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What makes you happy?


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security means happiness 4 me..so, knowing my mom is going to totally support me in finishing my edumacation makes me UBERhappy :D

um, my boyfriends love...root beer...Isis, my cat....fresh air...100mph...learning...japan...Conan O'Brian...MUSIC, HELLO!...pedicures...absynthe from my bud roach, the one that HATES ME :laugh: uh.... cawfee?? daughters, dawgs you know, no big whoop

ok, so I'm in an almost constant state of happiness, by choice

however, I also think it's due to my religious attendance to the finest cable network ever... The Comedy Channel :D

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for me it has to start with my family, and my closest friends. Seriously without them I think I would have gone crazy these past couple months. I guess you never realize what you have until it's a million miles away from you.

I also think that my success as a human being makes me happy, the very fact that I know myself as an individual and am able to do anything if I put my mind to it. I have a lot to learn and a lot of growing up to do, but being grounded and knowing what I want in life has made me strong and that makes me smile.

The one thing that I lack and maybe of an unconcous level of not wanting or NEEDING it is a strong loving relationship. But in time I know that once that happens, the happiness meter will go through the roof...for right now, I am happy that I met a lot of you guys and happy that I am able to now not only have wonderful clubbing experiences, but to be able to experience life with you guys (will happen more when I have money to be able to drive out of Kendall..lol)

ok ok so I am abit sappy today, but happy sappy :D:tongue:


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Originally posted by lilliz77

The one thing that I lack and maybe of an unconcous level of not wanting or NEEDING it is a strong loving relationship. But in time I know that once that happens, the happiness meter will go through the roof...TGIF!!!!!!

you mean the bliss one has when they in love with each other?

sounds like you already have a good core of happiness within yourself, but remember, a relationship is not the key to your happiness, you are.

A relationship, while it has it's advantages, can be frustrating, and filled with challenges you've never imaged, leaving you drained or worse, unhappy at times. Even the best relationships have those qualities, and if two people are already friends, and respect and love each other, those problems melt away pretty fast. Then, it's total Bliss ;)

so does more cow bell make anyone happy?

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