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JV & his tolerant followers : I NOT SPINNING TILL THE "

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Originally posted by djgrod

As for Paris kicking guys off line... Thats just door policy in NYC, everywhere. Deep did it a few weeks ago when I went there and Avalon does it all the time. Does it make it right? No. I think it's a bullshit policy. Why can't a group of guys go have a night on the town and have some fun? Honestly, I think everyone should have a right to go wherever they want and not be excluded. NYC nightlife is at such a low point now, all these places should be looking to have as many people at their parties as possible. Not turn people away. We should all be partying together. not in little high school cliques.

I got to deep last night at like 2am and was not allowed in bc i was with a guy. There were so many hot girls outside and coming in limos too. Its fucking bullshit bc i dont want to bring a girl there when there are plenty of girls already there. I didnt know avalon was like that too????

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imagine if there was a stereotypical tuff guy guido DJ in nyc who had the fags and trannies kicked out of clubs picked off his lines etc.

If anyone remembers about a year ago they weren't letting any of the trannies in factory (except a select few) for a couple of months. I noticed because there are so many of them they just dissappeared for a while.

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Originally posted by HearDaBeat

If anyone remembers about a year ago they weren't letting any of the trannies in factory (except a select few) for a couple of months. I noticed because there are so many of them they just dissappeared for a while.

There is a good reason why they reserved the right to let the trannies on.




and just some plain stinky dirty ass shit in the bathroom

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Originally posted by jamezzz

Ok and thats gr8 but the hypocrisy is insane....imagine if there was a stereotypical tuff guy guido DJ in nyc who had the fags and trannies kicked out of clubs picked off his lines etc. the scene and city would be in a uproar the guy would be branded a homophobe, meathead, racist and probally wouldnt get a job anywhere. The reason i started this thread is Jr"s crowd is screaming about all the gay bashing on JP"S site Yet they support a guy who openly discriminates against straights!!! Do you hear JP gay bashing ?? never! he even gave a interviex to hx magazine thats coming out this month. The left allways preaches tolerance yet they are the most intolerant of all


...same goes for Danny T. -- he preeches 'be urself' then goes and makes posts on his messages boards saying how he hates 'diesel shirt wearing, sunglass rocking, typical meatheads' comin to his party WTF All these ppl are the biggest hipocrites!!

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Originally posted by berniec


...same goes for Danny T. -- he preeches 'be urself' then goes and makes posts on his messages boards saying how he hates 'diesel shirt wearing, sunglass rocking, typical meatheads' comin to his party WTF All these ppl are the biggest hipocrites!!

Hey leave Danny out of this.

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Calling women "fish" is cunty and bitchy....and at times humorous.

Juice head, crackhead, meathead, are not racist comments.

They aren't comments which advocates, promotes or incites hatred, discrimination or violence, against any individual or group of individuals, based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, as well as religion if used as pretext for any of these factors.

Calling someone a faggot/nigger is hateful/hurtful.

You can't compare the two. I doubt any woman felt her safety "threatened" at a gay party. That is the difference.

And two wrongs don't make a right.

I applaud Europe for starting this trend:


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Go walk up to someone who you think fits the stereotype of a jucicehead/meathead and call them that, see what happens... See if it gets a negative reaction. Go walk up to someone and call them a crackhead. You are SUCH A FUCKING MORON..... You think that just because it's not considered wrong by YOU, and you don't think it's offensive then it isn't. GET A FUCKING CLUE. I'd rather have someone call me a homo or a fag then call me a crackhead or a drug addict. I'm not gay and I'm not a drug addict, but honestly at least Gays/Lesbians are gaining more acceptance in society. Drug addicts are not, and it isn't considered a "normal" or "alternative" lifestyle. It's considered a PROBLEM. So stop going around saying that it's ok to mock people for problems. Your such a stupid asshole, you really are......

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Originally posted by muzikchick

Calling women "fish" is cunty and bitchy....and at times humorous.

Juice head, crackhead, meathead, are not racist comments.

They aren't comments which advocates, promotes or incites hatred, discrimination or violence, against any individual or group of individuals, based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, as well as religion if used as pretext for any of these factors.

Calling someone a faggot/nigger is hateful/hurtful.

You can't compare the two. I doubt any woman felt her safety "threatened" at a gay party. That is the difference.

And two wrongs don't make a right.

I applaud Europe for starting this trend:


ummm....assuming ur a woman why the fuck would u defend a dj who does not want YOU at his party much less have YOU defend his beliefs.........aren't gay guys suppossed to be women's best friends (well besides diamonds:tongue: )

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Someone who obviously can't deal with the truth.

You're a hopeless case.

Stay off the roids, dear, they make you violent....it's not appealing.

Have fun dancing in the streets, thank yourself for losing your home with that nasty vicious attitude.

"narrow minded" what a fucken jokester!!!

You must be kidding.

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Originally posted by sexxyh

ummm....assuming ur a woman why the fuck would u defend a dj who does not want YOU at his party much less have YOU defend his beliefs.........aren't gay guys suppossed to be women's best friends (well besides diamonds:tongue: )

Actually, I am defending my own beliefs.

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There goes another well informend comment by a typical JV fan. I'm not on roids there dear, in fact I don't even go to the gym. I'm a scrawny 6 foot 170lbs guy. And I couldn't give a fuck about it either.... So why don't you get a clue as to what your talking about. Keep talking your shit. When JV passes 7 years at SF, come and gloat on the message boards about this being a succussful party. Until he does that, shut your mouth, cause as far as I'm concerned, he's got to pass JP's time and numbers, and $ made for this to be considered even remotely worth while. So you tell me if you think that'll happen. 7 YEARS and not a day less......

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Originally posted by fuclubkidd

ummm the imgage of CUNT was created a very long time ago....& it was not created by junior

****NEWS FLASH****

Amogst today's current working DJ's he did indeed create a very unique image for himself. Junior Vasquez became a brand name.


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Originally posted by sexxyh

ok ill give u that...BUT you missed my main point: JV does not like you b/c you're a woman he does not want lesbians or bi-girls there...he just wants gay MEN:idea:

A desire to have a mostly gay male crowd does not equal a dislike for women.

"But he called them fish," you'll probably respond.

I know...


This happened like 10 yrs ago. His parties are NOT like that anymore. I have many female friends that come to his parties weekly.

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Thank you for alerting me to the fact that JV does not like me because I am a woman, are you his Rep?? His best friend happens to be a woman. Isn't her name Rene or something....I have seen her in his booth, by his side. I don't care if he doesn't like me, that was not the point.

As for DJRod, and your 7 years bs talk, if it wasn't for JV not wishing to follow Grant in 97, JP would have NEVER had a chance to become what he is today (a very local area dj).

Read the REAL history.....5k-6k ++++ MIXED crowd afterhours. JP was just getting his feet wet at the time, backstabbing his own partner to get there...no ethics, what so ever. So, please with your knowledge of club history....atleast know your facts, first.

>.>Some Truth:

Tenaglia: Right before I played at Twilo, I got a slot at Roxy. Twilo was pretty new at the time, and Roxy was dying at like 6 a.m. and everyone was going to Twilo, and I was doing really well at Roxy, and then Twilo was kinda like, not that they didn’t know who I was, but they were like, “Let’s get this Danny guy and maybe he can kick our afterhours in,†’cause they just weren’t doing big business for them afterhours. Which it turned out to be the same thing for me, when Junior [Vasquez] was over at Arena, because everyone was going to Arena, for that late afternoon, 4,000, 5,000-people party. But I took the job at Twilo. I was there for 14 months, and in that 14 months, I was very experimental. There were times when I brought in all different promoters, from John Blair and Mark Berkley, to have that whole 7-a.m.-at-Roxy crowd, which I knew I had to cater to somewhat, to do my job, to keep them there. But overall, I was now embracing this whole new minimal tribal-tech, progressive sound, that was really entertaining to my ears, but it was difficult to play. I couldn’t play it whenever I wanted. And then come like 7, 8 a.m., when it was like, “Alright, this is where I’m going,†and at this time I was starting to conceive ideas, like my track “Elements,†I was getting inspired to make a song like that, the crowd basically didn’t want it, the majority.

DJ Times: Why not?

Tenaglia: This was when also the city was peaking with that anthem sound, that New York anthem sound, and I was totally not embracing it, I was totally moving in the opposite direction, and here I was in a room that probably wanted to hear it the most, ’cause a lot of the core gay crowd, they’re pretty segregated, they want to be where all the other gay people are, and a lot of them didn’t really want to be at Arena, because there were a lot of straight, Tunnel-y, Peter Gatien kids in there. So they would only get the real afterhour gay crowd that just wanted to stay out. So I would give them, like, maybe, “Unbreak My Heart†– I didn’t hate them all, but I was not going to play one after the other. So, like, by 7, 8 a.m., we started fizzling down. Pretty much by 10 a.m. we were done at Twilo, and that’s when the whole situation happened where Twilo went to meet with Junior, and they were in negotiations to bring him back, and then he declined, and then they tried to get me back, and then I said no, and that went on for like six weeks, back and forth. Then I went back, and then he decided six weeks later to say yes. I think they had known by then that NYU was going to buy the [Palladium] building. Whatever worked out, I’m happy it all worked out the way it did, in the long run. From there, Junior came on, and then I left. That’s when I went to Tunnel; we both started the same night on 27th Street, and it was fun. I just chalked it up as a new experience, faced it head-on. I wasn’t like, bitter. I’ve been doing this so many years. I love Vinyl so much, and I’ve been there, in January it was two years, but if it ended tomorrow, I know that possibility’s there. You don’t know if the owner’s going to sell the building, the cops are gonna raid it, whatever with this city. Some idiot might mess it up for all of us, you know, with abuse, and I’ll walk away from that with a smile.

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Originally posted by djgrod

I never said that I'm against gay clubs or gay nights. Cheetah's gay crowd is crazy cool to party with.... I said I wouldn't go to SF w/ Vasquez because of A. The way it went down. I'm a JP fan and I found it insulting and disrespectful to force JP out of a very very sucussful run. If he left on his own terms, thats one thing. But after what he did @ Sf for all those years... to go behind his back was just wrong. And I'm not giving RG any of my $. I know it's not going to affect SF in any way, but I'm not going back there. And B. The fact that this party is geared towards gays and only gays and I don't feel like straight people like myself are welcome there. No matter what anyone says otherwise. The flyer says it all. "For men who like men...."

I can understand your desire to never go to SF again because of the handling of Jonathan's departure. If I were you I'd most likely feel the same way.

But I hope you don't feel that just because the flyer says "for men who like men," that that will be the only people attending or allowed in. Yes, they are mainly marketing to a gay crowd because they are trying to build a core group and make an identity for the night. But other people will certainly be welcome at the party.

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You know what the funniest thing about this is... I like JV, I think his production and remixing is excellent.... And I'm not going to deny that. I think his way of going about getting his new SF residency was bullshit, and his fans are just about the most pig headed, one track minded group of idiots that I have ever seen. And that his new gig @ SF is going to flop miserably. But Junior as a producer is ok in my book. I wouldn't go see him live, because I'm not welcome @ his party, but I'll throw down any number of his tracks.....

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Originally posted by djgrod

. I think his way of going about getting his new SF residency was bullshit

None of us know the details of what went down. Perhaps, it was a business decision, I truly doubt it was ment to be personal. RG and JV have worked together since before JP even knew what a turn table was. All the speculation is based on assumption. Imagination sometimes makes mountains out of mole hills.

He turned downed fridays, which could have made Sound Factory a power house party place with JV in the Saturday slot. His ego did him in, plain and simple. He isn't going to find another home run like a tight ship that factory is run by Richard Grant. You all know that, too, don't deny the facts.

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Originally posted by djgrod

I think his way of going about getting his new SF residency was bullshit

How is this now Junior's doing? Isn't it entirely RG's doing?

And if you are respectful to the crowd and to the dancefloor you most certainly ARE welcome at his party despite what you may feel. I think it's unfortunate that you do feel that way. I wish more of you would understand that many of us in the gay community very much welcome you and want to party with you.

And I think to say that Junior has to play for seven years in order for his party to be called succesfull is lunacy. Apart from Larry at the Garage there have not really been any long lasting parties. By that reasoning, Jonathan's has been the only successfull party NYC has ever had.

I don't think so. ;)

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Originally posted by djgrod

I would honestly love to slap you right in your fucking face. Your are such a narrow minded asshole parading around like you know anything about how anything works..... I hope you get hit by a fucking bus:blown:

You want to talk about woman haters??? Violence toward women is such a cowards way to address things. JP fan, are you.

If this conversation was in person, we wouldn't be having it. Your maturity level is obvious. How long have you been on the scene, 6 months, tops?? Narrowminded is you.

I'm glad your type won't go into SF, again.

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