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PVD @ Space (Review)


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Originally posted by rockstar69

I Had an awesome time on saturday. PVD played alot more aggressive than Ive seen in the past. The place was packed & everyone was going nuts. We walked in around 2am and Paul was already on lighting the place up. Walked out to the patio and Roland was just gettting started with some nice upbeat Proggressive. Track after track he has us moving and hopping! but the real magic happened when the sun came up. :eek: He was destroying the place and he kept us going all morning long until my legs couldnt take it anymore at 11am, which was a new personal record for me at space. Alot of the stuff he played I couldnt recognize but it had alot of funky chugging beats and some killer basslines. straight up fun all morning long with some techy stuff here and there and some really funky proggressive, even a few classics towards the end of his set like express 2 ,"muzik". I think I saw Biz and his friends in the booth making some noise up there. :laugh: they looked like they were having the time of their lives. It was a great nigth and day for me and my crew. Space brought it best this weekend and I had a blast. Cant wait to see deep dish this wednesday.:D



There should be a whole different thread for roland's set in the patio.... perfect for the occasion, having in mind the main event was going on inside. His set was just what people needed when coming out from the madness inside. Lots of new stuff and a couple of classics towards the end(10 am). The music in the terrace was so good that i couldnt leave till 12 noon. weather... perfect.

PVD.... Rocking the place as always, and even though trance is not my favorite, I have to admit i haven't seen space so crowded and so alive as this saturday in a long time.

Had a great time partying with biz, roland and jackie in the booth and seeing so many clubbers from the "hardcore crowd" of the old space terrace again.

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Originally posted by CrzyC

I have never been a fan of PVD but Sat night I was converted!!! I had heard him at both Ultras this year and thought he sucked both times but Sat the man was kicking ass and taking names. And Markus opened up with a KILLER set also...the man was slammin!!! I do wish he had been on for afterhours too though. Who the hell is this DJ Cue??? DJ Cue needs to get a clue!!! It will always be hard to follow the #2 DJ inthe world but he opened up with such a slow set I actually yelled up at him to pick up the pace!!! (I was full of advice for everyone...lol). I really missed the usuals (Koky, Happyface, Sobeton) but it was a great night. I actyallu enjoyed the patio for once (maybe it was the nice weather). I tell ya LP and Biz know how to pump up a crowd from the DJ booth.:laugh: It was nice to see those that I rarely run into (Bobbalou, Damon-with annoying whistle, GlobalGirl) and good to spend time with DJM on his last official night. We will miss you man!

As a parting word I will tell you all the same thing I told LP...

It took a night of TRANCE to fill SPACE back up and as he is counting his money just keep thinking about that!!!:D

Much love to all!!! See ya after Thanksgiving!!!

BTW...I know there were more of you there...it was good hanging with all the usuals too.:D

i really feel left out this time!

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the day of the mega-club is over my friends. i hate that shi*. loosing your best friends and your chic amongst the crowd of pookie-heads. that's why i'd much rather go to a smaller venue where the music really matters. like nerve or luna. space hello!!!!!! louis hello!!!!! i guess you are not hearing my cries of frustration. damn i miss listening to dj roland. re-entry? digital cameras? glowsticks? a place to fuc*in sit?

what a shame

see u all @ nerve this thanksgiving week

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Originally posted by mrmovement33

the day of the mega-club is over my friends. i hate that shi*. loosing your best friends and your chic amongst the crowd of pookie-heads. that's why i'd much rather go to a smaller venue where the music really matters. like nerve or luna. space hello!!!!!! louis hello!!!!! i guess you are not hearing my cries of frustration. damn i miss listening to dj roland. re-entry? digital cameras? glowsticks? a place to fuc*in sit?

what a shame

see u all @ nerve this thanksgiving week

if you can't support the club. then support the dj. if the music indeed matters that much to you.. :idea:;)
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but unfortunately i don't see that happening anytime soon bro. as i don't plan to hit space for a long time. i am tempted to check out lawler as his remix of scanners "shiver" has been really moving me. but, i see that being a 15% chance that i go. but, as long as people like you continue to support dj roland, his mystique will never die.;)

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Originally posted by mrmovement33

the day of the mega-club is over my friends. i hate that shi*. loosing your best friends and your chic amongst the crowd of pookie-heads. that's why i'd much rather go to a smaller venue where the music really matters. like nerve or luna. space hello!!!!!! louis hello!!!!! i guess you are not hearing my cries of frustration. damn i miss listening to dj roland. re-entry? digital cameras? glowsticks? a place to fuc*in sit?

what a shame

see u all @ nerve this thanksgiving week

I prefer smaller venues too where 100% of the people are there solely for the music, but i haven't been to space in such a long time that I missed listening to a Lunar Sessions mix by Roland. For my surprise he ended up playing till 10am.

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my only gripe with space is no where to sit.. like ive said countless times as a venu crobar is my fav but space throws the best parties. and brings the best djs no question. no other club can come close to the talent space brings out....

though nerve is doin a damn fine job i must say.. i have to get out there more... . i just value my hearing LOL

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Originally posted by mrmovement33

but unfortunately i don't see that happening anytime soon bro. as i don't plan to hit space for a long time. i am tempted to check out lawler as his remix of scanners "shiver" has been really moving me. but, i see that being a 15% chance that i go. but, as long as people like you continue to support dj roland, his mystique will never die.;)

keep the faith bro. ;) you best be at Lawler..:D
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At the risk of yet again sounding like Space's attorney :)

There's places to sit outside of VIP...and you're there to dance or be a barfly anyway, not sit, it's a dance club hehe :)

Glowsticks? Ummm...well, you know, they're like hazardous and such...I've been beaned by too many glowsticks in the past to be sympathetic. One fucker even cracked the filter on my old camera's lens...sure yaddda yadda ya it's the hazard of what I do, but the bastard was hitting people left and right, even after I bitchslapped him. Glowsticks are passé anyhow. Intelligent lights are much more fun to watch :)

Re-entry, I'll sympathize with you on, I would like to see a re-entry policy at Space, say you can get your hand stamped at 4 AM and later..

As for intimate versus megaclub, there's room enough in my personality for both....I like the small venues, but at the same time I need my shot of megaclub madness, and Space delivers. I'm not a fan of those who are "lounge/bar only" types, and actively bash megaclubs for being big...it's funny though I never hear people go "Oh I hate small venues..." hehe.

And you've been missing out on some epic Roland sets...this past weekend's set was fantastic...a huge spillover crowd from PvD, and Roland fed off of it, and delivered.

As for the days of the megaclub being over? Doubt it...if it's not Space, another megaclub will be drawing them in...and not necessarily going the commercial route of crobar or Level, but doing what Space does, booking true talent with a mass appeal to pack the dancefloor. 10 years from now I'm sure I'll be spending my time between small venues and megaclubs in Miami...there's always been a megaclub here...from 1235 and the Cameo theatre of the 80s and 90s, to the megaclubs of today in crobar, Level, and Space.

Miami needs at least one megaclub. Other than DJ followers, no tourist plans their nightlife specifically around small venues. The megaclubs draw them in, but then they need someplace else to check out as well, and then the small places come in and get 'em.

In general, people come to Miami for the nightlife, and Miami's nightlife is globally represented to the average tourist by the megaclubs, especially Space...outside of the music/DJ following-crowd, no one knows about the smaller places off the top of their heads...

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Well... a little late into the thread, but kinda bringin it back to the topic on point.. here's my review of saturday night...

After being away from Space since waay before they "closed", I ventured down there this Saturday for the first time in almost 2 or 3 months... The last few times PVD was in town, i had decided not to attend the show, mostly because I was just not feeling the PVD that plays in Miami. He usually gets to come here and for some reason he will just cater to the stereotypical ‘Miami’ crowd, and play along the lines of a “party 93.1†set… That is why I understand (not agree with) all the locals in the boards that just hate on PVD, like he’s freakin dj scribble or somn… :rolleyes::cool:

I have been a fan of Van Dyk since, at least the first time I saw him live in Twilo back in 2000. Needless to say, back then it was almost a life-changing experience… Some years have passed since then; Not many, but more than plenty of time for trends to shift and for tons of newcomers to ‘see the light’.

Since 2001, I had been to every PVD show at the Roxy almost religiously, and it only got better every time.. There was just this higher level of expectations, and to some extent, of interaction between what the NY crowd demanded from Van Dyk, and the way he delivered his message through out his now legendary “7 hour sets†(which btw are a rarity even in Europe)… BUT since I moved down to Miami I missed his last couple of shows up there, plus his set at Central Park; While on the other hand, every time he played up there, was usually followed or preceded by a set in Miami… Like I said, I was just not feeling it.

This time around, he has a new album out (of his own produced material, not just another compilation), I hadn’t seen him in a while, hadn’t been to space in quite some time, and had a few friends that were going… also my regular crew from the city said it was great when he played at the Roxy the week before.. so I said fuck it.. lets go check it out… Of course, as it was expected, the place was completely jam packed… PVD @ Space its a given.. ppl who go there and have a bad time because of this, should def kno better.. its just one of those nights... but…

All I can say is, PVD delivered a full-quality set. His technical skills are simply amazing, and his set programming was top notch. He played a complete FULL serving of tech trance that had the most unsuspecting trance heads jumping to techno w/o them even noticing what was going on! Lol.. :tongue: Pure and simple musical bliss, done PVD style for those true music lovers who at one point or another were somewhat touched by the musical creations of this very talented artist. I had an excellent time.. I was struggling with the lack of space (ironically) until I found a spot on one of those blocks right in front of the booth. I climbed up there, and w/o even knowing it, I stayed on it until his set was over. Looking at PVD in the eye, I could tell he was getting a kick out of being here, and he was def feeding off of the crowd’s response to his magic.. we ventured on to the terrace when dj cue’s dream-shattering set began… we left at around 7 am, in complete exhaustion, but w a permanent smile that I just couldn’t wipe off for hrs… next time he’s around,.. I don’t know if I’ll go see him.. it might not be as good, or it probably wont have the same effect… but for one night, I was in complete harmony w the space, the crowd, and pvd’s music. Excelent closing for such a long and wonderful Saturday… Cheers to everyone who was there, I hope my review didn’t bore u to sleep! Lol

Like my old sigs used to say…

Peace, Love, and Twilo (errr, ummm.. PVD ?!) for everyone!!! :D

-Mp3.- :smoke:

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Originally posted by hyper-ion

damn you bastards.......stop whining atleast you can go to Space!! I hate you all...fukers:tongue: well hopefully i'll be joining ya'll soon i'll turn 21 next november kfjaklfjdfajfkjdsjafdjsafjdsaj ahahahaahahahahaahhahahahaha

under 21 is def no fun. happy early bday!
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Originally posted by mdamon7278

CrazyC-annoyning whistle, u loved it, thats the People's Whistle. oh yeha, this sat it will be in attendace @space, toot toot toot toot toot!!!

Damon 2.0

You were very polite with it and warned me before you tried to shatter my eardrums.


Have fun this weekend...I'll be out of town till Sunday.:( Catch ya next time.

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

:confused: :confused: :confused:

I don't get it. Please translate what you mean?!? :tongue:

Ok, I'll translate it to German............................

Wundervull....................meinz chet muir zet suite met.......Wundervull......chet meinez sir nur mun.

Got it? :)

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Originally posted by CrzyC

You were very polite with it and warned me before you tried to shatter my eardrums.


Have fun this weekend...I'll be out of town till Sunday.:( Catch ya next time.

next time shove it down his throat. if glowsticks are banned wistles should be banned too. stupid noise makers.

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Sorry for the late review ...



................. a lil too packed , but PVD played "harder" than what I was acustumed too (thats a good thing) . But once I found a spot where i wasn't knocked around as much I really had a blast . Very good night and a very good weekend in general .


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