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My theory on why music and clubbing suck now..

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Now many know me as a classics whore, and yea i may be living in the past, but take a listen to any of the new productions. For the most party they are too dark, too complex and damm if a track has a hint of synths or diva vocals it's cheese or a gay anthem and will never get played. Perfect example of an classic track that just goes the fuck off _This Joy, Vernessa Mitchell (razor mix).. No shot at ever hearing this anywhere. Back then it was blown the fuck up by every jock. Now Jocks don't want to play any of these tracks for fear of playing "cheese"....

Why is house too dark and complex?

Dark Beat was a throw back record and it blew up, but quickly got dismissed from the puriest house crowd. I think we are over critical of what a dj plays and we label djs too much. However most djs are too blame aswell.

I really thik the issue is simple, we can't go back to the 90's when clubbing and music was awesome, those days are over. I truely believe there is too many over paid djs that are clinging to the scene. Disco died with our parents. House will some day die too. Techno is not the answer and trance died 4 years ago. What trance does is keep the younger crowd in the scene. Lets face it, i'd be embarrased to rock some trance in my car with a pigeon in my car. Thats kids stuff, house has an adult appeal to it, which I think needs to be exploited.

Many will say Benny Benassi Satisfaction was cheese, but i have that track on a live set from rivera and the crowd in the background went nuts... BTW this was last spring...

I feel bad for these producers. It's like the rock band Greenday all over again. The second they blow up, they are dismissed from their core crowd.

In the end I can sum up why the scene sucks when it comes to music in one word: FUN!

There is none. I was talking to a huge name dj the other day about the jr v's sets on ktu (that you can download off SS if ya want), we both agreed what Jr does better than anyone on earth is make you have fun. No labels, no cheese, just fun. This dj 100% agreed and i have noticed his sets are going that way as well. Listen to roland spin, i've noticed lately he's been putting that "fun" factor into his sets. He dropped ce ce penistions -Finally, and the crowd went offffffffffffffffffffff! Tsettos set which you can get off his site for free ever week, has so many fun tracks and also those puriest tracks...

We all know Jr can show up and out spin anyone on earth, he doesn't have to. He's no longer a gay dj, or an anthem dj, hes the dj you want to have in the booth when you want to hear tracks from paridise garage to the current space anthems...

This is why jr is my #1 guy. Morrillo dropped gypy woman and it went off!!!!!!! why cause it was fun!!!!!!

just my 2 cents.

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hey man, different strokes for different folks...

my idea of fun is hearing stuff that I know is cutting edge...new progressive banging tunes that I know I haven't heard before or maybe once or twice before just to recognize it...

Hearing songs like Finally that I've heard 1000x before isn't all that fun and turns me off in a club

but then again that's just me...I hear brand new tracks every week that blow me away...trance AND progressive house is better than ever and still evolving

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Well sometimes its good to have the new stuff and sometimes I would love to hear some classics. Roland mixes it up pretty damn well, which is why I try to make it out as often to hear his sets. Do agree lots of djs are not playing what they would like to really play, because everybody is taking their sets so damn seriously. Don't blame the djs though, they got tons of people criticizing them when they play fun and so I think its more of the trainspotters and the ones that sit there to just id tracks that take the fun out of the clubbing. Gotta admit though one of my top nights out this year was classics night at space, but at same time was very impressed by many others playing the new cutting edge sounds. Depends on the mood, but I think it hurts the scene when djs feel like they can only play certain records and don't play songs that they would love to play from back in the day.

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Originally posted by saleen351

I think we are over critical of what a dj plays and we label djs too much.

just my 2 cents.

DID SALEEN JUST SAY THIS :confused::eek:

My eyes are bleeding!

Anyways....one point you hit right on the head is the fun aspect of it....I agree 100% with ya. It seems people have forgot that the main thing that our scene was and is suppose to be about is fun. When I spin, I spin so that the crwod will have FUN and the tracks you mentioned will be always be in my tops for fun tracks to drop in a set along with Big Fun, The Word is Love among others. I might be dropping 1 or 2 of these in my set at the after-party.

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Guest brwneydtrouble

I would have to agree with Saleen on this one. He is talking about the scene as a whole, and its not really fun anymore. Like he said, when the music is too dark and complex, it doesn't make me want to get up and dance.....cutting edge and progressive is good for places like Nerve, Blue, Luna but in a huge club, where there is no place to sit and mingle, the music is all you hear, I want to dance and have fun. I have to admit, Roly's sets are getting an injection of FUN, and its awesome. Ironically, that is what was so awesome about Ivano's sets.

Lets face it, although there are those of you in here that really know your shit, know what is REAL music (or so you think) the majority of people that go to clubs are NOT informed, exposed, or perhaps even care! Lately people in the scene are giving themseld way too much selfimportance and forgetting that we are out to have fun, forget our workweek and be with friends.

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Originally posted by saleen351

We all know Jr can show up and out spin anyone on earth, he doesn't have to. He's no longer a gay dj, or an anthem dj, hes the dj you want to have in the booth when you want to hear tracks from paridise garage to the current space anthems...

This is why jr is my #1 guy.

Well i agree for the most part... my fav year for music was probably 1995 or so thru 2000.. the year when victor calderone re-did madonna's ray of light album is my all time fav time clubbin'.....(okay i was on a lot of pills, but it was soooooo fun!)....

Only thing that sucks for you Saleen, is the fact you will never hear Junior spin live..... cuz he only spins at the coliseum now in Laudy... Junior still rocks in my book.. I've NEVER had a bad time when he's been at the helm.

Today's music is still great - I just don't get out that much to be so critical on it.. Music is a vibe, a feeling, an emotion - it also depends on the times and what you personally feel.. Since I rarely go out, I can't bash new music. All though Trance still sucks:laugh:


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Originally posted by saleen351

This is why jr is my #1 guy. Morrillo dropped gypy woman and it went off!!!!!!! why cause it was fun!!!!!!

just my 2 cents.

you would have loved Little Louie Vega's set at the MTV afterparty...lots of classics; he started his set with some serious salsa beats.

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Originally posted by laliux

you would have loved Little Louie Vega's set at the MTV afterparty...lots of classics; he started his set with some serious salsa beats.

vega rocks - 2 thumbs up :aright: :aright:

I saw him along with dimitri from paris and tony humpries at crobar for conference and THEY WERE INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I believe that much of this has to do with Saleen feeling old... check out the really old, 60+ guidos, what do they listen to? Frankie Valley and the 4 Seasons! "nobody makes music like that anymore, that was real music, kids today don't know what's good" etc... sounds familiar?

A lot of dance music is sounding pretty dark, I've written here a number of times about how progressive house takes itself way to seriously now days, but that's what the masses want here, dark tribal progressive, it may not be your cup of tea but kids want what they want, you can't argue with them....

and like it says on Ishkur's site, Tech house can be very boring... especially when the seriousness factor predominates, but a set like Oscar played last Saturday at Luna combines the best of both worlds, interesting and complex, yet fun and dancefloor friendly at the same time... more people don't get into this not because it's not fun enough, it's just an issue of taste, or lack there of.... and there is always a major lack of it here in South Florida, for a number of reasons...

go check out Trendroid when they come down next week, now they have great taste, the fact that they're from New York has something to do with it (the city, not Jersey!), and they make things fun at the same time, mixing diva house with electro clash and all kinds of stuff

so in conclusion I'll say yes there needs to be more fun and less seriousness, but you don't have to sacrifice musical complexity to get it, I think it's fun to mix complex and simpler tracks together, too many dj's feel they need to stick to one particular style, more of them should try to mix fun stuff for the mainstream crowd with interesting stuff for the undeground heads, mix them both together so everybody can all have fun togtether and stop bitching about how this and that sucks, with the dance music scene shrinking in the wake of hip hop what we need now is Unity!

and here my #1 extremely Fun yet interestingly complex track of the week... SWITCH - "GET YA DUB ON" (Freerange) last Wednesday at Blue Cue dropped this and had me bouncing off the walls, super good time funked up energy in a very creative package

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Originally posted by eKiTeL

go check out Trendroid when they come down next week, now they have great taste, the fact that they're from New York has something to do with it (the city, not Jersey!), and they make things fun at the same time, mixing diva house with electro clash and all kinds of stuff

they're addition to the tranceport series was some bland ass progressive tibal :zzz: fest.

Some of the reviews I read before I bought it mentioned how funky the release was. The one thing it definitely wasn't was funky.

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Both Saleen351..n Southof5th..you both have great points..My sound is in the middle ..its not really underground....but its not too mainstream..Quality Music Does Matter....But Miami is soo diverse in tastes that its' hard as a DJ to please everyone....But all I can say is that it shouldn't matter if its a bootleg..or white lables..or a classic track from a couple months back, maybe even years..:) ...what matters is that u work it!! YEAH....WORK IT!!

Djing too me is 2 things...1st being an Artist...2nd a Performer...

I know everyone in the world who djs has his or her own concept of what a DJ is to them .....To me its all about my Soul...the Music that touches me n the people who listen to it...and that Gift I truelly believe God Hooked it up with...:) My sound is anything that I feel like playing at that moment...Whavetever works...I love diversity....with a happy touch...Quality PArty Music...:D

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I really don't know what's wrong with the scene. Or if there's anything really wrong with it becuz I always hear people say it's not like it used to be. Been hearing that for years now...

What matters to me is that I still enjoy every minute of it & I see a lot of new people coming in who enjoy it as well. It will never always be strong, it will never always be weak. It just goes thru changes. Whether we are there to support it thru its changes is a whole nother story. We can't expect things to remain the same or remain the way we like them. Music evolves & some of us have to appreciate it, evolve with it & accept it or live in the past & simply let go. Evolution is just the way of nature...

as for the sound I prefer.. Personally, I prefer the tunes that are richer in Music. I guess I prefer sounds that seem less synthetic. Not that I mean with less synths in them, but something that doesn't sound 110% computer generated. I like the complexity of a track. Of course, it's electronic Music, but I really enjoy a track with the sounds of traditional musical instruments intertwined with the electronic stuff. The same concept applies to a dj. I enjoy a dj that sounds like he's playin' music and not just the bang bang bang & the noise! The Music-rich stuff is the stuff that really makes me move unconsciously. That's the kind of Dj I enjoy...

In My opinion, I think a good example of a "Music-rich" sounding dj is Sander K. He also makes it very "fun" while keepin' it interesting. But that's just my opinion. But anyway, back to the scene.. If you can’t enjoy it & you find yourself consistently sayin’ “it’s just not what it used to be†with a frown on your face, then I think it’s time to hang it up.

Just my 0.02... ;)

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Originally posted by michaelmartin

Both Saleen351..n Southof5th..you both have great points..My sound is in the middle ..its not really underground....but its not too mainstream..Quality Music Does Matter....But Miami is soo diverse in tastes that its' hard as a DJ to please everyone....But all I can say is that it shouldn't matter if its a bootleg..or white lables..or a classic track from a couple months back, maybe even years..:) ...what matters is that u work it!! YEAH....WORK IT!!

Djing too me is 2 things...1st being an Artist...2nd a Performer...

I know everyone in the world who djs has his or her own concept of what a DJ is to them .....To me its all about my Soul...the Music that touches me n the people who listen to it...and that Gift I truelly believe God Hooked it up with...:) My sound is anything that I feel like playing at that moment...Whavetever works...I love diversity....with a happy touch...Quality PArty Music...:D

Amen brother! Thats what im talking about!......I just heard Icey throw down a set last night and that man knows how to feel a crowd...he threw down everything from underground to vocals to old school tracks weve all heard before......Your absolutely right...1st artist 2nd performer....before people start writing about what kind of music is dead and what kind isnt blah blah blah blah blah......:moon:......go check out some good qualty DJ's and youll see that the music evolves and gets better and better ......:D just my 2 centavos

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

they're addition to the tranceport series was some bland ass progressive tibal :zzz: fest.

Some of the reviews I read before I bought it mentioned how funky the release was. The one thing it definitely wasn't was funky.

I have no idea never heard it... only heard them live, and their remixes and stuff... but I get the impression you only like super deep sexy stuff with flute solos... to each his own!

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Guest saleen351

I think oscar is too known as a tribal dj, whereas roland is known as ?????? I've never labeled roland, you never know what he'll drop... I love that...

I must point out i would like to hear some 1995-1997 trance played every now and then. I'd be the first in line for a trance classics night. But if you listen to that old trance, it was simple. Kiss airscape vengaboys still is my all time club track along with robbie troncos train.. They are both simple and have sick build ups.... BTW what happened to the buid ups? Now they are done by the dj in the booth and are rarely on the track. Remember papas got a new pigbad? I think hex did it, that build up was sick... Track was ok, but the build up was sick. That stuff is gone. In nj once a night, the dj would build up a track for 5-10 minutes then crank the horn and some thing would fall from the rafters like coffetti or ballons etc... Use to be fun, and people looked forward to it every week. Now its the same dark boring beat over and over agian...

Ever hear jrs' mix of rocket man? Call it cheese, call it gay, but in club IT GOES THE FUCK OFF AND THE CROWD GOES NUTS.. No one has balls to drop it, but jr would and hes better than every dj around..

I think i'm gonna check roland out some more, he em set was really great...

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Guest saleen351

One last thing...

The party with Oscar G at MIA lounge was set up by me. I did it for free. Oscar is really doing a great thing, it's free and he can play anything he wants... I know that cat has more than tribal in his bag, so my crew and I are pretty excited too see what he plays..

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Yeah Switch's Get Ya Dub On is a sick track. I heard it on Naked Music's Lost on Arrival for the first time. The mix that Cue played was much tougher but still goooood!!!

Of course I don't agree with Saleen that Junior can mix better than anyone. Danny Tenaglia in my opinion is a much more proficient dj and he's got a huge fun appeal!!!

He can mix all sorts of classics together with the newest house and prog.

I agree with Georgeacasta that Trendroid's Tranceport had no funkiness. Sorry Eric. I was going to buy it but I heard it at a friend's house and I didn't like it at all. You want funkiness but don't have the vinyl? Pick up DJ Heather's Dancefloor Principles!

And for fun, I also like to spin some classic dance tunes into a set as well as some known accapellas. Last time I spun, I played Miss Kitten & The Hackers' Frank Sinatra. To me, that track is so much fun!!! So is DT's Music is the Answer (but I can't seem to find it on vinyl). I also love latin house because it's got lots of bongos and timbas and sax. It seems as though it goes back to the roots of music using more "natural" sounding instruments. And yes, Little Louie Vega is a master at playing that kind of stuff!

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Originally posted by eKiTeL

I have no idea never heard it... only heard them live, and their remixes and stuff... but I get the impression you only like super deep sexy stuff with flute solos... to each his own!

I like it all... as long as it's not boring and repetitive.

I was turned off by trendroid but I'll give them another shot :)

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I like it all... as long as it's not boring and repetitive.

I was turned off by trendroid but I'll give them another shot :)

Agree w/u Lee. Didn't like the Trenceport. Live can leave on a side the need to please for sales. When they played Lola for BDLC they were good.

As to the purpose of the thread, I can only say, music evolves.

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yo Philippio don't be sorry to me, I've never heard that mix CD and as far as I know it probably sucks butt! The problem with commercial mix CD is that somebody's got to pay for licensing, and some producers want too much or don't even want to sell the license, so you have to work with what you have, plus you've got to try to make it marketable, otherwise nobody is going to back you up and pay for all the licenses you need in the first place, I don't bother to buy mix CD's, there are enough free mp3 mixes you can download for free anyway, and even then I only listen to them once or twice, it's not worth the $$$ in my opinion, save your money to go hear your favority dj live, that's where it's at!

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