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Originally posted by kaydup

Holy fuck you serious. It didnt even make a noise when I saw it. I dont want the thing fucking squacking all night long, that is too annoying for me. That is like having a fucking kid.

what kind are you looking at?

Nanday or Sun?

My parents said the same thing.. in the cage at the petshop all the bird did was swing and mumble hello... Few months later and till this day (8 years) he screams like a maniac when he is ignored. The only way to shut them up is to cover the cage. Sometimes he still yells anyway.

Thing is They get very attached to one person, and if that person doesn't show attention they freak out.

oh and picture 8 kids screaming all at the same time. thats the level of loudness to expect.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

what kind are you looking at?

Nanday or Sun?

My parents said the same thing.. in the cage at the petshop all the bird did was swing and mumble hello... Few months later and till this day (8 years) he screams like a maniac when he is ignored. The only way to shut them up is to cover the cage. Sometimes he still yells anyway.

Thing is They get very attached to one person, and if that person doesn't show attention they freak out.

oh and picture 8 kids screaming all at the same time. thats the level of loudness to expect.

Blue crowned. It looks like he is wasted the way he acts, fucking cracked me up. But if it is like that I dont want it, I dont think I could stand that.

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Originally posted by kaydup

Oh shit, glad you told me this!! Is yours the blue one or the colored one, because I read that the colored one are bitches.

Dee = quality new Boston board member

Mine is all green with an all black head and some red in the wings.. African Nanday I think is the appropriate name.. The bitches are the Sun conures.. We were told when we bought them not to expect alot of vocabulary from them and that their memory is very limited. I know some people that have conures and don't speak at all.

Mine however is for the most part a genius... He'll scream his headoff then scream at himself SHUT UP

If I go over to the cage, before I touch him he has to say NO BITE (this means he won't tear my hand off and its ok to play.

if I'm eating in the same room he'll say MMMM MMMM MMMMMM

I say GIMME KISS and he'll do the kissing noise..

he says alot of things.. pretty bird, danielle, come here, hello baby, shutup, wake up, few other things but they are mumbled... I dont train him, but if i spent the time forget about it.

for the most part a good bird, but I wouldnt reccomend it if you have an apartment, but at the same time if you plan on making this bird a big part of your life and investing alot of time to it, then you might not get all of the squawking like I do. I don't spend as much time with him as I should

Another thing believe it or not that has to do with the birds energy level is his diet. My bird is what Vet's call a 'seed junkie' which means when he eats his food, he only picks out the sunflower seeds which is the equivalent to an adult living off of Potato chips.. also, there is a certain oil in the seed that makes the bird hyper (sort of like sugar) and give them a high.. My bird for whatever reason eats only the sunflower seeds and refuses to eat the other nutritious contents of the parrot mix. So he's constantly on a high (so to speak) making him do nothing but scream and swing. I had to switch him over to a differnet diet for awhile but then I felt bad cuz he looked bored all the time. So if you do decide to go with the conure remember

SAFFLOWER PARROT MIX = quiet, straight edge bird, fat bird

SUNFLOWER PARROT MIX = junkie, strung out, cracked out skinny bird

I'd reccomend an African Grey if you don't mind spending the extra dough. They are BRILLIANT and I haven't heard too many bad things about them.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

Another thing believe it or not that has to do with the birds energy level is his diet. My bird is what Vet's call a 'seed junkie' which means when he eats his food, he only picks out the sunflower seeds which is the equivalent to an adult living off of Potato chips.. also, there is a certain oil in the seed that makes the bird hyper (sort of like sugar) and give them a high.. My bird for whatever reason eats only the sunflower seeds and refuses to eat the other nutritious contents of the parrot mix. So he's constantly on a high (so to speak) making him do nothing but scream and swing. I had to switch him over to a differnet diet for awhile but then I felt bad cuz he looked bored all the time. So if you do decide to go with the conure remember

I'd reccomend an African Grey if you don't mind spending the extra dough. They are BRILLIANT and I haven't heard too many bad things about them.

Yeah most birds are really picky and they are messier than all hell. When they pick through the seed for what they want they just toss what every they don't want everywhere.

And African greys are very very cool - they're so smart - you'd hold up an apple and the little shit will spell apple. They're a little less social than other parrots, but that's the only drawback i've seen.

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Originally posted by whadupg

Yeah most birds are really picky and they are messier than all hell. When they pick through the seed for what they want they just toss what every they don't want everywhere.

And African greys are very very cool - they're so smart - you'd hold up an apple and the little shit will spell apple. They're a little less social than other parrots, but that's the only drawback i've seen.


Thats what bird I have.. Identical.

Messy, oh yea. Luckily I have a retard cat that likes to eat the bird food so she cleans alot of it up for me.

African Greys are less social? I never heard that, I know they are not as affectionate as a Cuckatoo or a conure but I didnt know they keep to themselves that much.. Screw that then, who needs a smart bird if they don't show any love.

If I put my bird on the floor and run in the other room he'll follow me, and when he catches me will climb up my jeans to my shoulder.. I'd rather have that then a spelling bee bird I think.

I used to have him out of the cage 24-7 but I've been neglecting him too much lately and this post is making me feel like the worlds worst pet owner.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

African Greys are less social? I never heard that, I know they are not as affectionate as a Cuckatoo or a conure but I didnt know they keep to themselves that much.. Screw that then, who needs a smart bird if they don't show any love.

If I put my bird on the floor and run in the other room he'll follow me, and when he catches me will climb up my jeans to my shoulder.. I'd rather have that then a spelling bee bird I think.

Yeah - the two I knew were both really sketchy around most people - even their owners - not really aggressive or anything, just didn't like to be handled too much. The girl that had the speller used to turn sesame street on during the day - that bird would come out with some crazy shit - spanish - would sound out words like it was reading - anything and everything it heard.

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Originally posted by whadupg

Yeah - the two I knew were both really sketchy around most people - even their owners - not really aggressive or anything, just didn't like to be handled too much. The girl that had the speller used to turn sesame street on during the day - that bird would come out with some crazy shit - spanish - would sound out words like it was reading - anything and everything it heard.

oh shit..

I knew someone who had a grey once and he would sing parts of Born in the USA.. Weird.. but if they are standoffish I'd rather have an annoying squawker that loves me.

When I click the alarm to my car when I get home he screams Danielle.. sounds more like DURRELL but I understand what he means.

Sesame street tho? so cute.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

oh shit..

I knew someone who had a grey once and he would sing parts of Born in the USA.. Weird.. but if they are standoffish I'd rather have an annoying squawker that loves me.

When I click the alarm to my car when I get home he screams Danielle.. sounds more like DURRELL but I understand what he means.

Sesame street tho? so cute.

Yup - not sure where she came up with the idea, but the birds loved it. Best was when someone would say a number, the bird would start counting and finish it up with "uh-uh-uh-uh" :laugh:

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Originally posted by whadupg

Yup - not sure where she came up with the idea, but the birds loved it. Best was when someone would say a number, the bird would start counting and finish it up with "uh-uh-uh-uh" :laugh:

oh damn... now I want one.

The nail salon I used to go to had a Grey in there and whenever the phone would ring he'd say 'tips to toes can I help you'

smarter than alot of people I know

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