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how long till hole in nose forms....

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if you are really concerned you should see your doctor. everyones body is different. you might have an infection and need antibiotics. it's not something you should fuck around with if you are serious. i was just talking about this with someone yesterday. about how people have ruined their teeth from abusing coke or oc's.

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coke is derived from a alkaline (corrosive) paste ... believe it or not the best way to assure that your septum doesnt suffer irreversable damage from snorting is to swab your nostrils with white vinegar before going to sleep...sounds distgusting ... and it is but the acetic acid will neutralize the alkili..... learned this one the hard way....If you cant get vinegar at the very least flush your nose with soapy water.... soapy water will at least dilute the solution and clean the residue out....

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Coke itself isn't that bad...it's the additives that cut the hole in your nose.

The more bad garbage there is, the more damage to your septum

Coke (as in cocaine hydrochloride) has low pH - i.e. it is acidic.

Washing it with soap should help because soap is alkaline (soap is a salt of strong base and a weak organic acids)

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

coke is derived from a alkaline (corrosive) paste ... believe it or not the best way to assure that your septum doesnt suffer irreversable damage from snorting is to swab your nostrils with white vinegar before going to sleep...sounds distgusting ... and it is but the acetic acid will neutralize the alkili..... learned this one the hard way....If you cant get vinegar at the very least flush your nose with soapy water.... soapy water will at least dilute the solution and clean the residue out....

Wow...good to know...good to know!!!!!

I guess thats y they call u the "Bumpdaddy"...u know ur shit

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by batwoman32

Hey, Do you have a treatment for the hole in your heads.LOL If you use coke long enough you can just syringe your brain out. LOL To all the zombies, everything you love will be swept away into the darkness. Of course darkness is good.


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Originally posted by batwoman32

thanks for the invite,but NO! LOL Besides I am very busy at night cleaning up bodies and such of people who use. Messy business. Maybe I'll write a book, 101 ways to use a dead drug addict . lol :laugh:

I hope this book isn't about necrophilia :eek:

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Originally posted by batwoman32

thanks for the invite,but NO! LOL Besides I am very busy at night cleaning up bodies and such of people who use. Messy business. Maybe I'll write a book, 101 ways to use a dead drug addict . lol :laugh:

theres no such thing as a dead drug addict....addicts aren't quitters :confused:

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I am a nurse Bump, I have spent alot of time taking care of addicts or what was left when the drugs got done with them. One 18 year old girl, OD'd the same night she left the hospital. Another guy committed suicide because he was drunk and ran over and killed an 8 year old girl. Some one else got an infection in the sinus that went to the brain. Anyone who uses quits the moment they pick up. I see whats left after the party. The HIV, the hepatitus, the herpes eating some guys brain, because his immune system quit. I know people feel it won't happen to them, but it does, again and again. But everyone says I'm different, your not. That's the reality of a drugs users life, eventually everyone ends up the same way, eating a dirt sandwich. Or going to prison or to a psych ward. Its easy to use, its hard to have some guts to take your life back. I like a good time like everyone else, but there is more to life then partying. Like a real friend or an honest relationship or just feeling like when you look in the mirror you like what you see. Batwoman32, watching the darkness happen.:(

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batwoman; No doubt there is some truth in what you say. But the most important thing to remember is that people are ultimately responsible for their own action.

You do realize you can get seriously sick if you drink too much water.

drugs are not bad - abusing drugs is bad

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Your right people are responsible for their own actions, but comparings drug use to drinking water definately doesn't cut it. Water can make you sick if you drink too much, no doubt about that , anything can. Drugs change your body chemistry, dull your emotions and suck your soul dry eventually. If you have seen people who have used crack for a long while they are so depressed because the coke uses up the chemical that makes you feel good, everything loses its color, it gets grey or your feelings do. I can look at the color of the grass and sky and really see it, or look at a beautiful sunset and enjoy it without drugs. Granted some drugs are theraputic and have good uses. Like antidepressants, some time they are needed. But if you are using drugs, because you want to feel differently , to change your mood or to forget who you are then thats a problem. Not you, Just people in general. When is the last time that you smiled and felt it inside. Most times if you look directly in an addicts eyes you see a grave, emptiness , a void. The longer you use the less you feel for other people or yourself, I have been there, I know. I looked at the darkness of the soul, its compelling. Its like being at the top of a tall building and being drawn to the edge, if a person thinks they can fly they will for a short time, until they hit the bottom. LOL. Heroin, the people look like swiss cheese after awhile, started out snorting, then they end up shooting and finally there are no veins left. One guy was shooting up in his penis, scratch any sex life. They lose their sex drive to MOM Heroin, who demands all their attention, until they become a machine who has to get high or lay puking, sweating and moaning on the floor. For real, you know there is truth in what I am saying. If you OD in a crack house or shooting gallery do you think they will call a doctor, LOL they throw you out a fifth story window watch you hit the concrete and keep getting high. Its a bad thing to get caught with a dead drug addict. The humanity is not there anymore, its lost in the drugs and the suffering you feel for yourself, if you still feel. If you want a good time , why not try sex fully alert, alive and drug free, thats the best. Especially certain things like buddhist sex. Now that's better then any drug. LOL:D

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