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World Trade Center 7


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I dunno, just pointing it out.

have a nose around the website and read for yourself, you'll soon see what the point is.

one thing is that the FEMA report was a joke apparently, and appears to be examined in depth here.


it just appears that the official reason for this collapse is dubious...

it was home to some interesting people as well, like the securities and exchange commision, IRS, DoD, CIA, and a few others...

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I've made know conclusions on this. Who's crying wolf? The building 7 collapsing is odd that's all I'm saying.

not u...the article...unless u (the writer of the article) have a POINT beside it was ODD, then why even write the article? the Bermuda Triangle is odd, but at least people have "theories" behind it...:idea:

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I didn't want to get into conspiracy theories, and so far, there seems no reason for why the building came down.

by guess would be it could be linked to stuff inside the building, perhaps the SEC? given the amount of coporate fraud and shit... I dunno...

but surely the reason doesn't matter yet, what matters is that this is a very odd incident, where the official reason, again, doesn't tally with the reality of what happend.

I have no idea why people would want this building to fall down, but there must have been one...

just because there are no theroies as to why, doens't mean that this doesn't warrent closer inspection...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

not u...the article...unless u (the writer of the article) have a POINT beside it was ODD, then why even write the article? the Bermuda Triangle is odd, but at least people have "theories" behind it...:idea:

Michael Jackson is odd too... Maybe he brought down the elusive building 7. That bastard!!!

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Well I'm no engineer or anything but maybe the fact that 2 of enormous buildings right next to it fell and a large amount of debris fell off it, maybe hitting the other building, 'cause a weaking in the structure. Or maybe the literal ground shaking explosions weakened it causing it to fall.

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yeah, but... it fell down a few hours afterwards, and the official fema report said it was a fire...

and debris hitting it? well did you look at the videos of the building falling, it just looks like a demolition...

dunno... could have been a fire, but why didn't anyone put it out?

questions questions...


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It fell probably the same reason the other towers fell. Heat from fires weakened the structure itself causing it to eventually colapse. The first two largest towers didnt fall immediately after being hit either, they collapsed because the heat from all the fires weakened the buildings, hence why the fell. Prolly the same thing happened here...but it is interesting.

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yeah, but then I read stuff like this:

The Killer Fires Theory is Pure Fantasy

The simple facts of temperatures:

1535 C - melting point of steel

~825 C - maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere without pressurization or pre-heating (premixed fuel and air - blue flame)

Diffuse flames burn far cooler.

Oxygen-starved diffuse flames are cooler yet.

The fires in the towers were diffuse -- well below 800 C.

Their dark smoke showed they were oxygen-starved -- particularly in the South Tower.

"Take a close look at the manner in which WTC 7 collapses straight down. For this building to collapse in this fashion, ALL of the load bearing supports would have had to fail (or be cut) at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME.

The claim that the collapse was the result of a fire requires the fire be equally distributed throughout the entire floor of the building, providing equal heat for an equal amount of time, so that all the load bearings members would fail at the exact same moment.

Do you think this happens by chance?"

800 C is near the maximum temperature at which hydrocarbons will burn in air without pre-heating or pressurization of the air. Even those temperatures are usually reached only with premixed (blue) flames, such as in gas stoves and blowtorches. Diffuse flames, of the type in the WTC, tend to be far cooler.

Widespread fires reaching 700 C would have caused extensive window breakage and would have made the steel glow red-hot. No such events were observed. 1

Fires would have to be very extensive to raise the temperatures of columns to near the fire temperatures, given the thermal sinks of the steel structures. Columns of the perimter walls and of the core structures were well coupled thermally. In order to soften columns, fires would have to exceed the capacity of the 100,000 tons of steel in each building to draw away the heat. In fact the fires did not even consume entire floors of either tower.

Heating the external columns would be especially difficult because the columns were situated outside the interior volume, with only one of the four sides adjacent to the building's interior.

Heating of core colums would be especially difficult given the apparently poor ventilation of the core regions, being further from any air supply.

As the jet fuel burned off and the fires became less severe, the columns would have cooled and regained any lost strength.


more interesting...

oh, there's more:

Fires Have Never Caused Skyscrapers to Collapse

Excepting the three 9-11 collapses, no fire, however severe, has ever caused a steel framed high-rise building to collapse. Following are examples of high-rise fires that were far more severe than those in WTC 1 and 2, and Building 7. In these precedents, the fires consumed multiple floors, produced extensive window breakage, exhibited large areas of emergent flames, and went on for several hours. The fires in the WTC towers did none of these things.

The One Meridian Plaza Fire

One Meridian Plaza is a 38 floor skyscraper in Philadelphia that suffered a severe fire on February 23, 1991. The fire starting on the 22nd floor, and raged for 18 hours, gutting eight floors and causing an estimated $100 million in direct property loss 2. 3. It was later described by Philadelphia officials as "the most significant fire in this century".


fire fire fire but it didn't fall down:


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