clup says FLASH !! YOU FLASH young lady :mad: :mad:


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Originally posted by CrzyC

Originally posted by koky

when the owner of the clup says FLASH !! YOU FLASH young lady :mad: :mad:

Not until my SPACE passes are flashed first...:laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: you drive a hard bargain... but what do u want em now anyways .. ??? more like Pacha passes ;):D :D
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Originally posted by koky

:laugh: :laugh: you drive a hard bargain... but what do u want em now anyways .. ??? more like Pacha passes ;):D :D

Whatever the name is or will be...I have no probs exchanging tits for passes. You guys saw 80% of my boobs at MRMIAMI's whats another 20%?:laugh:

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Originally posted by koky

hey dan btw .. where are the pics you took ??

The files are at CJ HQ right now. Nick'll have the galleries up by Wednesday most likely.

Look for a shot or two in The Street on Thursday. :cool:

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Originally posted by CrzyC

Whatever the name is or will be...I have no probs exchanging tits for passes. You guys saw 80% of my boobs at MRMIAMI's whats another 20%?:laugh:

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