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Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed


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Finally, a US paper got up the balls to reveal the truth behind Prescott Bush's link with the Nazis.

The New Hampshire Gazette, located in Portsmouth, NH and is the oldest newspaper in the country did what the major newspapers never dared to touch. The small-time New Hampshire seacoast newspaper reported that newly uncovered documents from both the US National Archives and the US Library of Congress linking the Grandfather of our president to the Nazis.

Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed

By by John Buchanan

from The New Hampshire Gazette Vol. 248, No. 1, October 10, 2003

By John Buchanan

Exclusive to The New Hampshire Gazette


WASHINGTON - After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, served as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942, when Congress took aggressive action against Bush and his "enemy national" partners.

The documents also show that Bush and his colleagues, according to reports from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and FBI, tried to conceal their financial alliance with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a steel and coal baron who, beginning in the mid-1920s, personally funded Adolf Hitler's rise to power by the subversion of democratic principle and German law.

Furthermore, the declassified records demonstrate that Bush and his associates, who included E. Roland Harriman, younger brother of American icon W. Averell Harriman, and George Herbert Walker, President Bush's maternal great-grandfather, continued their dealings with the German industrial baron for nearly eight months after the U.S. entered the war.



“Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951†- Federal Documents

By John Buchanan and Stacey Michael

from The New Hampshire Gazette Vol. 248, No. 3, November 7, 2003


After the seizures in late 1942 of five U.S. enterprises he managed on behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, failed to divest himself of more than a dozen "enemy national" relationships that continued until as late as 1951, newly-discovered U.S. government documents reveal.

Furthermore, the records show that Bush and his colleagues routinely attempted to conceal their activities from government investigators.

Bush's partners in the secret web of Thyssen-controlled ventures included former New York Governor W. Averell Harriman and his younger brother, E. Roland Harriman. Their quarter-century of Nazi financial transactions, from 1924-1951, were conducted by the New York private banking firm, Brown Brothers Harriman.

The White House did not return phone calls seeking comment.





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Originally posted by youarehot99

Hahaha the New Hampshire Gazette...top notch journalism there!

Yesh! :D

Dynamite comes in small packages. In this case in the form of a small-time newspaper.

Oh so now I gues George W. Bush is a nazi?:rolleyes:

Yesh! cwm23.gif

It's "guess" not "gues". Can't you conservative nationalists spell correctly?

You hippy democrats crack me up...

You fascist republicans crack me up...


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Originally posted by normalnoises

Yesh! :D

Dynamite comes in small packages. In this case in the form of a small-time newspaper.

Yesh! cwm23.gif

It's "guess" not "gues". Can't you conservative nationalists spell correctly?

Kan't come up weth a logicle argumant, so u resort 2 therd grade levals and tri to pheel cool and smart by pointing out a werd spelled wronge. Well if that ghets yoer rocks offf, then have fun weth thes wun.


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Interview with a Prosecutor

By interview by John Buchanan

from The New Hampshire Gazette Vol. 248, No. 2, October 24, 2003


Buchanan - What do you think is the true significance of the story in the New Hampshire Gazette?

Loftus - Your story, the first in a “reputable†US newspaper in 60 years, redeemed my two decades of work that only resulted in the mainstream media slamming doors in my face, despite my credentials as a Justice Department Nazi war crimes prosecutor. I give a lot of credit to the courage of the New Hampshire Gazette as well, for practicing journalism as it should be practiced - tell the truth and let the facts speak for themselves.

Buchanan - How do you explain the fact that the mainstream media has simply refused to touch it?

Loftus - It’s a complex story and the media hate that now in the age of the sound bite headline. It’s also unpopular and frightening to most people, understandably. But the truth about this period of our history as a nation must come out and be dealt with. You and the Gazette have helped to accomplish that. It will come out now, I think.

Buchanan - What is the importance of it coming out, in your view?

Loftus - Your stories will be the crack in the dam and it will come flooding out. For 60 years, it has been a huge cover-up of the activities of some of the people who brought us the worst grief in the history of the world - the Holocaust. This country needs to understand which of its most prominent families supported Hitler, even after the US went to war with Germany.

Buchanan - Can you offer a good example?

Loftus - Joseph Kennedy bought his Nazi stocks from Prescott Bush. The British thought Kennedy was guilty of treason because his code clerk was tried in London as a Nazi agent and convicted.

Buchanan - How do you account for the failure of the media to break this story before the Gazette did?

Loftus - My feeling is that about 15 years ago, when big corporations started taking over media companies that had been privately owned by families or individuals, we ended up with an over-worked but well-intentioned media without the staff or resources, in light of all the corporate cost-cutting that was done, to look into the really big stories. The real enemy is the multinational corporations who are only interested in profits and choose profits over truth.

Buchanan - What can be done about that?

Loftus - We need to educate the media.

Buchanan - Should Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker and the Harrimans have been tried for treason?

Loftus - Yes, they should have been tried for treason, because they continued to support Hitler after the US entered the war. As a former prosecutor, I could have made that case.

Buchanan - What do you think their true motives were in betraying their country for profit?

Loftus - It was a perfect example of spin, before the term was even invented. Their goal was that no matter which side won the war, their international industrial cartel would survive and prosper. They had a perfect set-up - a bank in New York (UBC), one in Holland (Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart), and one in Germany (August Thyssen Bank). They were prepared for anything that could have happened. They wanted to avoid exactly what happened to Fritz Thyssen after WWI. That was the whole point. He had lost many of his major businesses, and they came up with a better way to prepare for the Second World War.

Buchanan - How did they manage the cover-up after the first seizures in 1942 and continue with their dealings until 1951, when Thyssen died in Argentina?

Loftus - They brought in John Foster Dulles and Sullivan and Cromwell, and his brother Allen in Europe. The Dulles brothers put into effect a cloaking arrangement’ that was reflected in the records of Brown Brothers Harriman. There was one account - Brown Brothers Schroeder Rock - that was a cloaking account at Schroeder Bank. The Rock was the Rockefellers.

Buchanan - What were they most guilty of after the US entered the war?

Loftus - They shipped gold through axis countries after the US entered the war. That certainly was treason, because it gave aid and comfort to the enemy and assisted them economically.

Buchanan - Why would they do that - take that chance of facing execution for treason if caught?

Loftus - They were afraid Britain would lose the war and they were protecting themselves.

Buchanan - If there is information like that to be uncovered still, what do you propose?

Loftus - I want a full Congressional investigation and I think your reporting in the Gazette certainly justifies one. I want the cover-up itself investigated, and I want the long-concealed Nazi histories of these families brought out to the public.

Buchanan - Who should investigate?

Loftus - Now that this information has finally come out, I am calling for full investigations by both the House and Senate Judiciary committees. We’ll see where it goes from there. But I want the cover-up fully and aggressively investigated. The American people and Congress have a right to find out how this happened, to make sure it never happens again. It’s too late for justice, but it’s never too late for the truth. The American people and survivors of the Holocaust and veterans of the war are entitled to the truth.

Buchanan - Why hasn’t it come out before?

Loftus - President Clinton wanted all the Nazi files declassified, but it didn’t happen fast enough. Some of the documents you saw on I.G. Farben were only declassified a few days before you walked into the archives. You were very lucky, I’d say.

Buchanan - What is the most damning single thing you’ve learned in your 20 years of working on this?

Loftus - That it wasn’t just the Nazis. The Harrimans backed a Communist-Soviet front of international trade and they sold the Czar’s gold to support the Bolsheviks and fund the Russian Revolution. W. Averell Harriman also did business through other Brown Brothers Harriman and Harriman Fifteen Corp. enterprises that did business with Joseph Stalin as he purged his opposition.

Buchanan - How many people died while Brown Brothers Harriman and the Bush-Walker-Harriman partnership did business with Stalin?

Loftus - Millions, including American and Allied soldiers and people in concentration camps, both in Germany and Russia. And all the while, even during WWI when American troops died in Russia, the Harrimans did business with the Bolsheviks and then Stalin.

Buchanan - What should happen next as a result of this coming out?

Loftus - I think that American war veterans and Holocaust survivors are entitled to compensation. I’m not as interested in filing another reparations lawsuit, as I am in a bill in Congress.

Buchanan - How realistic is that?

Loftus - They did it for Japanese internees. I don’t see why they wouldn’t do it on this issue if the public outcry is loud enough. We should reimburse those vets and Holocaust survivors whose lives were harmed by the Bushes and Harrimans in their dealings as traitors with enemies of the US.

Buchanan - Do you think it will happen?

Loftus - I don’t know, but I do know that all you can do in this world is tell the truth and see what happens.

John Loftus served as a prosecutor with the Justice Department’s Nazi-hunting unit. John Buchanan wrote “Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed,†in our last issue. - The Ed.


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I never said his grandfather wasnt a nazi. I dont really care if his grandfather was a nazi or not. Doesnt mean Bush himself is a nazi, or was doomed to be a nazi. My grandfather was one of the most racist people I had ever met. His passion was to hate black people. Does that automatically make me a racist? No, because I'm not....

Now you're just being childish with your flagrant acusations...

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Originally posted by youarehot99

I never said his grandfather wasnt a nazi. I dont really care if his grandfather was a nazi or not.

Good to see your feelings are mutual.

Doesnt mean Bush himself is a nazi, or was doomed to be a nazi.

What Bush is doing is very simular to what Hitler has done. Bush is a racist fascist and that comes from common knowledge.

Also, GW Bush won the election using funds left over from his grandfather's dealings with the Nazis.

My grandfather was one of the most racist people I had ever met. His passion was to hate black people.

Racist people suck. Sorry you had a grandfather like that.

And why did he hate black people? Did he give any reason which of course were of the inane?

Does that automatically make me a racist? No, because I'm not....

Being around a racist grandfather must have taught you alot. What hate can really do.

Now you're just being childish with your flagrant acusations...

Become a liberal and you won't be a Nazi like Bush. :D

PS>> GW Bush had links to Bin Laden's family and has knowingly done business with the Bin Laden family.

Doing business with the enemy makes you the enemy. Bush is the enemy and you are blindly supporting the enemy. Don't be the enemy because when you support the enemy you become the enemy you blindly follow.

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Originally posted by youarehot99

I never said his grandfather wasnt a nazi. I dont really care if his grandfather was a nazi or not. Doesnt mean Bush himself is a nazi, or was doomed to be a nazi. My grandfather was one of the most racist people I had ever met. His passion was to hate black people. Does that automatically make me a racist? No, because I'm not....

Being prejustice against black people and financially supporting the bloodiest dictator/tyrant of the 20th century is hardly a good comparison. I think what normalnoises is trying to do is expose the truth instead of sweeping it under the rug as it has been done for the last 50 years.

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