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For those in still in denial,Saddam's WMD went to Syria


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For those in still in denial, Saddam's WMD went to Syria...

Mark Alexander (archive)

October 31, 2003 | Print | Send

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One year ago, this column first reported that Allied Forces would be unlikely to discover Saddam's WMD stores in Iraq -- that the UN Security Council's foot-dragging had provided Saddam with plenty of time to export his biological and nuclear WMD. Back then, I wrote, "There is a substantial body of intelligence supporting our position that Iraq shipped some or all of its biological and nuclear WMD stores to Syria and Lebanon's heavily fortified Bekaa Valley." In December, a senior-level intelligence source confirmed again that much of Iraq's WMD had, in fact, been moved to and through Syria.

This week, there was, for the first time, official public confirmation of our report. (In case you missed it as the Leftmedia's lead story, don’t fret; we missed it too.) Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, now director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, told reporters that U.S. surveillance satellites captured images of vehicle traffic dispersing WMD materiel to urban locations in Iraq and moving large quantities into Syria as well.

"Those below the senior leadership saw what was coming, and I think they went to extraordinary lengths to [dispose, destroy and disperse] the evidence," said Gen. Clapper. "By the time that we got to a lot of these facilities...there wasn't that much there to look at. There was clearly an effort to disperse, bury and conceal certain equipment prior to inspections." Gen. Clapper added that there is "no question" that people and WMD materiel were moved by truck convoys into Syria.

So why wait until now to release this information? First, as we noted last year, the extent and accuracy of this information is a valuable intelligence asset, and the CIA, DIA and NSA are responsive only to U.S. national-security interests. Finding and destroying these WMD stores has everything to do with the likelihood that what we don't find now will visit our shores in a most terrible way later. Undoubtedly General Clapper's remarks were thoroughly vetted for their national security implications as we endeavor to contain Saddam's WMD and make clear that any effort to move them will confirm their current location.

Secondly, because some Americans and their Leftmedia opinion-shapers have very short attention spans, recent claims by Ted Kennedy et al. that President George Bush "misled" the nation regarding the "imminent threat" posed by Iraqi WMD, have undermined some domestic resolve. It is critical that our national resolve remain high and that Americans understand how important it is to keep the frontlines of our war with Jihadistan on their turf, not ours.

And third, because this merely confirms what many Americans not blinded by political ambition, already knew: that Saddam's most deadly WMD are still out there, still capable of inflicting catastrophic devastation in one or more major U.S. urban centers of an al-Qa'ida sleeper cell's choosing, and still capable of wreaking havoc on the economic recovery now underway.

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bullshit. the whole point of friggin' having WMDs in the first place is so they can act as a deterrent to an enemy...it defeats the whole purpose of creating them if in the event of a country invading yours with the sole intent of replacing the ruling government, you ship them off sumplace else :rolleyes:

i also find it convenient that they've picked Syria instead of sum other country...opens to door to invading Syria as well

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Originally posted by anotherway83

bullshit. the whole point of friggin' having WMDs in the first place is so they can act as a deterrent to an enemy...it defeats the whole purpose of creating them if in the event of a country invading yours with the sole intent of replacing the ruling government, you ship them off sumplace else :rolleyes:

i also find it convenient that they've picked Syria instead of sum other country...opens to door to invading Syria as well

DO you really think the U.S. military was "deterred" by WMD in Iraq?....your logic is flawed in this particular scenario...

Nice try though

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Originally posted by igloo

DO you really think the U.S. military was "deterred" by WMD in Iraq?....your logic is flawed in this particular scenario...

Nice try though

igloo...what a perfect name for you! you obviously live in an intellectual igloo of sorts, and i think you need to come out of it!

tell me, then, what is the purpose of WMDs? the only reason they marched on in to iraq is because they knew all along there were no WMDs in the first place...they knew that if they waited too long international and public pressure would become too great and they would lose the opportunity to invade

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Originally posted by anotherway83

igloo...what a perfect name for you! you obviously live in an intellectual igloo of sorts, and i think you need to come out of it!

tell me, then, what is the purpose of WMDs? the only reason they marched on in to iraq is because they knew all along there were no WMDs in the first place...they knew that if they waited too long international and public pressure would become too great and they would lose the opportunity to invade

Nice try schmuck.....if you believe the US military did not prepare for battles with WMD in Iraq, in particular chemical weapons, you are a schmuck...

If you believe WMD were never there, that's your business...but to say the U.S. military did not prepare for something they felt had a high degree of probability, you are a fucking tool....if you think the U.S. was going to be "deterred" by WMD (bio or chemical) in Iraq, you are a fucking imbecile....

This is a useless discussion...

If you want to debate whether WMD was there, that is one issue...but to think the U.S. military did not prepare for WMD or think they would be deterred, is completely ridiculous, and could only be said by a complete schmuck....

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Originally posted by anotherway83

bullshit. the whole point of friggin' having WMDs in the first place is so they can act as a deterrent to an enemy...it defeats the whole purpose of creating them if in the event of a country invading yours with the sole intent of replacing the ruling government, you ship them off sumplace else :rolleyes:

i also find it convenient that they've picked Syria instead of sum other country...opens to door to invading Syria as well

Making the US look like a fool was the main objective as soon as the water started getting hot for Sadaam. He was threat and had to be removed, EVERYONE is better off now.

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Originally posted by anotherway83

igloo, u're a friggin moron...i never said anything about the US military preparing or not preparing for WMDs...i said the WMDs didn't exist in iraq in the first place, implying that people like you were duped by this administration

wmd-=all you need is one lunatic. and a fucked up plan to kill people

dont you freaking understand

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Originally posted by babbo

wmd-=all you need is one lunatic. and a fucked up plan to kill people

dont you freaking understand

exactly, and i'm sure u'll agree that saddam hussein was a ruthless dictator, so why didn't he use the WMDs? :confused:

why haven't we already had a terrorist attack with WMDs? dont you think saddam would've given at least a couple to them by now??


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Originally posted by anotherway83

exactly, and i'm sure u'll agree that saddam hussein was a ruthless dictator, so why didn't he use the WMDs? :confused:

why haven't we already had a terrorist attack with WMDs? dont you think saddam would've given at least a couple to them by now??


so, in your judgement- you'd rather wait till he kills more people-, as if he hasnt slaughtered, and been responssible for enuff already- when you look in the sky, tell me, what color is the sun??

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Originally posted by anotherway83

exactly, and i'm sure u'll agree that saddam hussein was a ruthless dictator, so why didn't he use the WMDs? :confused:

why haven't we already had a terrorist attack with WMDs? dont you think saddam would've given at least a couple to them by now??


and perhaps you think, when the israelis knocked out a nuclear reactor, that was "wrong" also???-

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Originally posted by anotherway83

igloo, u're a friggin moron...i never said anything about the US military preparing or not preparing for WMDs...i said the WMDs didn't exist in iraq in the first place, implying that people like you were duped by this administration

And yet another level of idiosy from you...I will try and break it down for you in simple terms

Your issued a moronic statement that the only reason the U.S. marched into Iraq was they knew there was no WMD.....you said the U.S. would have never attacked if WMD was there.....I easily countered that the U.S. military prepared for a WMD attack, and attacked anyway with the knowledge that a chemical attack was probable.....an easy ass kicking on my part jerkoff...you should have left it there

But you now say you never said the military did or did not prepare for the probability of a WMD attack.....yet by your statements, this is exactly what you implied (understand retard?)

If WMD was not there (according to you), and the U.S. would have been deterred if it was there (according to you), why did the military prepare so comprehensively for a WMD attack, and attack anyway?......didn't you say the only reason we attacked is because WMD was not there? You mean we knew it was not there, but prepared anyway?

That's right, you are saying "people" like me have been duped by the administration...

Therefore, "people" must include our massive military institution, including generals, defense intelligence, task forces, and field commanders.....what a job by Bush and his inner circle of "duping" these very capable and competent professionals....

Then again, Bush should not get all the credit for the duping, since Arab, France, and Russian intelligence agencies also duped the U.S. military into preparing for something that did not exist...Let alone UN weapons inspectors and Iraqi defectors...and of course the Kurds who died at the hands of a chemical attacks...

You are an imbecile. You made a moronic statment and could not grasp the ass kicking I gave you,...... and are now enhancing the idiosy of that statement by your continued dumb ass chatter, and I must follow with another ass kicking....

Shut the fuck up jerkoff.......unless you want to continue to expose yourself as a clown

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igloo u're such a fuckwit, i bet you were an accident...cretins like you have a hard time comprehending my side of the argument, but im sure anybody with an IQ of above room temperature would have no problem understanding it

because i care about the intellectual upliftment of morons like yourself, however, i will make this last post

(u should take a class in college english, tho...u continue to misinterpret and twist my words and it really reflects badly on you...btw, u still havent answered my question: why did saddam NOT USE THE WMDs?)

you wanted to know why the military prepared so comprehensively? well, i already answered that part, but the nimrod that you are, you didn't understand. so i'll say it again, hopefully this time it'll be a bit more clear...they did it to DUPE ppl. LIKE YOU...because if they had just gone in (and they knew iraq had no WMDs), then it would become obvious to everyone that it was a grab for oil (which it was)...already international opinion was against this war, so they had to do their best to make it seem like they were doing this for everyone's benefit, that saddam did indeed pose a threat to the world, that the US was risking lives just to make this planet a better place for all...but of course most intelligent (meaning that segment of the population that you are most demonstrably not a member of) people saw right throught this facade

and btw, dumbass, they didn't need to "dupe" the military - the president is the Commander in chief anyway, so the military had to do his bidding

and what the fuck are you blabbering about the UN inspectors for? if there were indeed WMDs, why would the UK, our strongest ally, feel the need to forge intelligence??


also, moron, you might find this article a little enlightening (if indeed it is possible to enlighten someone like you) in which wolfowitz himself admits that WMD was a convenient excuse for war:


(you will have to buy the story now that it is archived)

you might also wanna check out this article, which backs up what i've been trying to tell you all along:


it also contains links to many other articles

now please stop making a bigger fool of yourself by spouting meaningless bullshit in a lame attempt to convince me of the moral superiority of your pathetic stance on this issue...

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Originally posted by anotherway83

igloo u're such a fuckwit, i bet you were an accident...cretins like you have a hard time comprehending my side of the argument, but im sure anybody with an IQ of above room temperature would have no problem understanding it

because i care about the intellectual upliftment of morons like yourself, however, i will make this last post

(u should take a class in college english, tho...u continue to misinterpret and twist my words and it really reflects badly on you...btw, u still havent answered my question: why did saddam NOT USE THE WMDs?)

you wanted to know why the military prepared so comprehensively? well, i already answered that part, but the nimrod that you are, you didn't understand. so i'll say it again, hopefully this time it'll be a bit more clear...they did it to DUPE ppl. LIKE YOU...because if they had just gone in (and they knew iraq had no WMDs), then it would become obvious to everyone that it was a grab for oil (which it was)...already international opinion was against this war, so they had to do their best to make it seem like they were doing this for everyone's benefit, that saddam did indeed pose a threat to the world, that the US was risking lives just to make this planet a better place for all...but of course most intelligent (meaning that segment of the population that you are most demonstrably not a member of) people saw right throught this facade

and btw, dumbass, they didn't need to "dupe" the military - the president is the Commander in chief anyway, so the military had to do his bidding

and what the fuck are you blabbering about the UN inspectors for? if there were indeed WMDs, why would the UK, our strongest ally, feel the need to forge intelligence??


also, moron, you might find this article a little enlightening (if indeed it is possible to enlighten someone like you) in which wolfowitz himself admits that WMD was a convenient excuse for war:


(you will have to buy the story now that it is archived)

you might also wanna check out this article, which backs up what i've been trying to tell you all along:


it also contains links to many other articles

now please stop making a bigger fool of yourself by spouting meaningless bullshit in a lame attempt to convince me of the moral superiority of your pathetic stance on this issue...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I don't know how to stop laughing at this pile of shit...and by pile of shit I mean your rant and you....what a collection of shit by a shitbag....

It was obvious you were a fucking clueless jerkoff earlier, and your lack of intellect was glaring to all, but as soon as you mention your "grab for oil" and that only "intelligent" people were against the war, you further discount what was an already worthless stance...you fucking clown

I don't have a hard time comprehending your "side" at all...quite frankly, it is fit for a two year old.....it is so shallow and devoid of thought, it rightfully belongs with the rest of the lame ass ANSWER crowd, or that "segment" of the population who thinks they are smarter than they are because they spin conspiracy theories...

And jerkoff, I did not twist your words, I shoved them back up your clueless ass.....plain and simple.....Jerkoffs like you think you are smart, but you are just another imbecile who makes themselves feel better by wearing a "No War for Oil" shirt ....jerkoff

And in a further demonstration of you idiosy, you cry that your moronic words were being twisted, yet you completely twist the context of Wolfowitz's comments you fucking moron...how dumb can you be to use this as an example.....schmuck

And someone already answered your question about why Saddam didn't use WMD you fucking moron.....put simply so even you can understand, embarassing the US and damaging US credibility was more powerful than using WMD that would have been ineffective againt the U.S military......

You know, the same military you said would be deterred by WMD....did you forget that moronic statment of yours?...this is just one reason, as there are others...but I am sure you do not have the brain capacity to handle much more....

You are a fucking child....a clueless child.....

" A grab for oil" :laugh: :laugh: ....could you be any more shallow and lame....what a tired fool

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Originally posted by anotherway83

:sigh:...no point arguing with someone who is so blinded by false patriotism that he cannot even consider for once that he might be so far off the track that his hopelessly futile attempts only serve to portray him as a lost cause...unreachable.

not a matter of patriotism, its a matter of knowing, when, someone wants you dead given an opportunity, many many, would gladly kill me, you, etc etc etc. yet, YOu dont see that

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Originally posted by anotherway83

:sigh:...no point arguing with someone who is so blinded by false patriotism that he cannot even consider for once that he might be so far off the track that his hopelessly futile attempts only serve to portray him as a lost cause...unreachable.

You get more pathetic with each post...give it a rest imbecile...

Your comment about false patriotism says it all about you dickhead...nice job making a fool out of yourself, again....you are a small, small person loaded with ignorance and plain stupidity......

Hopefully one day you find a conspiracy theory that gives your pathetic being some meaning....but until then, just shut the fuck up.....the world does not need another clueless blowhard....

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Originally posted by anotherway83

igloo...what a perfect name for you! you obviously live in an intellectual igloo of sorts, and i think you need to come out of it!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Could'nt have said it better myself. At least Mr Mahs has the tact to insult me with some sort of humor. "Do you still believe in the easter bunny?" That's funny I got a good laugh outta that one. And even babbos comments are some what entertaining. But igloo, you are a troll, nothing more than that, you prove yourself dumber every post you make. You drivel out pointless insults that mean nothing and expect people to think that you have some kind of point to it all. I mean do you honestly think that we care what an intellectual midget such as yourself thinks about us? please ... :jerkoff:

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Originally posted by xpyrate

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Could'nt have said it better myself. At least Mr Mahs has the tact to insult me with some sort of humor. "Do you still believe in the easter bunny?" That's funny I got a good laugh outta that one. And even babbos comments are some what entertaining. But igloo, you are a troll, nothing more than that, you prove yourself dumber every post you make. You drivel out pointless insults that mean nothing and expect people to think that you have some kind of point to it all. I mean do you honestly think that we care what an intellectual midget such as yourself thinks about us? please ... :jerkoff:


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Originally posted by xpyrate

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Could'nt have said it better myself. At least Mr Mahs has the tact to insult me with some sort of humor. "Do you still believe in the easter bunny?" That's funny I got a good laugh outta that one. And even babbos comments are some what entertaining. But igloo, you are a troll, nothing more than that, you prove yourself dumber every post you make. You drivel out pointless insults that mean nothing and expect people to think that you have some kind of point to it all. I mean do you honestly think that we care what an intellectual midget such as yourself thinks about us? please ... :jerkoff:

Please have mercy and shut up...How many times do I have to ask you?....Of course your idiosy is painful to the masses, and it has become excessively boring to bother with your infantile ass, but that is not the reason why you need to zip your bleeding hole...

Self respect and dignity, like I have mentioned to you before......clam up in the name of self respect and dignity.....

Look in the mirror, put on your Barney hat, take a deep breath, show some pride, and tell yourself "Today, I am not going to be the moronic fool that I have so shamelessly displayed"......

First step is to stop posting, get through your Dr. Suess and Curious George books, then push yourself to move to the next level.....Blues Clues.....

Trust me, you will be much happier with yourself once you are in your element......

Good Luck Shitbag

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Igloo the fact that I annoy you will only want me to continue posting, It really makes my day to annoy dimwitted trolls such as yourself. Oh ... "put on your Barney hat" thats better ... I think you might just actually be developing a sense of humor.

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If the WHOLE world agreed he HAD/HAS WMD but disagreed on HOW to DISARM him....

How can a conspiracy theory of WAR FOR OIL apply?

Let me ask you lefty conspiracy peaceniks a question...

Do you think al-qeada dropped the WTC or did we to start a "war for oil"???

This should be good...

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Igloo the fact that I annoy you will only want me to continue posting, It really makes my day to annoy dimwitted trolls such as yourself. Oh ... "put on your Barney hat" thats better ... I think you might just actually be developing a sense of humor.

Son, you really have to stop posting....it is not noble to set new records on the mental retardation scale....

I specifically said to stop posting not for me , but for you (self respect and dignity).....but of course you missed it--another demonstration of your sad, sad idiosy......

Go back and read the post again, and perhaps ask someone to help you...I tried to avoid big words to make the comprehension as easy as possible for a simpleton like you

Reading is fundamental son......

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Originally posted by mr mahs

If the WHOLE world agreed he HAD/HAS WMD but disagreed on HOW to DISARM him....

How can a conspiracy theory of WAR FOR OIL apply?

Let me ask you lefty conspiracy peaceniks a question...

Do you think al-qeada dropped the WTC or did we to start a "war for oil"???

This should be good...

First off, I could hardly be considered "lefty". I am not Marxist or anywhere near that, I have a strong distaste for communism in any shape. anyway ...

What does Iraq have to do with 9/11? Right after the incident Wolfowitz said the proper response would be to invade Iraq. How does that make sense? Would you also say the proper response to Pearl Harbor would be to invade the China? After all they look kind of the same. Even someone who thinks that we are doing the right thing in Iraq has to think that that thought is rediculous. We should stick to searching for Bin Laden instead of threatening and invading any country that might pose even the most miniscule threat to our security.

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