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DT review...


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What can I say......

if you were there.... he owned your soul.

and even nice to see a couple Marlins in the crowd right off their flight.

A very magical evening.

bottom line...if you didn't like Danny on a night like that.... you just dont get it.

oh yeah... not a bad club, and a very fun mixed crowd all getting down together with a smile on their faces.

oh yeah.... but wtf was up with the hip hop track :confused: :confused: yeah, it worked, but .... damn

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Going to a gay nightclub does not make you GAY..........

NEWSFLASH...........theeee hottest WOMEN hang at gay joints for your information...why you might ask??? So they don't have to deal with sloppy fucking straight guys who have zero class............. just becuz a venue markets itself as a gay club doesn't mean that YOU being straight, can't enjoy yourself....................... DT is ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC......... for all you DT "fans" - he started out in gay clubs, HE IS A GOD to many of us that support the alternative community.............

For those of YOU not COMFORTABLE enough with your so-called "straight skin" - it shouldn't be a problem tellling someone in a polite manner that you are straight and in the club for the music (since you are such a "fan" and all)............. sorry you got issues you fucking tool.........

Sorry I had to miss it DEMO - I really wanted to go................and SHROOMY - LOVE YOU BABY.......... see you next weekend........


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Originally posted by lolahotass


Going to a gay nightclub does not make you GAY..........

NEWSFLASH...........theeee hottest WOMEN hang at gay joints for your information...why you might ask??? So they don't have to deal with sloppy fucking straight guys who have zero class............. just becuz a venue markets itself as a gay club doesn't mean that YOU being straight, can't enjoy yourself....................... DT is ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC......... for all you DT "fans" - he started out in gay clubs, HE IS A GOD to many of us that support the alternative community.............

For those of YOU not COMFORTABLE enough with your so-called "straight skin" - it shouldn't be a problem tellling someone in a polite manner that you are straight and in the club for the music (since you are such a "fan" and all)............. sorry you got issues you fucking tool.........

Sorry I had to miss it DEMO - I really wanted to go................and SHROOMY - LOVE YOU BABY.......... see you next weekend........



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Originally posted by lolahotass


Going to a gay nightclub does not make you GAY..........

NEWSFLASH...........theeee hottest WOMEN hang at gay joints for your information...why you might ask??? So they don't have to deal with sloppy fucking straight guys who have zero class............. just becuz a venue markets itself as a gay club doesn't mean that YOU being straight, can't enjoy yourself....................... DT is ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC......... for all you DT "fans" - he started out in gay clubs, HE IS A GOD to many of us that support the alternative community.............

For those of YOU not COMFORTABLE enough with your so-called "straight skin" - it shouldn't be a problem tellling someone in a polite manner that you are straight and in the club for the music (since you are such a "fan" and all)............. sorry you got issues you fucking tool.........

Sorry I had to miss it DEMO - I really wanted to go................and SHROOMY - LOVE YOU BABY.......... see you next weekend........


i agree with you 100% .............WELL SAID!

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ROck on... Then we could draw some parallels about some so-called straight(homophobic) people on this board going to see a predominantly gay dj (DT) at a straight club(34) makes them gay!

Everyone that went to see DT @ Space "caught" "The Gay"... :laugh:

Lola/Shroomy.... see you next weekend! :D

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Very Nice

even though DT is a lil to sleepy for me hes still a great DJ


and i would never be caught at a gay club unless i was gay doesnt matter about the music.

its easy for fag hag girls to say that because gay guys dont give a shit about them.

put a straight guy in there and once they smell his virgin ass in there its all over

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by demo909

So listenning to JV all those times must have made you gay too right???? Come on guys get over it already:rolleyes:

it's the perception, not the facts....

just the way our society is...

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Originally posted by il0vetechno

Very Nice

even though DT is a lil to sleepy for me hes still a great DJ


and i would never be caught at a gay club unless i was gay doesnt matter about the music.

its easy for fag hag girls to say that because gay guys dont give a shit about them.

put a straight guy in there and once they smell his virgin ass in there its all over

lol.... you are about as inteligent as a turnip.

1) How can you have a clue if you have never been in one? and if you have, your obviously a closet fag so what you say doesnt matter. :rolleyes:

2) I didn't get hit on once, like a straight crowd, people know if your looking. and don't flatter yourself, they don't want your ignorant ass anymore than the girls do at a normal club.. not at all.

3) Ill bet at least a third of the crowd was striaght, and there were actually a ton of girls.

4) I'll go see DT in hell if all I have is a squirt gun...... but atleast 3 girls expressed how pissed they were they had to suffer through space 34 when then could have saw him there, but didnt know.

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Originally posted by saleen351

where i'm from, you go to a gay bar you are gay.... Sorry just the way we do it in NJ...

where your from the average IQ, the average number of teeth and the average number of fingers are all about equal.

Where Im from, I see a guy your age, never see him have a girlfriend or with a girl, but always trys to talk it up about "pigeons this and pigeaons that" he is obviously in the closet.

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Originally posted by saleen351

it's the perception, not the facts....

just the way our society is...

well, by that standard, the perception is that you go clubbing, so must be a pill popping, line snorting druggie.

when the facts are really that your a vodka swilling, pot smoking, loser who sits in the corner waiting for the set to get over, so you can drive home drunk and alone to masturbate about the girl in the black dress who you were too afraid to talk to. (who by the way is probably fucking the shit out of a guy with enough confidence to do what they want and not society)

BTW do you really think I give a fuck what society thinks?

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