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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

I will be missed.


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im off to nyc tomorrow for a few days...i know i'll be missed dearly...and some of u may have a hard time coping with life in LA without me...even tho i have touched just a few of your lives ever so briefly, i trust that i have made a profound and lasting impact...to those gentle spirits (you know who you are), i have this to say:

there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel, keep your heads up high and remember that in times of universal deceit, telling the truth often becomes a revolutionary act...

ok so that last part came out of nowhere lol...but your leader shall return soon!!! (saturday to be exact)

JUST KIDDING!! u guys have a bang-up time and i will too...when i get back i'll have pics of NYU, WTC and tons other pix of the city and maybe nightlife too!

i'll be back on saturday, im gonna be meeting up with FERRY CORSTEN on sunday, so im really looking forward to the rest of this week!!!!

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well, you can't rightfully call it "wtc," as the world trade center is no more. ever since 9/11/01, it has been "ground zero" :( . i don't mean to be nitpicky, but the inner new yorker - meaning, asshole - comes out in me every once in a while :rolleyes::tongue: .

i'm going in december for x-mas and am not looking forward to it :( (some issues to deal with there...). have fun and give me some hope for a good time! i want details when you come back :cool: !

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Gasp! you're going away??? NOOO!!! The world's coming to an end! Grown men will jump from buildings, women and children will ensue, chaos will break loose creating massive pandemonium!!!

Oh wait, I've never even met you... :shaky:

Have a blast nevertheless. I shall continue the quest to meeting all you awesome CP LAers when I return in December....

p's out

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Guest graymedium

I certainly hope your trip to NYC was NYSE (oh wait, that's the acronym for the stock exchange). I mean NICE (and not the city on the French Riviera). I don't know you but reading your posts, I get the impression that you are a nice person... down-to-earth and all that stuff. Maybe we could hang out... that's only if you're into having a good time with a cool Black guy, musician/ writer, college grad, grad school student... check me out...


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Originally posted by graymedium

I certainly hope your trip to NYC was NYSE (oh wait, that's the acronym for the stock exchange). I mean NICE (and not the city on the French Riviera). I don't know you but reading your posts, I get the impression that you are a nice person... down-to-earth and all that stuff. Maybe we could hang out... that's only if you're into having a good time with a cool Black guy, musician/ writer, college grad, grad school student... check me out...


ah thanks alot for the offer man i guess i just saw this too late...im def. gonna go back to visit soon tho so maybe then...thanks alot btw...:D

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