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Props to the Red Sox..


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Originally posted by groovefire

If only ALL Yankee fans had been on the ferry.

i kept wishing for all of the yankee players and the entire yankee organization(except mussina, i do like him i wish he would come to boston) to be on a sinking ship and die, too bad they all weren't on that ferry!

but finally a post by a yankee fan that gave the sox some credit. the yankees didn't fucking win, THE YANKEES SUCK MORE THAN EVER NOW, grady little lost that game for us and gave the win to the yankees.....pedro was throwin the heat up til the 8th inning, he should have never started the 8th inning, that's what our bullpen that we worked so hard at building was for, his pitch count was too high.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

I'm a Yankee Fan.

I'm happy that they won.

Shit, I'm overjoyed.

HOWEVER, I will give any one of you Yankee fans on here twenty bucks if you can honestly tell me that you weren't sweating your asses off last night before the 8th inning? Face it, Boston is a good team and they gave us a GREAT fucking series... 7 Games, and had us beat all the way till the 8th inning.

I can understand if we Swept (as in winning straight 4 games swept) them, and they never even had a hit off us. I think THOSE are grounds for abuse.. BUT, they pretty much owned that game last night and made it go to the full seven games. In my opinion, THAT is not a sucky terrible horrible team. I'm grateful for teams like that because it brings excitement and craziness back to the sport.

Now you can all call me a traitor or whatever, but I just know where credit is due, and for the Sox to contribute in such a sick game such as the one displayed last night, they deserve a little bit of something.

Hey Deelite....shut the fuck up!......Baston sucks balls!.....Oh yeah and everyone else in Boston....Somebody go get Wakefiled some band aids b/c Boone lit his tits up!

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Originally posted by slinkyboy

Hey Deelite....shut the fuck up!......Baston sucks balls!.....Oh yeah and everyone else in Boston....Somebody go get Wakefiled some band aids b/c Boone lit his tits up!

hush up you ball obsessed faggot.

A team that sucks anything wouldnt have pushed the series to game 7.

suck on that.

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Mad Props TO deeelite, its good to see a yankess dfan giving credit to the red sox that tried ther best but in the end fucked it up like usual, i hope they do something for next year like get a new head coach cause im sorry Grady is not cutting it anymore, i hate the yankess more then anything, but for once i give you guys the most all respect to make it to the series, now we shall see how good this series it is just like the sox and yankees playoffs, but anyways again deeelite you rock and good luck to both teams in the world series!!!

Damon 2.0

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