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I want to say i'm sorry for..........

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insulting the intergity of this board & its members. I feel i've may of been insulting to a couple members by pointing out the obvious.

I would love to have a margarita & a bump this summer @ surf with all the "iron brothers" & reflect on the past year. Of our conflicts & where we go from now.

Also i would love to have a spin off with all my fav djs: choopie, moo, roddiga & we can throw down all our fav. classics.

I really needed to clear the air because january is almost here.

January means:

I need to start my rip down. I have my sten, primo, winstrol, deca, suspension, prope, fina, cytomel & clen.

After a winter of sus, dbol & growth I'm @ 240 & boy am i under alot of stress.

My cloths dont fit. I have alot girls boyfriends wanting to fight me because I am sexy. My grocery bill is out of wack from all the protein i need to be as huge as i am & again sexy.

So this is a deep heart to heart apology to my cp family. I hope you can take this apology seriously because i need the support of you all to reach my goals & acheive my dreams.

Even my mom is gonna stop dancing & my dad is going to hang around with girls to get me thru this rough time.

Thanks in advance for understanding,


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My condolences..If you need any Juicing tips Im sure the Iron Brethren will be a great reference point for you..Matter of fact I can even stick you I'll get pins for you if you want and I dont care what anyone says they are not going to have HIV infected blood in them from crazy one eyed willy on the corner drinking his Wild Turkey, I swear theyre clean:biggrin: :biggrin:

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Originally posted by njstacked2

See you soon sweetie. hahahaha! I love IP addy's and MAPQUEST.COM (No One is Safe Over The Internet)

Not often it comes down to this type of extensive research but now that the hardwork is over...and you opened PAULALLENS PM....it now comes down to timing. see you soon.

Thats not the support i was looking for, but if your really coming over??? can you tell me what i should wear for dinner?
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Originally posted by godisadj

insulting the intergity of this board & its members. I feel i've may of been insulting to a couple members by pointing out the obvious.

I would love to have a margarita & a bump this summer @ surf with all the "iron brothers" & reflect on the past year. Of our conflicts & where we go from now.

Also i would love to have a spin off with all my fav djs: choopie, moo, roddiga & we can throw down all our fav. classics.

I really needed to clear the air because january is almost here.

January means:

I need to start my rip down. I have my sten, primo, winstrol, deca, suspension, prope, fina, cytomel & clen.

After a winter of sus, dbol & growth I'm @ 240 & boy am i under alot of stress.

My cloths dont fit. I have alot girls boyfriends wanting to fight me because I am sexy. My grocery bill is out of wack from all the protein i need to be as huge as i am & again sexy.

So this is a deep heart to heart apology to my cp family. I hope you can take this apology seriously because i need the support of you all to reach my goals & acheive my dreams.

Even my mom is gonna stop dancing & my dad is going to hang around with girls to get me thru this rough time.

Thanks in advance for understanding,


Stop Lieing - You mom aint never going to stop hoeing (spell check) - And your dady aint ever going to stop licking the Cock. If your lucky you may find a good chap for your dad on the Boston Board. As for mama we can put her on Ebay
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Originally posted by godisadj

insulting the intergity of this board & its members. I feel i've may of been insulting to a couple members by pointing out the obvious.

I would love to have a margarita & a bump this summer @ surf with all the "iron brothers" & reflect on the past year. Of our conflicts & where we go from now.

Also i would love to have a spin off with all my fav djs: choopie, moo, roddiga & we can throw down all our fav. classics.

I really needed to clear the air because january is almost here.

January means:

I need to start my rip down. I have my sten, primo, winstrol, deca, suspension, prope, fina, cytomel & clen.

After a winter of sus, dbol & growth I'm @ 240 & boy am i under alot of stress.

My cloths dont fit. I have alot girls boyfriends wanting to fight me because I am sexy. My grocery bill is out of wack from all the protein i need to be as huge as i am & again sexy.

So this is a deep heart to heart apology to my cp family. I hope you can take this apology seriously because i need the support of you all to reach my goals & acheive my dreams.

Even my mom is gonna stop dancing & my dad is going to hang around with girls to get me thru this rough time.

Thanks in advance for understanding,


Go have some more cake fatty

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I cant believe I just wasted 42 seconds of reading this thread...lol

Seriously I dont think ANYONE should ever take ANYTHING serious with online b.s. Especially when it comes to CP.

Now, to make the distinction. IF you really want to talk the talk and walk the walk...

There is a forum where as EVerything spoken is the truth, and nothing is a lie. Where as fights actually take place through a series of underground fightclubs sponsered by this very same website..

The place to take everything serious...


Also I hear that all the woman on there give the sex on the first date... more like halfway through the first drink ...and I also heard (from a very good source) that the guys who run the site reallly use it for a front. If you noticed and translated the code hidden in the threads you will see for a fact that they really smuggle hookers...that are in their 70s from china... and they pimp them out of their garage...

seriously...I have pictures....:blank:

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this is fuckin GRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

listen bro, can a call ya "BRO"........................... dont let the man bring ya down, do your thang keep talkin smack everytime i log on to cp and see your running your gums its like video game!!!!!!!!...........your nothing but a chip in my computer...............i dont even know who the fuck you are!!!!!, and i really dont care...................

this is fun, im not able to afford play station W/ MY djing pay check so this is my entertainment when i get home from work, SO KEEP RUNNIN YOUR LIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY TYPING GODISADJ, and ill talk to you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just continue to hide b/c if i ever to find you, IM GOING TO MAKE YOU MY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................

OK NOW ITS YOUR TURN TO MAKE A THREAT ABOUT ME, mind you, i have to go to the gym soon so make it QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You should apologize to your mother for having had you. Its obvious she didnt know that you would be the outcome.

Originally posted by godisadj

insulting the intergity of this board & its members. I feel i've may of been insulting to a couple members by pointing out the obvious.

I would love to have a margarita & a bump this summer @ surf with all the "iron brothers" & reflect on the past year. Of our conflicts & where we go from now.

Also i would love to have a spin off with all my fav djs: choopie, moo, roddiga & we can throw down all our fav. classics.

I really needed to clear the air because january is almost here.

January means:

I need to start my rip down. I have my sten, primo, winstrol, deca, suspension, prope, fina, cytomel & clen.

After a winter of sus, dbol & growth I'm @ 240 & boy am i under alot of stress.

My cloths dont fit. I have alot girls boyfriends wanting to fight me because I am sexy. My grocery bill is out of wack from all the protein i need to be as huge as i am & again sexy.

So this is a deep heart to heart apology to my cp family. I hope you can take this apology seriously because i need the support of you all to reach my goals & acheive my dreams.

Even my mom is gonna stop dancing & my dad is going to hang around with girls to get me thru this rough time.

Thanks in advance for understanding,


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