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Roxy Review

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Originally posted by erica127

i had such a good time last nite....it wasn't that packed when i got there around 11:45, but it was soo good to see familiar faces that i haven't seen in about a year or so...

i thought the music was ok, but when vicious first went on i had a blast, but couldn't dance to much cuz of my back....the crowd was definitely good lookin, but i do hate the guys wit their shirts off....

overall, i was pretty satisfied with the party & left around 4:00 or so....




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good times last night

every dj was solid IMO

If u said u couldnt dance, wtf are u talking about? There was almost every style of muzik represented last nite from trance to tribal to house to TECHNOOOO so i have no idea what ur talking about--

as for the crowd, nychunk, gary, sexyh all know what im talking about when i said, thats the next generation of sexy (the party)--thats all..

I agree about the von dutch hats.....they're def played---but when im listening to good beats, I could give a shit if a kid had on an "Exit24e Rules" Hat...i was havin fun

Mike Mac was the highlight for me.....That set was rediculous and everyone was moving like crazy

Aubrey was good i thought, great voice, not too many people knew her new song but everyone was singing to stand still which was cool

glad i came out :D


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We're very happy to report that all dj sets were successfully recorded and complete. We'll be re-broadcasting the entire night minus the live performance sometime next week.

A huge thanks to Bob G, Johnny Vicious, and the metro mix djs who represented hardcore.

I would also like to thank Mike Apotheosis for running the audio production. Couldn't have done it without him.

If you want to be notified about the re-broadcast hit the website.

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Originally posted by apotheosis

regarding audio quality:

At last minute the singer brought in her own mic and thus levels were mis-matched.

no shocker there, artists always like to pull last minute shit like that, if you mix on a mackie, just plug in their mic, and put it up in one of the aux busses and assign that buss to the headphones, the meters will then be looking at just the mics level, and you can test it without interupting the program feed. then when you get the levels set just pot it down and then assign it back to the main mix.

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I had a good time...the live performance was a distraction though...and they threw away my gum too! It wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be--based on all the hype--but I still danced my ars off and there was more room for me! How bout them pants with the glowsticks down each side!! I liked them! I have no idea what hats y'all are talking about and could care less. The music was okay....at least it was good enough for me to dance to....there were cool songs here and there and overall it was fun.

One of the greatest songs was the one that goes "Are...you...ready...to....rock!?" A little help here please, DOES ANYONE KNOW THE ARTIST/TITLE/DJ to that song??? Thanks! :D

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so yesterday i was going to go to the roxy but my friends convinced me to go the shorter ride to boston. I felt pretty rough though because I was sure a speaicail somechick was going to be there. we'd discussed it ahead of time and i was pyshiced.. so sad i did'nt make it out. To miss my optuinty to meet you like that.

you know who you are bryan. =)

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