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...College Question, because I'm out of the loop...

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Some majors require more English classes than others, but every major usually requires you to take at least two introductory English classes (equivalent to "english 101 & 102"). Both classes are writing classes, but the second one usually deals more with actual literature from different periods.

As for Math majors not needing English and vice versa, I've never heard of that. As an English major, I was required to take math courses, and I know for a fact that math majors are required to take English courses. I don't know of any college in this country that doesn't require math majors to take English classes.

I only graduated in 2002, so I doubt things are that much different.

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All colleges makes you take classes which really have no bearing towards your major for two reasons:

1. They make more money that way.

2. The purpose behind taking classes other than those which really contribute to your degree is to help make you a "well-rounded individual". Companies want to hire those people who use their intelligence for more than what they majored in.

If you want to talk about a "useless class", how about we discuss Physical Education / Health electives that we have to take. A friend of mine attends NJIT and takes a "walking class". For two hours they walk around the damn track. What the hell is that going to do for these students? JACK SH*T! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

Some majors require more English classes than others, but every major usually requires you to take at least two introductory English classes (equivalent to "english 101 & 102"). Both classes are writing classes, but the second one usually deals more with actual literature from different periods.

As for Math majors not needing English and vice versa, I've never heard of that. As an English major, I was required to take math courses, and I know for a fact that math majors are required to take English courses. I don't know of any college in this country that doesn't require math majors to take English classes.

I only graduated in 2002, so I doubt things are that much different.

i meant you have to take it but arent going to use it in your major

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Originally posted by misskittie

All colleges makes you take classes which really have no bearing towards your major for two reasons:

1. They make more money that way.

2. The purpose behind taking classes other than those which really contribute to your degree is to help make you a "well-rounded individual". Companies want to hire those people who use their intelligence for more than what they majored in.

If you want to talk about a "useless class", how about we discuss Physical Education / Health electives that we have to take. A friend of mine attends NJIT and takes a "walking class". For two hours they walk around the damn track. What the hell is that going to do for these students? JACK SH*T! :rolleyes:

if you wanna talk about useless classes talk about everything that as nothing to do with your major... ie general eucation classes blah

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That's not necessarily true. With respect to a non-English major using English in his / her major, I know many accounting and finance majors who took one or two english classes, but never really got the hang of writing a decent paper. As a result, they either failed or seriously fucked up in other courses that required decent writing ability. When I first started college as an accounting major, I remember thinking that I really didn't have to give a shit about English classes, and that once I got into the field, I wouldn't really be using English. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Yes, there are many useless classes that colleges make students take, but I definitely don't think that English is one of them. English may not relate directly to the subject matter of many majors, but it is definitely necessary for most majors. There are so many business students who graduate college and are unable to write a decent paper. That shit always comes back to haunt you at some point.

In my junior year, I remember working in the writing center of the English Department of my school, and the majority of people who came to us for help with their papers were junior and senior business, science, or psychology majors who wound up taking some philosophy, history, political science, or English class they didn't want to take. The papers they were required to write weren't really difficult at all, and for the most part many of the students had no problem coming up with ideas and layouts for their papers; they just didn't know how to write well. I couldn't believe how many of them made it so far in college with writing that was so bad. I mean, I'm no fucking Ralph Waldo Emerson, but a senior business student should be able to write a good paper. I mean, they're all going to graduate eventually, and will have to go on job interviews, take part in meetings, or write letters / memos at some point. I think writing helps to make them better at all that shit.

Even though I may hate certain classes, I don't think majors should be thought of as isolated, unrelated areas of study (I'm not saying that you said that, I'm just making a point). I'm glad I was required to take alot of the courses I didn't want to take, and looking back on the entire experience, I probably got more out of college because I was required to take alot of those courses. Of course, there were still those courses that were absolutely useless.

Also, I don't think that non-english majors should be required to take more English classes than they're already required to take, but I do know, from personal experience, that the introductory writing classes that many students are required to take don't really do all that much for their writing.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


That's not necessarily true. With respect to a non-English major using English in his / her major, I know many accounting and finance majors who took one or two english classes, but never really got the hang of writing a decent paper. As a result, they either failed or seriously fucked up in other courses that required decent writing ability. When I first started college as an accounting major, I remember thinking that I really didn't have to give a shit about English classes, and that once I got into the field, I wouldn't really be using English. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Yes, there are many useless classes that colleges make students take, but I definitely don't think that English is one of them. English may not relate directly to the subject matter of many majors, but it is definitely necessary for most majors. There are so many business students who graduate college and are unable to write a decent paper. That shit always comes back to haunt you at some point.

In my junior year, I remember working in the writing center of the English Department of my school, and the majority of people who came to us for help with their papers were junior and senior business, science, or psychology majors who wound up taking some philosophy, history, political science, or English class they didn't want to take. The papers they were required to write weren't really difficult at all, and for the most part many of the students had no problem coming up with ideas and layouts for their papers; they just didn't know how to write well. I couldn't believe how many of them made it so far in college with writing that was so bad. I mean, I'm no fucking Ralph Waldo Emerson, but a senior business student should be able to write a good paper. I mean, they're all going to graduate eventually, and will have to go on job interviews, take part in meetings, or write letters / memos at some point. I think writing helps to make them better at all that shit.

Even though I may hate certain classes, I don't think majors should be thought of as isolated, unrelated areas of study (I'm not saying that you said that, I'm just making a point). I'm glad I was required to take alot of the courses I didn't want to take, and looking back on the entire experience, I probably got more out of college because I was required to take alot of those courses. Of course, there were still those courses that were absolutely useless.

Also, I don't think that non-english majors should be required to take more English classes than they're already required to take, but I do know, from personal experience, that the introductory writing classes that many students are required to take don't really do all that much for their writing.

i feel ya on the english i tink its important but it wasnt my example

Originally posted by jimk29

English is a subject that everyone needs...

im talking about all those other shits i hate it ahhh

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Originally posted by jimk29

English is a subject that everyone needs...

Amen. It surprises me how horribly people write these days.. if you're going to college and expect to graduate with a degree of any sorts, you should be required to prove you can logically put your thought together on a piece of paper..

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:laugh: This is a real class. There is a fact for your reason #1. I can believe it, thats a class. How would they get graded? What is their test 40 laps in 2 hours? That is preet crazy.

Originally posted by misskittie

All colleges makes you take classes which really have no bearing towards your major for two reasons:

1. They make more money that way.

If you want to talk about a "useless class", how about we discuss Physical Education / Health electives that we have to take. A friend of mine attends NJIT and takes a "walking class". For two hours they walk around the damn track. What the hell is that going to do for these students? JACK SH*T! :rolleyes:

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