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Ever have one of those weird dreams???


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I don't usually remember my dreams, and sometimes really wish I hadn't. -- they are usually pretty awful.

The worst though was a fuddy that used to sleep over who would always wake up whimpering and traumatized from her messed up dreams. for example, babies heads in freezers, and at the bottom of lakes and stuff... hrmmm... strangely beyond that her disposition was fairly stable.

Recently, I had a creepy one where... the ex- of an insignificant other came over with luggage and propped 'em down while we were still in bed, and sort of on cue, introduced himself, and we shook hands, and I got dressed and walked out and he got into bed with her.. and that was kind of the end of the dream.. pretty odd/crazy.

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i hate those...been having too many of them recently.

there are 2 or 3 of these that i still remember vividly even though i had them a long ime ago...really fuckin disturbing shit.

i wouldnt overthink their meaning though. no one really knows what dreams represent...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

............that absolutely make no sense but you wake up all shook and you have to take a couple of deep breaths to calm down?

I had one of those last night........but the thing is I cant figure out why I had it or what it meant.

What a great way to start the day


Don't worry, luv . . . those dreams usually mean nothing. Most likely the state you were in when you fell asleep was either stressed, over-tired, high, or drunk.

Just relax and get on with your day. It's BEAUTIFUL OUT! :kiss2:

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Originally posted by djjonstephen


:laugh: remember this CP character

But about dreams. It's crazy cuz dreams have no borders. That can be a good thing, or a bad thing.

I've had dreams where i come this close to dying. Then i have those that i win mad money/bone a hottie !

Don't worry jon :isok:

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I never used to remember my dreams, b/c I only slept like 2 hrs, and don't think I fell into deep enough sleeps, but lately, I been dreaming a lot, and for the most part, they've all included people from the past that I don't talk to anymore, so it's kinda weird. Like this week, I had a dream, and a guy was in it, that I started talking to this time last year, haven't talked to him this whole year, and he was in my dream.

But I've had a few dreams, where afterwards, I was like whoa, this is like that dream of mine. I remember I had this dream of mine from high school, where I was graduating, and everyone was in my dream, except for my mom, and this was before my mom passed away, and then at my graduation, my mom wasn't there.

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Originally posted by iamme

i hate those...been having too many of them recently.

there are 2 or 3 of these that i still remember vividly even though i had them a long ime ago...really fuckin disturbing shit.

i wouldnt overthink their meaning though. no one really knows what dreams represent...

well, my dream last night I doubt means anything......

I bit into something and four of my frontal teeth fell out and I couldnt smile or even open my mouth becasue I had no teeth. I didnt even have any dental insurance so I couldnt go to a dentist for free and every dentist I went to didnt want to do it for me. I was crying in my sleep because I couldnt open my mouth or even smile in public........

weird shit

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

well, my dream last night I doubt means anything......

I bit into something and four of my frontal teeth fell out and I couldnt smile or even open my mouth becasue I had no teeth. I didnt even have any dental insurance so I couldnt go to a dentist for free and every dentist I went to didnt want to do it for me. I was crying in my sleep because I couldnt open my mouth or even smile in public........

weird shit


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

............that absolutely make no sense but you wake up all shook and you have to take a couple of deep breaths to calm down?

I had one of those last night........but the thing is I cant figure out why I had it or what it meant.

What a great way to start the day


Yah but i never remember them later but man do they fuck with me big time, ugh.

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