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Review of Icey & Edgar at Oxygen?


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Edgar did an excellent house set...started off with a real classic sound, then it progressed to a harder progressive beat, which Icey actually picked up flawlessly and blended into his breakbeat sound...Icey was pretty damn good, actually.

Crowd was alright, a few dedicated Icey and Edgar fans, but for the most part it was your usual Grove crowd.

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This was the first time I had been to O2 and to be honest I probably wont go back there. The club itself was pretty cool but the people that work there and the people that attend arent my cup of tea. Lets start with the doorguy...COME ON!!! There really was no need for him to keep so many people waiting at the door. I was able to get in (because I am a girl) but some of my peeps were left outside for almost 45 minutes...NOT COOL!!!!

Once inside I really liked the decor but the set up was awful. I know this is more of a lounge than a club but when you bring in great DJs like Edgar and Icey peeps are gonna want to dance and there just wasnt any room. The drinks sucked...I think I paid $9 for a freakin Sprite (where's the alcohol).

Now on to the Dj's. This was the first time I had seen Edgar as an opener. He played a good mix of funky house with a bit of a trance vibe moving in every once in a while. He even brought in a few funky breaks right before ICEY. Had never heard this side of Edgar and it was nice although I prefer his kick ass sets at Crobar and am looking forward to Venu tonight.

ICEY came on and tore the place up. He has so much enery when he spins...it was great to look up at him and see him having fun. The amp blew about 15 minutes into his set but he recovered well and got the crowd back on its feet. Although I wanted to stay the 45 minute drive to Boca and work in the AM forced me to leave about 1:45 or so.

Looking forward to tonight and will def check out ICEY next time he is close.:D

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by CrzyC

This was the first time I had been to O2 and to be honest I probably wont go back there. The club itself was pretty cool but the people that work there and the people that attend arent my cup of tea. Lets start with the doorguy...COME ON!!! There really was no need for him to keep so many people waiting at the door. I was able to get in (because I am a girl) but some of my peeps were left outside for almost 45 minutes...NOT COOL!!!!

Once inside I really liked the decor but the set up was awful. I know this is more of a lounge than a club but when you bring in great DJs like Edgar and Icey peeps are gonna want to dance and there just wasnt any room. The drinks sucked...I think I paid $9 for a freakin Sprite (where's the alcohol).

Now on to the Dj's. This was the first time I had seen Edgar as an opener. He played a good mix of funky house with a bit of a trance vibe moving in every once in a while. He even brought in a few funky breaks right before ICEY. Had never heard this side of Edgar and it was nice although I prefer his kick ass sets at Crobar and am looking forward to Venu tonight.

ICEY came on and tore the place up. He has so much enery when he spins...it was great to look up at him and see him having fun. The amp blew about 15 minutes into his set but he recovered well and got the crowd back on its feet. Although I wanted to stay the 45 minute drive to Boca and work in the AM forced me to leave about 1:45 or so.

Looking forward to tonight and will def check out ICEY next time he is close.:D

He will be back soon and I am SOOO THERE!!!!

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the door thing was ridiculous...am i ugly or is something wrong with these door ppl?

the whole situation put me in a bad mood as soon as i walked in...

the set up in there is uh...blahhh, drinks are overpriced and overall shitty

icee played some comfort music like comfort food for this orlando native

it could have been better with a better crowd...the patrons at O2 suck.

the girls their were tasteless trashy whores< mind you, i seldom speak like this. But so were the guys.

From the patrons to the staff to the less than great set up and sound...this club actually put me into a very bitter mood.

there are 2 bad things that happen at a club to unweary ppl like myself...a drink with a cig butt in it and making out with

a whore...lets just say i would have prefered a drink with a cig in it last night.

i will never go back and would recomend that no one else with class and intelligence go either.


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Originally posted by djss

the door thing was ridiculous...am i ugly or is something wrong with these door ppl?

the whole situation put me in a bad mood as soon as i walked in...

the set up in there is uh...blahhh, drinks are overpriced and overall shitty

icee played some comfort music like comfort food for this orlando native

it could have been better with a better crowd...the patrons at O2 suck.

the girls their were tasteless trashy whores< mind you, i seldom speak like this. But so were the guys.

From the patrons to the staff to the less than great set up and sound...this club actually put me into a very bitter mood.

there are 2 bad things that happen at a club to unweary ppl like myself...a drink with a cig butt in it and making out with

a whore...lets just say i would have prefered a drink with a cig in it last night.

i will never go back and would recomend that no one else with class and intelligence go either.


That was like a Saleen Review:laugh:

Sorry to hear you had a bad time man.... there are plenty of other quality venu's in town...... have fun next time;)

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Originally posted by djss

there are 2 bad things that happen at a club to unweary ppl like myself...a drink with a cig butt in it and making out with

a whore...lets just say i would have prefered a drink with a cig in it last night.


Im confused...did either of these two things happen last night???:confused::laugh:

Sorry you had a bad time Sean. Also sorry I had to bail on you so early. I hope to see you at Edgar on 11/21.:D

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I could care less about the chics that night...when do you ever get to see ICEY for free down here in MIAMI.....I must say he started his set with good breaks and vocals and later added on some old school tracks from his old cds......I really got to appreciate ICEY in a small room rather than his big massive shows he always does here (Ultra)......I give my hat off to ICEY mixing and blending the tracks flawlessly.....FUCKIN BAD ASS....that venue is great to have that more personal intercative experience with the crowd and if they keep bringing some good talent there I WILL be there......and for the door guy...well its just looks like he hasnt gotten ass in a while thats why he seems so stiff and angry.....someone pass that man a jay! :laugh:

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door guy sucked bigtime......no guys allowed.....thanks to Nick from cooljunkie for getting my buddies in with him. I saw Ashrock there, djss, pod.....

edgar kicked ass with a house set with some breaks.....unfortunately I missed Icey's set but that's ok. I've only seen him spin about 20 times in the past ten years.

The place was pretty packed but it was totally Grove'd-out. Before Edgar started spinning the house dj was spinning AC/DC. I thought I walked into the wrong Oxygen lounge for a minute there.

Although I left early, the club was jamming. It's just an uncomfortable place for dancing.

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