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Ohh gawd... all this plastic surgery fad


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...You people are all fucking cowards... Either that or you are all suffering from a severe case of denial.. I am the only one, up until this point that has spoken what everyone feels in their hearts and their heads...

..Then again, its all fun and games until someone brings out the glaring truth, now isn't it..?..


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...:laugh:...you people know I'm right...

...even if i were to say at this moment that you were right, take the next simple step....Gattaca...rid the world of obesity then you'll move onto another disease...and so on and so on...

...obesity is being strongly argued right now to establish it as a disease...this will allow health insurance to provide treatment on a bigger scale - no pun intended....a parallel one doctor made was to alcolohism - think of all the people that could not get treatment before clinics and centers were set up as a result of this simple acknowledgement....over-simplifying perhaps but you get the point...

..that isnt to say we do not have an over-weight problem here in this country...our eating habits and lack of physical activity is horrendous BUT that's not obesity - that's just behavioral patterns that need modification/change - usu. by the individual...let's not incorrectly lump these two together...

...more to come...eventually...:)

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Originally posted by phatman

...even if i were to say at this moment that you were right, take the next simple step....Gattaca...rid the world of obesity then you'll move onto another disease...and so on and so on...

...obesity is being strongly argued right now to establish it as a disease...this will allow health insurance to provide treatment on a bigger scale - no pun intended....a parallel one doctor made was to alcolohism - think of all the people that could not get treatment before clinics and centers were set up as a result of this simple acknowledgement....over-simplifying perhaps but you get the point...

..that isnt to say we do not have an over-weight problem here in this country...our eating habits and lack of physical activity is horrendous BUT that's not obesity - that's just behavioral patterns that need modification/change - usu. by the individual...let's not incorrectly lump these two together...

...more to come...eventually...:)

...Nick, Gattica was the right idea... From a eugenics standpoint, the species as a whole could only get stronger if we aspired to that.. So what if you and I, and many others wouldn't make the cut, we're talking about the future of humanity here... and the ugly, and the fat...oh especially those worthless fatass snausages, shouldn't be a part of that future...

..Tell me I'm wrong...

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

what is the topic again?


yeah right! seriously ,, this thing just took off :eek:

Basically, either when i see someone who really doesn't need surgery, but gets it anyway, or when someone is addicted to plastic surgery (i.e. Joan Rivers, Michael Jackson, etc..) it just troubles me... irks me.. makes me make this face :shaky:

I understand the 1st one is really based solely on taste/personal beliefs, and one can dig further and wonder why people get work done.

Like i said before, my friend got his ears pulled back when he was 9. They really dig stick out, and imagine how he felt when everyone called him dumbo.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...Nick, Gattica was the right idea... From a eugenics standpoint, the species as a whole could only get stronger if we aspired to that.. So what if you and I, and many others wouldn't make the cut, we're talking about the future of humanity here... and the ugly, and the fat...oh especially those worthless fatass snausages, shouldn't be a part of that future...

..Tell me I'm wrong...

you are wrong. gattaca wouldn´t work, since the human gen-pool must remain very flexible to make sure survival of the species.

think of the extreme that there *could* a virus would kill everybody but the fat people because the genetic combination that causes the people to get fat by chance also has the effect that they are immune to whatever desease. this of course is just an example to illustrate my point and very unlikely, but a wide genetic gene pool that is constantly getting broadened is the recept of survival of a species. the smaller the gene pool, the more endangered the species. basic biology :)

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Look i was a fat kid. I have a picture of me bending over next to a cow on the side of a street in Belgium, and you can't tell one from the other :laugh:

But for real, as far as weight loss is concerned, people won't lose weight until THEY WANT TO lose weight. It's multiple levels: I did push ups, sit ups, walked EVERYWHERE, ate nothing but soup, eggs, cereal and sandwich's. ANd i lost 40lbs.

I blame both the environment and people's personal decisions. It's your decision to get that Hamburger Helper, or Tuna salad.

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Originally posted by somebitch

being big isnt the end of the world... you make it out like fat people are a burden. i have a girlfriend who is big, shes the sweetest girl, shes so smart, funny, fun. so what if she isnt skinny?? i think the world would lose a lot more by not having some of these people in it than it would gain by getting rid of fat people. hopefully she raises her children to watch their weight because it is in her genetics. i know if she was skinny she would be happier but it would take her months to even see a difference in her weight, it is really an entirely different lifestyle she would have to live to be small.

I will tell you what the problem is with these fat people... they are costing me money!! My health care cost so much in part because they have so many health problems.

So stop eating so damn much, get on the treadmill, and have a nice day.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Look i was a fat kid. I have a picture of me bending over next to a cow on the side of a street in Belgium, and you can't tell one from the other :laugh:

But for real, as far as weight loss is concerned, people won't lose weight until THEY WANT TO lose weight. It's multiple levels: I did push ups, sit ups, walked EVERYWHERE, ate nothing but soup, eggs, cereal and sandwich's. ANd i lost 40lbs.

I blame both the environment and people's personal decisions. It's your decision to get that Hamburger Helper, or Tuna salad.

...not everyone is you....i was also a fat kid and lost a lot of weight but i would never extend that as a generalization to others as i have come to know different "heavy" people in different situations...the only define line i can make is the one i made above - there is overweight and there is obese...outside of that, you would have to find out the person's medical history, background, etc before making a true assessment of where he/she would fall...

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Originally posted by phatman

...obesity is being strongly argued right now to establish it as a disease...

and let me tell you why...

It's the american way not to take credit for things that are our fault.

-Oh your kid is dumb, he has a learning disorder.

-Oh you killed your friend, damn that Marilyn Manson

-Oh you don't know that eating 3 big macs for lunch makes you obese, damn, I have some sort of "disease". No you don't!! Your fat, and your lazy. That's it.

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Originally posted by jimk29

I will tell you what the problem is with these fat people... they are costing me money!! My health care cost so much in part because they have so many health problems.

So stop eating so damn much, get on the treadmill, and have a nice day.

Jim, this is the smartest thing i have read all day (well, maybe) but you are sooooooooooo right about the rise of healthcare skyrocketing because of these fat motherfuckers.....

My fucking father had a heart attack earlier this year & he is your typical overwieght middle aged italian man who eats prossucuitt by the truckload.

You should have seen his fucking medical bills. Of course insurance pays for it, no make that WE PAY FOR IT.....

they should underwrite healthcare the same way they do life insurance & do it on a personal risk basis, but because of allot of other varialbes that would never work. but you get my point

death to fat cocksuckers!

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Originally posted by jimk29

and let me tell you why...

It's the american way not to take credit for things that are our fault.

-Oh your kid is dumb, he has a learning disorder.

-Oh you killed your friend, damn that Marilyn Manson

-Oh you don't know that eating 3 big macs for lunch makes you obese, damn, I have some sort of "disease". No you don't!! Your fat, and your lazy. That's it.

...is it really hard for you to believe that people have eating disorders?...we've identified bolemia and anerexia (sp)...why can't it go in the other direction - because the former seems to accord to the body types we've been seeing in the media...give me a break...i'm not disagreeing with your underlying point - but there is more to all this than you're choosing to see...

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

Jim, this is the smartest thing i have read all day (well, maybe) but you are sooooooooooo right about the rise of healthcare skyrocketing because of these fat motherfuckers.....

My fucking father had a heart attack earlier this year & he is your typical overwieght middle aged italian man who eats prossucuitt by the truckload.

You should have seen his fucking medical bills. Of course insurance pays for it, no make that WE PAY FOR IT.....

...you should have saved us all the money and let the fat fuck die...:aright:

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Originally posted by phatman

...is it really hard for you to believe that people have eating disorders?...we've identified bolemia and anerexia (sp)...why can't it go in the other direction - because the former seems to accord to the body types we've been seeing in the media...give me a break...i'm not disagreeing with your underlying point - but there is more to all this than you're choosing to see...

People don't eat or throw up because they strive to be thin... are you telling me people over eat because they strive to look like crap?

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Originally posted by phatman

...is it really hard for you to believe that people have eating disorders?...we've identified bolemia and anerexia (sp)...why can't it go in the other direction - because the former seems to accord to the body types we've been seeing in the media...give me a break...i'm not disagreeing with your underlying point - but there is more to all this than you're choosing to see...

No, we must be held accountable for our choices. You (not you, but collectively) CHOOSE to eat like shit & be a fat fuck. I choose to eat health & be only a mildly fat fuck!

This is a clasic case of will power & choices, not a disorder.

But some people are what we call Comfort eaters, meaning they find comfort in some foods just as alchoholics find comfort in drinking, but this does not account for every single meal of the day being a high fat calorie laden meal!


anna nicole smith

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

Which reminds me, as i was getting my tuna salad today, the fat fucking lady in front of me was getting a cheeseburger& fries with a regular coke!

was this her: attachment.php?s=&postid=1843222

It's when people have no end, or keep eating until they're stuffed. That's NOT how you're supposed to do it.

My mom would make hamburger helper, and i'd eat the whole thing!!! at age 12 !!!

I had no limit. I just ate til there was nothing left.

Then i learned that you should eat until you're pleasantly full

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Originally posted by phatman

...you should have saved us all the money and let the fat fuck die...:aright:

the surgery was done & the medical personel were obligated to operate on him once they arrived at the scene. This was not my call at all. I dont have the authority to choose who lives or dies.

But more importantly, why would you make such a rude & negative comment towards me?

Someone spewing such negativity cant possibly be a happy person. whats the matter, on the inside are you still that scared little fat fuck kid that got picked last for kickball & sat out for proms?


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Originally posted by DarrellG


Colligen and Silicone anyone?

Originally posted by gmccookny

see, that's not kool :nono:

I bet she was a pretty girl before all that gook went into her

Look, she's smiling and you can hardly see her teeth.

It's all lip.

That's nasty.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

the surgery was done & the medical personal were obligated to operate on him once they arrived at the scene. This was not my call at all. I dont have the authority to choose who lives or dies.

But more importantly, why would you make such a rude & negative comment towards me?

Someone spewing such negativity cant possibly be a happy person. whats the matter, on the inside are you still that scared little fat fuck kid that got picked last for kickball & sat out for proms?


...He has a point though, your father, by my parameters, is part of the problem... The final solution (euthanization/imprisonment) does not discriminate based on sentimental notions...it is absolute...

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Originally posted by jimk29

People don't eat or throw up because they strive to be thin... are you telling me people over eat because they strive to look like crap?

...no man...again you're looking at the wrong piece of the puzzle...it wasnt as to the why but for the fact that it exists...perhaps we also need to define disease and what is beyond our control and accountability as tommy is saying...is alcoholism a disease or a condition?...blah...idk where i'm going with this at this point...lol....

*time to get a candybar and some chocolate milk to wash it down*

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well, if you're going to blame obese people for insurance bills, you'd better blame smokers too, and everyone who has a "thin" eating disorder and has problems related to it, and everyone who drinks over a certain amount of alcohol and has physical/psychological problems associated with that, and all those stressed executives who get therapy for their stress... you better charge them for upping your medical bills too.

the fact is, we do things that are bad for us. either everyone should get evaluated individually and be charged individually for the "damage" they cause society, or we should try to address issues such as obesity with educational campaigns and support for those who are struggling with it.

i've thought about the idea of a "fat tax" but couldn't come up with a way to make it feasible. we couldn't up taxes on everyone with a BMI over a certain amount, cause people who carry a lot of muscle (ppl who lift weights, who are genetically prone to being muscular, etc) would be slapped with an unfair tax too. and for people who have genetic disorders that make them overweight, do we tax them too? how about people who are fat that are attempting to lose weight? do they get charged less than fat people who don't try at all? do we refuse medicare to people who are fat and make them pay their own way?

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