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Everything posted by djgrod

  1. It's so obvious that the City/Feds whoever are bent on shutting this place down.... It's only a matter of time. It kinda sucks, you would think that JP's people would have steered him away from Exit, what with it's history and all, and just try to find another space. I know that the thinking was that it was able to handle the crowds that he could bring in, but it's a marked club... All that undercover work that they have been doing for years doesn't go out the window now that JP is leasing it. So now every weekend is going to be a chirade of people getting yanked out in hand-cuffs and it's not going to matter how big the place is because people (like myself) are going to stay away at all costs, who wants to deal with that shit??? Afterhours are going to be dramatically different in the future if they even exist at all. The weekly dealing @ Black are proof.
  2. Word is over 20 people arrested... 10 alone @ the door.... Not a good sign. People Learn???? BAAAAA- Never...
  3. No they are gonna be open.... And believe that the NYPD is gonna be there too.....
  4. I've been to Spirit 2x, 1 for Valentines Day w/ Boris and to see Murk last month. Both times were really really good. The club is really really nice, with a great soundsystem and an even better looking crowd. The drinks are actually really big, but they are $11... But they are kinda strong, so not a bad deal. It gets going @ like 1:30 and stays pretty crowded till about 5. It's not afterhours, and the crowd is def not messy. Def go, the place is really really good. They have been bringing in some good names- Boris, Murk, Roger Sanchez. Enjoy!!
  5. Crackhead huh... Thats 0-2 in your descriptions of me.... You called me a "juicehead" a few months ago.. (Far from it) and now a "Crackhead"- Hmmmmm. Why don't you go read any of the posts regarding Black and tell me where I sound like I stand on the situation. Cause if I'm not mistaken, your the one running around saying that the "Feds should let us take care of ourselves" (That seems to be going good, what with the self control everyone is demonstrating and all) and yet I say shut the clubs down if people can't control themselves. Who sounds like the "crackhead"? How come in every post that you get involved in you have to pop off with you leftist agenda and make a general nusience of yourself?
  6. Go suck John Kerry's dick you bleeding heart liberal...... And then go hold hands and sing War Protest songs with all your earthy-crunchy granola eating friends. People like yourself are ruining this country. It's people like yourself that make Americans look like a bunch of pussies. Kill Yourself.
  7. - Go back to your Tee-Pee in your commune in "Raninbowland" and weave a basket or something...... Fucking Hippie
  8. Get off your soapbox you bleeding heart tree-hugger.... I was talking about Hussein and his regime, and in case you've had your head up in the clouds, they were BRUTAL terriorists, against their own people.... And thats not what this post was about, so go preach somewhere else....
  9. The thing that still bugs me about this Black fiasco is this... After all the shit that just went down with SF, wouldn't you think people would be a little bit smarter then all this.... I mean honestly, who here doesn't think that the NYPD was crawling all over that place last night??? So what do the rocket scientists do...GET EVEN MORE FUCKED UP!!!! I agree with TEK (again), I was really looking foward to this, but I don't even think I'm gonna go now. There are too many good things going on to waste time with a buch of immature idiotic people who are bent on ruining the party for everyone. I think I'm finished with afterhours in general.
  10. I guess your still gonna be a dick to me huh???
  11. That I did hear... But I heard that there weren't many other changes made. Other then adding some cages around the club and putting jail-like bars on the main balcony... But I gotta talk to some more peeps. But the sound was on point from what I heard....
  12. Could you imagine what that would have been...150 cops and 50 patrons.
  13. I hear you, I'm just frustrated too.... The scene is going so downhill, so fast it's scary.... Hip-Hop heads everywhere, legandary NYC nightspots shuttered and closed, drugs ruining EVERYTHING, cops everywhere...Not good. But I hear what your trying to say. At least your an optimist. Cause we're gonna need more like you.
  14. Why even waste the energy typing???? This is the same country who has completely forgot about 9/11... The same city in fact. Remember those days after 9/11 and how angry/sad/ proud etc.... everyone was.... Fast foward to the start of the war on Iraq and you have people actually PROTESTING on behalf of those peices of shit, saying that we have no right. It's sickening. Don't even bother, cause the assholes of this world won't pause more then a minute to stop being assholes. The same people that are doing this shit in the clubs might stop for one weekend and relax, but rest assured they know what they are doing and can handle themselves (lol) and they will be back doing the same shit next week....
  15. I think what happend kinda speaks for itself.... Sad.
  16. See I'm the furthest thing from a genious, and I love a good time, but even I learned that lesson.... And if I can then I know other people can. But they don't. Sad.
  17. I figured it out...LOL. It's all good. See I went to SoBe and came back with Morals- OMG!!!!
  18. When did I have high hopes??? I've been real quiet on this because I do like JP, but after seeing the shit in SoBe and hearing about SF, I wasn't gonna bet shit on Black making it.... The NYPD and the FEDS are targeting clubs now, there isn't anything that anyone can do now that. They are gonna come down on clubs hard. End of story. And if there are these many problems in the club scene now, then so be it.....
  19. I'm going to Blockbuster to rent a movie on Sat nights from now on I think..... Less chance of seeing some 16 year old girl G'ing out.
  20. I hear you on that one Tek- After all the shit I saw in Miami and if this is true I think it's really time. The amount of people fucking up this scene is mind-numbing. I'm not gonna say that I'm some angel, cause I'm far from it. But this Tina- G shit is not cool. I don't think I'm gonna be @ Black too much either. It's a shame too, but what do you expect? People are idiots.
  21. I have no clue, I didn't go.... But all I'm saying is that for about 3 weeks we've been hearing that it's going to be tuff to get in, and we all know Paris is @ the door, and for opening night, you know she's gonna be a BITCH of the highest order. So why would you risk it and wear something as borderline as a T-Shirt... I don't give a fuck if it is a FCUK shirt.... Everyone knew what it was gonna be like, so why bitch about it. Personally this is why I DIDN'T go. And I won't go for a few weeks. Let the newness wear off. Plus I was so disappointed with the B.S in SoBe that I'm all set on JP for awhile.... Just my .02. I love hearing JP and all, but I'm not gonna deal with all the B.S anymore. I'm glad we were staying @ the Shelbourne and I didn't have to pay shit to hear him, so I wasn't too mad. But honestly, I'd love for things with him to actually go as advertised for once. Look @ CPI(Came on 2hrs late), NYE (closed 4 hours early) and SoBe (Came on late AND closed early) Like I said- I love JP and he's still the man, but it's wearing thin.....
  22. What part of dress to impress did you not understand...? Were you not reading the post about the DRESS CODE? This isn't going to be SF, we all saw how that turned out. Get the picture???
  23. Looks like it's going down the tubes.... Or it's been down the tubes, but we were just blind to it.....
  24. Yea Cox def moves right up to near the top of the best DJ list for me.... Sat night @ Crobar was one of those rare nights where it all just came together and magic happened.... The Crowd, The Music, the energy was just insane....
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