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the REAL secret behind the METRO LOUNGE vibe...........


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With the grand opening of Circa tomorrow, the last few months have been real crazy, and it has made me even MORE grateful for the most amazing memories in nightlife i personally have ever had in our 5 years of Metro Lounge. After lots of ups (the most amazing club night i have ever been involved with......events that were pushed to LIMITS that i never would have thought i would ever see in jersey, and DOWNS, the kind you would never expect to be able to come out of (pool collapses,raids, closing time changes,) there are a few things that strands out in my mind..............






and MOST IMPORTANT..........DO ANYTHING.......RELENTLESS ..........ANYTHING! IT TAKES to get what you want AND STRIVE FOR IT!!!!!!

those things are, to me, THE MOST important qualities. And i really feel luckey that i see these qualities EVRY DAY around me. I saw it for the last 5 years at Metro, i saw it for the last 2 years down the shore at Merge, and i saw it for the last 5 months in the transformation from Metro to the all new CIRCA!!!!!!!!

On the eve of the opening of Circa, without the place even open yet, without even having customers in the place,I FEEL THE VIBE . That vibe come from the Love , and passion that goes into creating a place. To me thats what, in my opinion keeps people coming.

So anyway, as i am sad to see my most BELOVED memories in Metro gone, i am VERY, VERY proud to be a part of somthing that i saw created from scratch, from the idea, to the naming,to the construction,to the theme, to the completion, to now..............THE GRAND OPENING



Know that the same love, and dedication, and thought went into Circa as did all our other projects.THAT IS THE SECRET TO THE VIBE........IT CANNOT BE FAKED!!!!!!

Even though it will have a totally different feeling than Metro..... i have a feeling you will still feel the love, which we know as the VIBE!!!!!!

I AM TOTALLY LOOKING FOWARD TO SEEING EVERYONE BACK AT OUR HOME. HOME WILL ALWYAS BE HOME.SEE EVERYONE TONIGHT!:D (sorry for the long rambling guys, i was in a sentimental mood as i was setting up for tomorrow)

and ps........

to all the METRO HEADS...............

our NEW super dance club in BERGEN county is coming very soon......mark my words.....Petey K will not, i repeat, WILL NOT let me, Richie Rydell and the entire "FAMILY" down. IT WILL BE WORTH THE WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

In the mean time.......Circa ( All the time, anytime! LUNCH,DINNER, AFTERWORK, OPEN 7 DAYS, GREAT MUSIC, MENU,SUSHI BAR)

AND ........







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Metro lounge vibe is done let it go.

The days of e and glowsticks and shirts off are over.

Jonathan Peters knows that thats why hes getting out.

You are beating a dead horse. All the hot girls today want to hear hip hop so stop fooling yourselfs.

Let it go, Metro is added to the Rubiks cube, furby, elmo, atari 2600, neon under the cars list.

Circa should do well though.

And props to the owners making it seem like it was a "the town doesnt like us thing" when it was really "we have to change our format and make money" issue.

Academy award for that lie.

The Gullible Family should love it.

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Originally posted by sandstormer

Metro lounge vibe is done let it go.

The days of e and glowsticks and shirts off are over.

Jonathan Peters knows that thats why hes getting out.

You are beating a dead horse. All the hot girls today want to hear hip hop so stop fooling yourselfs.

Let it go, Metro is added to the Rubiks cube, furby, elmo, atari 2600, neon under the cars list.

Circa should do well though.

And props to the owners making it seem like it was a "the town doesnt like us thing" when it was really "we have to change our format and make money" issue.

Academy award for that lie.

The Gullible Family should love it.

You speak with such confidence but your facts are totally false… There was TONS of shit from the town I know that for a fucken fact sand flamer

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Originally posted by sandstormer

the REAL secret behind the METRO LOUNGE vibe...........

is called DRUGS!

Ramada president Paul Hanley gave them an ultimatum.

Thats why its now called circa. With more emphasis on the food.

Those are the facts.

Sand flamer you make no sense you keep changing your argument stupid.

Didn’t you just say metro made it " seem like it was a "the town doesn’t like us thing" when it was really "we have to change our format and make money" issue.

Now you’re saying it was legitimately shut down?

Urf try sticking to your story you fat fuck

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Originally posted by sandstormer

the REAL secret behind the METRO LOUNGE vibe...........

is called DRUGS!

Ramada president Paul Hanley gave them an ultimatum.

Thats why its now called circa. With more emphasis on the food.

Those are the facts.

How can the Ramada Pres..make an ultimatum when Prime has the Hotel??

Second on a net lease10 20 or 30 year no one can dictate what you can and cant do with the space unless it is dictated in the contract...If he wanted to he can make it an incestrial breeding ground for your family and it would probably be packed with your mom/sister and dad/brother....You may now end your life in a violent manner.

For the record It was not shut down by the town It was not shut down by the Hotel..It was shut down by the owners. It was renovated They are complying with what the town wants ...AND THEY ARE IN THE PROCESS OF ATTAINING A NEW LOCATION FOR A HOUSE NIGHTCLUB FORMAT IN BERGEN COUNTY. So sandfucker lube your fist with some sand and shove it up your ass.

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First of all of course the VIBE is related to drugs isn't it always?? Haven't we all been there? Anywhere the drugs are?????? Secondly, if you want to call a room with no energy a VIBE , just because it's filled with crackheads, then let's all have an OUTLAW party at the police station following in Michael Alig's footsteps, bring a radio, bring some drugs and the chicken from the limelight and we can call that a VIBE. Do you think the PIGS will drop some bombs with us because of the "VIBE"? That would be one strong VIBE, but then again METRO has that VIBE because of ML2K3. Oh, wait a minute, isn't he only an employee? So what is all this WE about? GIVE ME ABREAK WITH THIS BULLSHIT! ITsn't it time to get a real job? And a life? And stop living thru the eyes of Petey K!:hang:

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Originally posted by soulshaker541

First of all of course the VIBE is related to drugs isn't it always?? Haven't we all been there? Anywhere the drugs are?????? Secondly, if you want to call a room with no energy a VIBE , just because it's filled with crackheads, then let's all have an OUTLAW party at the police station following in Michael Alig's footsteps, bring a radio, bring some drugs and the chicken from the limelight and we can call that a VIBE. Do you think the PIGS will drop some bombs with us because of the "VIBE"? That would be one strong VIBE, but then again METRO has that VIBE because of ML2K3. Oh, wait a minute, isn't he only an employee? So what is all this WE about? GIVE ME ABREAK WITH THIS BULLSHIT! ITsn't it time to get a real job? And a life? And stop living thru the eyes of Petey K!:hang:

Sad very Sad. Jealousy my friend is a terrible thing. In your case it has made you come onto a public messageboard and try to mock someone who is employed by a retaurant lounge..formerly a steakhouse and nightclub. As far as Getting a real Job in George's defense and he doesnt need anyone to defend him He was the Bar manager for Metro Lounge and the Manager of the New York Steakhouse. And he is still Manager now that it is Circa. I'd love to coompare his Bank account to you and your entire family's bank account so he can just sit back and laugh while you squander and pan handle for quarters you loser. Not to mention the size of his fuckin house but hey thats his private life that doesnt concern you or anyone else for that matter so talk all the shit you'd like. Its just not fair to pick on someone that has never done anything wrong to any one on here except maybe get them a little drunk.

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Originally posted by soulshaker541

I didn't realize he had a PR agent was Lizzie Grubman not available after her sentence in Suffolk County Jail?

You can call me a PR Agent. I call it friendship.

Just because YOU think we know each other from clubs and he is just a bartender doesnt mean that life does not exist outside of clubs buddy. Believe it or not a whole bunch of us go way back to before the days of the Metro Lounge.

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Originally posted by sandstormer

the REAL secret behind the METRO LOUNGE vibe...........

is called DRUGS!

Ramada president Paul Hanley gave them an ultimatum.

Thats why its now called circa. With more emphasis on the food.

Those are the facts.

Who the fuck are you???? You fuckin little tool!! You are probably some little fuckin nerd who went out by yourself one night and didnt fit into the Metro crowd. So now you are all bitter. Just keep your fuckin stupid, idiotic opinions to yourself, and stay home and beat off in the corner watching kiddie porn. YOU FUCKING LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even better yet................... Before you decide to talk shit next time................GO KILL YOURSELF NO ONE WOULD PROBABLY MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!:hang:

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