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Al-Qaeda continues to grow due to iraq

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Iraq War Swells Al Qaeda's Ranks, Report Says

Wed October 15, 2003 12:53 PM ET

By Peter Graff

LONDON (Reuters) - War in Iraq has swollen the ranks of al Qaeda and galvanized the Islamic militant group's will, the International Institute for Strategic Studies said on Wednesday in its annual report.

The 2003-2004 edition of the British-based think-tank's annual bible for defense analysts, The Military Balance, said Washington's assertions after the Iraq conflict that it had turned the corner in the war on terror were "over-confident."

The report, widely considered an authoritative text on the military capabilities of states and militant groups worldwide, could prove fodder for critics of the U.S.-British invasion and of the reconstruction effort that has followed in Iraq.

Washington must impose security in Iraq to prevent the country from "ripening into a cause celebre for radical Islamic terrorists," it concluded. "Nation-building" in Iraq was paramount and might require more troops than initially planned.

"On the plus side, war in Iraq has denied al Qaeda a potential supplier of weapons of mass destruction and discouraged state sponsors of terrorism from continuing to support it," the report said.

"On the minus side, war in Iraq has probably inflamed radical passions among Muslims and thus increased al Qaeda's recruiting power and morale and, at least marginally, its operating capability," it said.

"The immediate effect of the war may have been to isolate further al Qaeda from any potential state supporters while also swelling its ranks and galvanizing its will."


Magnus Ranstorp, terrorism expert at Britain's St Andrew's University, told Reuters the report's findings would drive home the importance of rebuilding Iraq and other conflict zones.

"Military planners and the law enforcement community are fully aware of the consequences of failed states," he said.

"I think it's probably worthwhile for politicians to keep in mind our responsibility to provide sustained and long term reconstruction in war-torn countries, so they don't fly back into anarchy or become incubators of terrorism."

Washington blames al Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, for the 2001 U.S. airliner hijack attacks which killed 3,044 people.

A crackdown had netted some al Qaeda leaders and deprived al Qaeda of bases in Afghanistan. But it also "impelled an already highly decentralized and evasive international terrorist network to become even more 'virtual' and protean and, therefore, harder to identify and neutralize," the IISS report said.

It said 18,000 veterans of al Qaeda's Afghan training camps were still probably operating worldwide "with recruitment continuing and probably increasing following the war in Iraq."

Al Qaeda leaders, including bin Laden, are mostly still at large and continue to incite followers over the Internet and through pronouncements on Arabic-language television.

Because of its extreme religious world view, al Qaeda "cannot be tamed or controlled through political compromise or conflict resolution," the report said.

But Western countries need to do more to reach out to Muslim countries and their own Islamic minorities to "eliminate the root causes of terrorism," especially after the Iraq war "almost certainly further alienated Islam from the West."

Efforts should be redoubled to resolve local conflicts, such as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, so regional radical groups such as Hamas do not fall into al Qaeda's embrace, it said.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

This is the exact reason I was against the war in the first place. I really hate saying, "I told you so" in cases like this.

STFU already moron....just shut up......you know NOTHING...absolutely NOTHING......


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Originally posted by xpyrate

Do you somehow think that by insulting me you think that I will change my mind? I don't get you man.

Of course, you don't get me...you are a moron. I am tired of uneducated, clueless jerkoffs like you who just shoot their mouth off because they can, instead of taking the time to be better informed and offering opinions that have substance.

For example, on a previous thread you offered up your typical jibberish, I shoved it back up your ass, and then you admit you didn't know what you are talking about. You are a sad symbol of what goes on in this country on a much greater scale.

It is a shame you can not grasp the ramifications of that when mutiplied out, and it is equally as sad that, based on your other responses, that you can not grasp what this country is facing, fighting, and confronting, and that it will last decades.

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Originally posted by igloo

Of course, you don't get me...you are a moron. I am tired of uneducated, clueless jerkoffs like you who just shoot their mouth off because they can, instead of taking the time to be better informed and offering opinions that have substance.

For example, on a previous thread you offered up your typical jibberish, I shoved it back up your ass, and then you admit you didn't know what you are talking about. You are a sad symbol of what goes on in this country on a much greater scale.

This post is explaination enough. I don't even know why I responded.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

This is the exact reason I was against the war in the first place. I really hate saying, "I told you so" in cases like this.

Same here. I predicted this before the initial bombings even started.

Originally posted by igloo

I suggest you cease all responses and instead get an education.

I sugesst you.....

STFU already moron....just shut up......you know NOTHING...absolutely NOTHING......


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Originally posted by igloo

that you can not grasp what this country is facing, fighting, and confronting, and that it will last decades.

I know exactly what this country is facing: a bunch of low life thugs in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, we have greedy fools in positions of power, who would put our safety, freedom, etc at stake just so they can make a few bucks.

For one, I would really like to know what Bush has done to decrease the risk of terrorism. I cannot name one single thing that he has done that has decreased the risk of terrorism.

That and why he isn't and hasn't concentrated our armed forced into the search for Bin Laden. Of course, they say they are but the plain fact is we got nearly 200,000 troops in Iraq and Bin Laden is nowhere to be found, and he certainly isn't in Iraq. So what exactly are we doing in Iraq when the man behind the 9/11 attacks is still at large? Had we caught Bin Laden 2 yrs ago a case for the Iraq war might make sense, but as it stands we are completely distracted from the investigation at hand. Seems to me if they spent half the effort looking for Bin Laden as they have invading Iraq we might be closer to finding him. Even when it is reported that Bin Laden has been seen it's hardly covered by the news. It's as if we have forgotten who our enemy is.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

This is the exact reason I was against the war in the first place. I really hate saying, "I told you so" in cases like this.

ranks of the nazi grew also when they/we went to war should we not have helped france,britain,and the rest of europe during that time?? or is that a different staory than todays issues???

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Originally posted by igloo

Of course, you don't get me...you are a moron. I am tired of uneducated, clueless jerkoffs like you who just shoot their mouth off because they can, instead of taking the time to be better informed and offering opinions that have substance.

For example, on a previous thread you offered up your typical jibberish, I shoved it back up your ass, and then you admit you didn't know what you are talking about. You are a sad symbol of what goes on in this country on a much greater scale.

It is a shame you can not grasp the ramifications of that when mutiplied out, and it is equally as sad that, based on your other responses, that you can not grasp what this country is facing, fighting, and confronting, and that it will last decades.

bravo, bravo, bravo

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Originally posted by babbo

ranks of the nazi grew also when they/we went to war should we not have helped france,britain,and the rest of europe during that time?? or is that a different staory than todays issues???

maybe we shouldnt have defended ourselves after pearl harbor as well- lmao

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Originally posted by babbo

ranks of the nazi grew also when they/we went to war should we not have helped france,britain,and the rest of europe during that time?? or is that a different staory than todays issues???

I'm saying we should go after those resposible for 9/11, not trounce around the world bombing people just because. Bin Laden knocked down the WTC, and we should chop his fucking head off because of that. Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 nor is he any kind of threat to us, nor was he ever nor will he ever be. I don't get it. Bin Laden kills 3000 of our people then everybody is all gangbusters about getting Saddam. Doesn't make sense.

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Originally posted by babbo

or, were the nazis and japanese also justified in their actions??

did we aggravate them as well? LMFAO

This war has absolutely nothing to do with WW2. There is no paralell. Differents times, different enemies, different reasons.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

This war has absolutely nothing to do with WW2. There is no paralell. Differents times, different enemies, different reasons.

agree w/you- get bin ladin. but to think for a second, he is the only one responsible for 9/11, or the only enemy of humanity is naive.

times are differnet yes, but many reasons are similar to go to defend yrself. the reasons are among many are hate, and knowing WHO YOUR ENEMY IS. polics, intl law, etc etc, are all side bars, to the reasons human beings go to war. religion, hate, land, greed, insecurity, agressiveness, are the enemies. the times, and history have taught us to protect ourselves, and ALL our allies

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Originally posted by xpyrate

I'm saying we should go after those resposible for 9/11, not trounce around the world bombing people just because. Bin Laden knocked down the WTC, and we should chop his fucking head off because of that. Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 nor is he any kind of threat to us, nor was he ever nor will he ever be. I don't get it. Bin Laden kills 3000 of our people then everybody is all gangbusters about getting Saddam. Doesn't make sense.

Like I have continually said simpleton....you don't get it, and based on the incomptence you have displayed here, you will never get it..

Unless you take my suggestion and get educated and informed......time to graduate from Dr. Suess and Lite Brite retard....

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Originally posted by igloo

Like I have continually said simpleton....you don't get it, and based on the incomptence you have displayed here, you will never get it..

Unless you take my suggestion and get educated and informed......time to graduate from Dr. Suess and Lite Brite retard....

Eh... go play with ya 'My Little Ponies' Okies ;)

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Originally posted by babbo

ranks of the nazi grew also when they/we went to war should we not have helped france,britain,and the rest of europe during that time?? or is that a different staory than todays issues???

Originally posted by babbo

maybe we shouldnt have defended ourselves after pearl harbor as well- lmao

Originally posted by babbo

or, were the nazis and japanese also justified in their actions??

did we aggravate them as well? LMFAO

Talking to yourself?

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bush is trying to fight fire with fire.

guess what. that doesn't work.

we went after the taliban becuase they were supporting bin laden.

we went after saddam becuase he was being an asshole to the international community and telling us he didnt give a shit about WMD that he did or didn't have.

so what now? We occupy Iraq and dump a ton of cash into it, we occupy Afghanistan and dump a ton of cash into it and what do we get?

Third world assholes and ingrates who would rather spend their off time plotting how to blow up our soldiers to get their old regime back, then HELP to rebuild their own stinking shitpot of a country.

It's bullshit because now that Saddam and the Taliban are now part of the underground trying to hide from us, they midas well be terrorists themselves. We put them there when we kicked them out of office and you can bet that both them and their followers are constantly planning attacks on us because of it.

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Originally posted by cintron

bush is trying to fight fire with fire.

guess what. that doesn't work.

we went after the taliban becuase they were supporting bin laden.

we went after saddam becuase he was being an asshole to the international community and telling us he didnt give a shit about WMD that he did or didn't have.

so what now? We occupy Iraq and dump a ton of cash into it, we occupy Afghanistan and dump a ton of cash into it and what do we get?

Third world assholes and ingrates who would rather spend their off time plotting how to blow up our soldiers to get their old regime back, then HELP to rebuild their own stinking shitpot of a country.

It's bullshit because now that Saddam and the Taliban are now part of the underground trying to hide from us, they midas well be terrorists themselves. We put them there when we kicked them out of office and you can bet that both them and their followers are constantly planning attacks on us because of it.

Exactly, I dunno 'bout Igloo but I'd rather have friends than enemies. And enemies are all we seem to be making with Bushes foreign policy.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Exactly, I dunno 'bout Igloo but I'd rather have friends than enemies. And enemies are all we seem to be making with Bushes foreign policy.

the folks you want as friends, will slice your head off, and put it on tv- bush is no genius, but this issue go way beyond current circumstances youngin

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