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Club Planet Apocalypse Sweepstakes!


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and the idiot posts again...

sorry, but this one does seem important...

"George Bush's neo-conservative regime has secretly flown 100 Harpoon cruise missiles tipped with nuclear warheads to the joint American-UK military base stationed on the remote Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. Thomas informs us that it is now known where 72 of these Harpoons have been subsequently assigned--target Iranian nuclear facilities well within the range of the to three Israeli Dolphin-class submarines (24 apiece) that have subsequently left Diego for the Gulf of Oman. The purpose? To Dolphins and their collective nuclear-tipped payload supplied by the United States. Most ominously, these instruments of mass death and destruction are under the command-and-launch decision making authority of one Ariel Sharon"

so shall we have a whip-round and place bets on when the first nuclear explosion in combat of this century will take place?

this story seems to be true, pretty sure it's not a random conspiracy theory





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