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Fung Schway...

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Get over yourself.. I know it's not spelled this way, but:

Can you believe this even exists... I guess there's a sucker born every minute that will buy anything.. having said that, I find it interesting, but wouldn't "buy" into it, "live" by it, or "subscribe' to the theory...

Does your personal image express your essential energy?

When you look in the mirror, do you love what you see?

Do you have expertise to offer and want to attract customers?


Fashion Feng Shui â„¢ applies the Chinese five element theory to clothing, make-up, hairstyle and accessories. The five elements are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Chinese philosophy believes that each of us is composed of the five elements, and we express them in different ways. A Fashion Feng Shuiâ„¢ facilitator helps you identify your primary and secondary elements in a process called In-Visioning. As a result, you learn how to create a personal image that aligns with your innate elemental energies. The benefits of Fashion Feng Shuiâ„¢ are numerous. You radiate glowing, positive energy that generates increased clientele or social contacts. Your confidence is visible, because it is observable in your personal style. Your professional wardrobe is an effective part of your marketing program. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you visually affirm your intention to be an attractive invitation for interaction.

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...Although I take the point of view that shit like this is for upwardly mobile, generally bland, white people that have done too much coke and not enough Cid, there IS something to be said about positioning the furniture in the house so that its both conducive to you moving through the house and pleasing to the eye...

...Basically, the whole thing comes down to placing the furniture in your house so that you don't end up tripping over shit, a goal that one shouldn't have to hire a 200 dollar an hour, slightly femmy, fashion consultant named Bruce to achieve...

..If you do have to hire that guy, I've got a truck load of evening gowns and some feather boas to sell you...:aright:...

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to non-asians it may not make sense b/c there's no understanding of the reasoning or culture behind it. not to say that i really understand it, but there's been stories and superstitions that have been around in my family that i'll stick by b/c it means something to me and reminds me of my family.

for example,

if you are setting up your bedroom do not have your feet pointing straight out of your door... you're setting up your own death b/c when you die in your sleep, you can be carried straight out of your bed, through your door, to your grave.

:eek: that's my favorite one. ;)

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Originally posted by kitty19

to non-asians it may not make sense b/c there's no understanding of the reasoning or culture behind it. not to say that i really understand it, but there's been stories and superstitions that have been around in my family that i'll stick by b/c it means something to me and reminds me of my family.

for example,

if you are setting up your bedroom do not have your feet pointing straight out of your door... you're setting up your own death b/c when you die in your sleep, you can be carried straight out of your bed, through your door, to your grave.

:eek: that's my favorite one. ;)

OMG! haha i'm chinese and i yelled at my bf for doing that! ::laugh:

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