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Are we really just....


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everyone has to find his or her own reasons to live - the things that make sticking around worth it. i could tell you my feelings on the meaning of life, but this'd be a very long post.

to directly answer you, though, in my case, other people are definitely why i'm still here. a friend of mine practically saved me last year; nothing was really worth doing except talking to him, going out to clubs with him - just simply hanging out with him. i pretty much just bided my time inbetween when i saw him and when i'd see him next. but i couldn't let him know he was that important to me 'cause that's a helluva lot of pressure to put on someone.

naturally, the thought of ending up alone scares the shit outta me.

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Originally posted by solbeam

You're born alone, you die alone.....

i don't get this saying, cuz i was born with my mother, father and plenty of doctors in presence :tongue:

and to die alone is a sad thing, but i don't think that happens to a majority of people.

I think we're put on this earth to fully push the limits of human capability, at the same time maintaining proper ethics and morals in order to uphold tradition and humanity.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

i don't get this saying, cuz i was born with my mother, father and plenty of doctors in presence :tongue:

and to die alone is a sad thing, but i don't think that happens to a majority of people.

I think we're put on this earth to fully push the limits of human capability, at the same time maintaining proper ethics and morals in order to uphold tradition and humanity.

not to mention twins, even conjoined ones.

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Originally posted by iamme

running around like ants looking for people to connect with and share experiences and memories with??

is anything that good if you have no one to share it with? :huh:


life boils down to this... a series of moments... good bad indifferent... and the quality of the moments are all dependent on whos there experiencing them with us and whos not... IMO...the sweet is never as sweet without the sour, It's the little things in life that make the moments along withe ppl... and there's nothing bigger or more important than the lil things...

Originally posted by dgmodel

some ppl live to remember... some ppl live to forget... some ppl die never having lived at all... where do you fit in???

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i think it depends on your state of affairs. sometimes you've been hurt by people so you push everyone away and do it all solo. other times the only way of crawling back to life is by the help of another.

either way, i'd rather spend all of eternity with ma pup

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Originally posted by weyes

to directly answer you, though, in my case, other people are definitely why i'm still here. a friend of mine practically saved me last year; nothing was really worth doing except talking to him, going out to clubs with him - just simply hanging out with him. i pretty much just bided my time inbetween when i saw him and when i'd see him next. but i couldn't let him know he was that important to me 'cause that's a helluva lot of pressure to put on someone.

curious, did that relationship turn into a romantic one?

naturally, the thought of ending up alone scares the shit outta me.

:werd: me too :(

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Originally posted by dgmodel

some ppl live to remember... some ppl live to forget... some ppl die never having lived at all... where do you fit in???

its scary how easy it can be to not to live at all and get caught up in all the shit...

and there's nothing bigger or more important than the lil things...


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Originally posted by weyes

naturally, the thought of ending up alone scares the shit outta me.

why~!? because society brainwashed us into this idea... that the conventional lifestyle is the way to go and if youre not married by lets say thirty-something youre a loser or something wrong with you etc... eff that... listen, i want to find ms.right just as much as the next guy... if not more... however if i do not... no big... im perfectly content living on my own... dating may suck but it sure kills time, and gets you laid... you get to see new places... eat at a myriad of restaurants... go on trips... etc... and even if you do not have someone to date, you can do all those on your own, and sometimes its even better... this isnt meant to a "GOOOO SINGLES~!" post, but i just hate the fact that most women and some guys get bummed out because theyre single...

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What an intriguing change from the weekly club reviews on CP.

My ideals in regards to life. For myself there is many contradictions. Nothing is ever black nor white sort of way Im leaning to with this.

As far as significance.... it all depends.

Not to get to poetically philosophical and trippy, but imagine yourself as a being merely a tiny pebble on a beach that is a billion miles long and a million miles wide. In comparing myself to the vast greatness of this universe and its size, I feel like that, and its even humbling at times but eye opening.

The same time imagine the world (including the people connect to us) as a massive pond. Can you imagine how big the pond is??

Yes, millions of millions in diameter. :tongue:

Anyways imagine this pond as being completely still, most of the time. Im talking sheet of glass/mirror like stillness here, ya know.

My point is that even though we my be insignificant as a pebble on that beach... If you pick up that pebble and throw it into the pond... the ripples go on and on effect the rest of the world. From other people's lives etc..

Ok, Im confusing myself here... Im just trying to say...

we should all go jump into a pond and make a big splash...ya dig.....:blank:

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Originally posted by dgmodel

why~!? because society brainwashed us into this idea... that the conventional lifestyle is the way to go and if youre not married by lets say thirty-something youre a loser or something wrong with you etc... eff that... listen, i want to find ms.right just as much as the next guy... if not more... however if i do not... no big... im perfectly content living on my own... dating may suck but it sure kills time, and gets you laid... you get to see new places... eat at a myriad of restaurants... go on trips... etc... and even if you do not have someone to date, you can do all those on your own, and sometimes its even better... this isnt meant to a "GOOOO SINGLES~!" post, but i just hate the fact that most women and some guys get bummed out because theyre single...

dg, i meant when i'm old. my grandmother spent the last 5 years of her life all alone. my grandfather had died and she had alienated all her friends long before then. she was too proud and scared to try to meet new people, so she just sank into her own little alcoholic soap opera depression, a shut out shut-in.

she couldn't handle solitude; she was a socialite back in the day and she loved being out and about and seen with my successful grandpa. she sort of lived her life as his wife, which isn't a good way to take care of oneself.

i'm not saying i need another person to validate my existence, but i am admitting that i need someone else to make me want to exist. that's the way it's been for about five years. that's part of who i am. the person doesn't have to be a husband; as i said before, it's been, and still is, a friend. maybe my little sister will be enough someday.

but vis a vis being alone, i do not want to live alone - not counting roommates, that is - my whole life. i want to live with someone with whom i am in love, and i find absolutely nothing wrong with that.

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Originally posted by iamme

curious, did that relationship turn into a romantic one?...

nope. part of what's so great about it is that it's so safe. he's gay, so that line will never get fuzzy or crossed. i've had too many male friendships that went wrong because someone eventually got feelings for the other, who didn't return the feelings. the friendships just went up in smoke - you know that story. we're just the pair you always see together at the club, each of us keeping the other from getting any play :laugh: .
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Originally posted by dgmodel

i dont know you personally, however from your posts im sure youll find that special person...

btw, when did you get that sig??? did you always have it??? it sounds a lil like what i wrote earlier...

thanks, dg; that's nice of you to say :heart: .

was that sig question addressed to me? it's the only one i've ever had. "hotel california," you know.

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